Two things. Not all of those these democrats are moderate. At a minimum, mushroom girl is straight up kookoo. As…
Vern, thank you, thank you, thank you for writing this spot-on critique. You get it. The worst, most toxic influence…
In other Larry related news, on 11/13/2024, the FPPC opened a case initiated on its own complaint against him and…
Queue video to 3:28:55 to see Larry’s response to being berated by the local Jewish Zionist community at the behest…
Here is another journalist not telling the whole story about the ADL when reporting on an event and quoting them.…
The mere fact that Tammy shenanigans pulled papers twice was her death knell and the former mayor of brea and…
My original report was spot on.
No good judge would allow two attorneys to argue against one. It’s called bullying. Not civil. And she ain’t OJ.
I’m not a Larry fan. The public record reflects that. Go listen to the last Irvine city council meeting. I…
robin marcario Archive
Expense Reports for the OC Water District Incumbents! Are they worth this kind of money?
Posted on October 31, 2014 | 2 Comments. . . Vern: We (Surf City Voice and the Orange Juice Blog) have been critical of many members of the Orange County Water District for several reasons: their […] -
Perfect Circularity: 405 Toll Lanes for the sole purpose of funding 405 Toll Lanes!
Posted on June 17, 2012 | 15 Comments. (E-mail ALL the OCTA Board Members by clicking HERE.) …that’s sure how it looks anyway. Just, follow me here. Since I work Thursday nights I was sadly unable to […] -
The Garden Grove City Council should appoint Robin Marcario to fill Andrew Do’s vacancy.
Posted on April 25, 2011 | 32 Comments. . First things first – All Garden Grove residents should show up to the council meeting this Tuesday night (tomorrow) at 6:30 pm – at 11222 Acacia Parkway, […] -
D’oh! There goes Do.
Posted on April 13, 2011 | 14 Comments. . . SO! Andrew Do, the Garden Grove Councilman who: has had long been the most prominent Vietnamese-American “Jannie” (adherent of Supervisor Janet Nguyen) and was her chief of […] -
Why does the Liberal OC’s Chris Prevatt keep defending Republicans and attacking Democrats?
Posted on August 9, 2009 | 77 CommentsA week ago our blogger Sean Mill broke the story that the restaurant owned by Supervisor Janet Nguyen’s husband, Tom Bonikowski-Nguyen, and her Chief of Staff, Andrew Do, had once […] -
Who set up Robin Marcario?
Posted on January 15, 2009 | 23 CommentsWho outed Robin Marcario? You might recall that she almost won against Republican Andrew Do in last year’s Garden Grove City Council election. Now Matt/Jubal Cunningham, over at the Red-faced […] -
The Shadow Knows – OC Year’s Best and Worst
Posted on November 25, 2008 | 18 Comments. . . This is the first post of the OC Shadow. My first post is a year’s best column. Feel free to comment if you agree or disagree or […] -
How did the Democrats blow it in Garden Grove?
Posted on November 14, 2008 | 5 CommentsThe Democratic Party of Orange County had a great chance to pick up a seat or two on the Garden Grove City Council. One seat was being vacated by termed […] -
Valerie Amezcua hanging on to SAUSD School Board seat by 24 votes
Posted on November 13, 2008 | 7 CommentsValerie Amezcua is hanging on to the last of three open seats on the SAUSD School Board by only 24 votes, as her closest challenger, Roman Reyna, continues to surge […] -
Orange County Election Update
Posted on November 11, 2008 | 6 CommentsIt’s getting close in the SAUSD School Board race, where the latest figures from the O.C. Voter Registrar show that Roman Reyna is now only 78 votes behind Valerie Amezcua, […] -
Andrew Do pulls ahead in Garden Grove Council race
Posted on November 10, 2008 | 7 CommentsI just checked the new numbers from the O.C. Voter Registrar of Voters – and Andrew Do, who is O.C. Supervisor Janet Nguyen’s Chief of Staff, has pulled ahead of […] -
Garden Grove voters say “no” to machine candidates!
Posted on November 5, 2008 | 1 CommentKudos to Robin Marcario, whom I endorsed, as she edged out Andrew Do, who is Supervisor Janet Nguyen’s Chief of Staff, for the Garden Grove City Council. Assemblyman Van Tran’s […] -
In Garden Grove, just say “no” to the political machines
Posted on November 2, 2008 | 4 CommentsAlas, what did the voters of Garden Grove do to deserve the ongoing war between the Van Tran and Janet Nguyen factions? Each side has recruited candidates for the Garden […]
Btw that was a fun read. Except for citing Greg. Lol!! And Tammy Shenanigans has a credibility problem. Hello.