The Shadow Knows – OC Year’s Best and Worst




This is the first post of the OC Shadow.  My first post is a year’s best column.  Feel free to comment if you agree or disagree or want to add a different point of view.

Biggest Political Defeat-  Team Van Tran’s year long losses at the polls and within the party.  First came Dina’s attempt at winning the Supervisor’s Seat. The effort was an utter and total failure.  Van’s personal appeal to the OC GOP to not endorse Janet and his ham handed letter signed by his pal Paul Lucas was rejected by the OC GOP Central Committee.  Trung’s attempt to obtain a City Council seat was also a failure.  And then Van barely beat little known Ken Arnold.  All in all Van has had a very bad year.

Biggest Victory-  After only winning her first race by three votes, Janet Nguyen’s second defeat of Team Van Tran with the help of the Anglo GOP establishment in the June Primary was most impressive.

Biggest Waste of Money-  Planned Parenthood ‘s $200,000 Farm Team Debacle.  Planned Parenthood wanted to create a farm team by electing progressive pro-choice candidates to high school school boards.  Only one of their candidates won, Dr. Kim Oahn Nguyen Lam and she was an incumbent.   Not much bang for the buck.

And runner-up.  The Orange County Central Labor Council’s and Patrick Kelly’s $60,000 IE expenditure for losing candidates Garden Grove City Council Candidates Paul Lucas and Linh Ho.  Both of these thirty somethings candidates behaved like children and ran poor campaigns while pro-labor and community activist Robin Marcario failed to get support from labor and the Democratic Party.

Best New Star-  Hard charging Deborah Gavello who started her campaign during filing period and put in the hard work to win a seat on the Tustin City Council.

Runner up awards goes to Jordan Brandman and Tim Shaw.  While not really a new candidates both should get credit for picking up the ball and running with it.  Jordan won a seat on the Anaheim Union High School Board when racist Harold Martin was dumped by the voters in Anaheim.  Another successful Sophomore attempt was Tim Shaw getting the most votes to get win and a seat on the La Habra City Council.

Best Candidate who got no help from the Party-  Bill Hedrick ran a brilliant race for the 44th Congressional District and won the Riverside portion of the district and got little or no help from the Orange County Democratic Party (Same Old, Same Old) and lost Orange County and the race to the harlot chasing Ken Calvert.

Most racist Campaign Literature-  Mimi Walter’s anti Indo-American Bollywood mailer, sent out to trash her opponent Harry Sidhu in the 34th State Senate Primary.  Great minority outreach, OC GOP.

Hamlet Award-  Should I run, Should I not,  “What should I do?” goes to former State Senator Joe Dunn.  First he was in and then suddenly he was out.  Rumors abound as to why he dropped out but it left Democrats in a lurch which brings us to,

Most Embarrassing/ Most Operatic Democratic Campaign- Hoa Van Tran for Supervisor-  After Joe Dunn dropped out the only Democrat who remained in the race (Paul Lucas paid his fee but dropped out after Democrats urged him to leave).  Hoa’s campaign had trouble from the start.  Edgardo Reynoso (Lou Correa’s Brother-In-Law) came back to OC to run a campaign replete with charges of financial irregularities, including rumors of illegal cash payments, and to my knowlege the only campaign that I can remember that had its campaign workers under indictment for murder.  Plus two women staffers claimed harassment by Mr. Reynoso.  Wow, what a mess.  By the way, Hoa lost.

Luckiest Politician-  Nut job Dana Rohrabacher was lucky he did not get swept up the Obama Wave.  Luckily for him Debbie Cook ran a lackluster and from what I hear amateurish campaign.


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