A week ago our blogger Sean Mill broke the story that the restaurant owned by Supervisor Janet Nguyen’s husband, Tom Bonikowski-Nguyen, and her Chief of Staff, Andrew Do, had once again been issued several Orange County Health violations, including two major violations.
We are still waiting for the blue hacks at the Liberal OC to even mention to their readers that Nguyen voted against restaurant health ratings and of course it comes as no surprise that they are not going to let their readers know about these latest violations, even though Liberal OC editor Chris Prevatt works for the Orange County Health Department.
Instead, Prevatt is attacking Mill for going after these foul Republicans! Prevatt wrote this comment ripping Mill in a recent post:
As the “community blogger” who first raised the question of Van Tran’s involvement in this matter, I do appreciate Deepa at the Register getting the answers to some of those questions.
I now get to ask the next question of one of the “community bloggers” who came to the valiant defense of Councilman Quach and Assemblyman Tran. This particular blogger, a Democrat and Santa Ana Planning Commissioner appointed by Sal Tinajero suggested that Quach’s intoxicated driving was somehow less of a threat to public safety than health code violations at a Lee’s Sandwich shop.
Sean Mill, why again are you standing up for a drunk driving councilman and his investigation obstructing mentor Van Tran? Where is your outrage over the people who served so much alcohol to Quach that he couldn’t get a quarter of a mile down the road? How can someone with such questionable judgment as you sit in judgement over conditional use permits in Santa Ana? Your lack of good judgment reflects poorly not just on you, but also on Councilman Sal Tinajero.
Not that you have the integrity of character to do so, but you should resign immediately from the Santa Ana Planning Commission. You should do so for the good of the people of Santa Ana, and your friend Sal Tinajero.
Don’t drag him down into the same pit of slime in which you dwell.
Where do I even start with this libelous stew? Mill DID NOT defend Quach – that is a total lie. What Mill did was illustrate to our readers the fact that BOTH the Trannies AND the Jannies are a threat to public health. Quach had a blood alcohol level of .26, allegedly, when he crashed last Saturday night. But the restaurant owned by Janet Nguyen’s husband and Chief of Staff has had almost 40 health violations! Thousands of people die of food poisoning every year in this country – no wonder Janet voted against restaurant health ratings!
But Prevatt does not care if anyone dies after eating at Tom and Andrew’s restaurant, which is a Lees Sandwiches franchise in Stanton. Prevatt simply continues to give free passes to Janet – and that is becuase he is a JANNIE through and through.
Now you have to wonder, why would Prevatt, a supposedly liberal Democrat, be interested in defending Janet Nguyen? She has proven to be anything but a moderate. She voted to deny funding to important health programs for women, run by Planned Parenthood. Prevatt NEVER mentioned this at all on his blog!
Janet voted to spend money on new furniture for her office and she also supported remodeling the County lobby at her office, while the Supervisors were laying off Prevatt’s fellow county workers!
And now Janet is threatening to run against Democratic State Senator Lou Correa, according to my sources. I wonder if Prevatt will even support Correa? I doubt it!
Mill is not the bad guy – Janet’s husband and her chief of staff are – but not in Prevatt’s world. It apparently does not matter to Prevatt that Janet’s Chief of Staff, Andrew Do, defeated Democrat Robin Marcario last year for the Garden Grove City Council. There are rumors that Do STILL does not even live in Garden Grove, but you sure as hell won’t read about that at the Liberal OC!
And Janet got her hubby, Tom, appointed to the Garden Grove Planning Commission. Here then is the BIGGEST irony. Prevatt is calling on Mill to resign from the Santa Ana Planning Commission because he exposed the fact that Tom’s restaurant keeps racking up health violations. But shouldn’t Prevatt be going after REPUBLICAN Tom Bonkowski-Nguyen, who was put on the Garden Grove Planning Commission even though he runs a restaurant that keeps getting health violations?
Prevatt also went after me last year when I ran for the Santa Ana City Council, even though I was endorsed by Planned Parenthood and ECCO. He helped to reelect REPUBLICAN Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante, who was himself forced to resign from two state commissions last year after he made comments about Sheriff Hutchens that constituted harassment!
Prevatt in fact joined his fellow Republican loving blogger, Dan Chmielenski, in supporting a hit piece against me last year that was designed by Red County blogger Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham, and funded by Republicans including Mike Schroeder, a bunch of Trannies, and Judy Ware!
Prevatt also recently banned fellow Democrat Paul Lucas from commenting on his sinking blog. But Prevatt is always thrilled when Jerbal shows up at his blog, even though Jerbal works every day to take out Democrats, except of course for Tom Daly, who is another Prevatt favorite. All Lucas did was go after Janet – and he was right!!!!!
Why does Prevatt call his blog the Liberal OC? Shouldn’t he call it the Jannie OC? Or better yet, given that Prevatt DOESN’T EVEN LIVE HERE, shouldn’t he call it the Jannie Long Beach?
Who cares? That is irrelevant.
Why is Prevatt shilling for Janet Nguyen? Why does he use his supposedly liberal blog to attack fellow Democrats while supporting Republicans like Nguyen?
Answer the questions or go away.
Crusader, AKA janet Nguyen staffer or Phil Becerra or Chris Prevatt,
how did chris get the 911 and ispatch tapes? Are you going to tell me he didnt have help from janet nguyens office to get them?
Stick to the point? All I did was respond to comments you and Art made. If you think that mailer is “beside the point” then you shouldn’t have brought it up.
Crusader will not answer the question because a truthful answer demonstrates the hypocrisy in the attacks against Lucas and myself.
None of these DPOC Janny’s will ever give you a straight answer as to what upsets them so about these challenges to Janet, for if they did they would expose themselves.
There logic behind the attacks on Lucas and I is faulty. The truth is that they are more loyal to Janet than the are the party and fellow Democrats.
“Answer the questions or go away.”
Uh-oh, here comes the Art Pedroza censorship hammer.
What is relevant is that Prevatt got in bed with Jerbal, Mike Schroeder and a host of Trannies, as well as Judy Ware, in putting out that hit piece.
Prevatt slams Lucas for getting in bed with Van Tran – but look at who Prevatt got caught with!
As for censorship, your comments have been posted here, so what are you talking about?
Now answer the questions – why is Prevatt shilling for Janet Nguyen? Why is he slamming fellow Democrats while supporting Republicans?
Does Mike Lawson know what Prevatt has done to his blog?
you guys notice how crusader cannot answer my question? can we safely assume prevatt had help from janet to get the tapes?
Crusader won’t answer the question.
Why is that?
Why do these Janny’s feel they are above reproach?
The truth shall set you free, but the truth is something foreign to the Janny brigades.
Apparently word is that Tom Bonikouski-Nguyen is using Phil Becerra as the conduit to get information and material to Chris Prevatt. This is pretty embarrassing to the DPOC that they have been infiltrated by the GOP in the form of Count Chocula who has glamoure Chris Prevatt into doing janet nguyens dirty work for her.
“You are continuing to evade the point of this post – Prevatt is a shill for Republican Supervisor Janet Nguyen.”
You think Prevatt is a shill for Janet. So what? that’s only your opinion. I don’t happen agree with you.
“I am going to ignore your attempts to change the subject.”
Like I said to Sean, you guys brought the mailer into the comment thread, not me. If you don’t want anyone to talk about it, then you shouldn’t have brought it up.
“The fact that I am a Libertarian is immaterial.”
No more immaterial than Prevatt’s Democratic registration. You’re always urging GOP readers to register Libertarian, and yet you support liberal Democrats.
I see. Since I won’t go along with you trying to change the subject, I’m a “Janny.” Calling people names is a sign of a weak argument.
“how did chris get the 911 and ispatch tapes? Are you going to tell me he didnt have help from janet nguyens office to get them?”
How should I know?
“The truth is that they are more loyal to Janet than the are the party and fellow Democrats.”
So, the blog that’s always criticizing people for being party hacks is now criticizing people for NOT being party hacks.
Got it.
How should I know?
The same way you have intimate knowledge of chris prevatts job his department and lay off status at the county
Crusader, AKA Lucasbut, AKA phil Becerra, or Chris Prevatt,
Are you trying to tell us that Chris Prevatt is not an ally of janet nguyen?
As a Democrat, I will not help someone who is either a Jannie or Trannie, which in the case of Paul, he is both. There are true Democrats in the county I will volunteer for and give money. Paul is not one of them.
Speaking of the Jannies it is time that someone starts looking into where Santa Ana ETAC Commissioner Claudio Gallegos actually resides. All members of ETAC must be registered voters residing in Santa Ana.
Does Gallegos still live in Santa Ana? Or did he move into his parents Garden Grove home?
Call the city council offices at 714-647-6900 and tell them you want them to investigate Gallegos. Better yet email Mayor Pro Tem Alvarez at calvarez@santa-ana.org and let her know about Gallegos potentially failing to meet the proper residency requirements necessary for a city commissioner. I am sure she’ll be more than happy to investigate.
I wonder how Nativo Lopez feels about fraudio getting a free pass while he faces jail time. Should we call Debby Bowens office about Fraudio?
Hey Art! Haven’t you caught on yet?
“Crusader” is our old buddy Jerbal Cunningham. I recognize the mindless, jerk-off repetitions and evasions that just wear you down until you just quit. Even the name is a giveaway. If he ain’t Cunningham he sure does an amazing imitation!
I should have known! Typical – Prevatt and Jerbal are often in cahoots…
“The same way you have intimate knowledge of chris prevatts job his department and lay off status at the county”
What intimate knowledge? I haven’t said anything about those things. You are confused.
Ask Art and Sean to back up something they wrote and it makes you a Jannie, Phil Bacerra, Chris Prevatt or Matt Cunningham. Got it.
Sorry I have to repeat myself, but all I did was respond to something SEAN AND ART SAID. Too bad you guys can’t answer a simple question.
Yet you still can’t tell us why Prevatt is shilling for Republican Janet Nguyen…
Nice how you guys try to shut people up by accusing them of being people they aren’t.
But I can’t tell you “why” Prevatt “shills” for Janet becaause I don’t agree with you that he does.
Why don’t you tell us “why” you “shill” for Lou Correa?
Seems adrian asked Prevatt on TheLiberalOC how he got the 911 tapes. If you want to know the answer,you may wan’t to look there.
Art and Sean, do you have evidence that Prevatt contributed to the “hit piece” on Art, or are you making stuff up again?
You keep saying that Prevatt is a shill for Janet Nguyen. His pointing out that your issue with the Health Department rating system is a non-issue, and not a conflict for Nguyen is not shilling, it is fact. Prevatt has slammed Nguyen on numerous occasions. Are you suggesting that if he doesn’t slam her individually for every vote she makes that goes along with the rest of the Board that he is a shill for her and her only?
Mr But #75
can you show us exactly where Chris Prevatt “SLAMMED” janet Nguyen on anything during her first BOS campaign and or after?