Bingo. He was indeed. You were not.
I think part of the problem here is the issue has become so hyperpolarized that when liberals hear "hey why…
The world is on fire and you’re whining about policy Go fuck yourselves Zero exposure except for your bullshit addresses…
Good to see some fair and impartial reporting here! HA HA HA!!!! What a hit piece on everyone who's conservative,…
Saavedra reports about another wrinkle to the OC Covid contractor situation. I won’t pay to get begins the OC rag’s…
H. W.’s my little brown ones reprise.
Kwanza is cultural and racial misappropriation. Name one African country where it’s celebrated. Kwanzaa is Angolan currency or spelled Cuanza…
The pink turd deserves Bob. They can race to the bottom.
Bob, Bob, Bob. This angry MAGA gasbag has completely taken over the Liberal OC's comments section, though we pretty much…
Paul Ryan Archive
Weekend Open Thread: Vern’s March Letter to Anaheim Democrats
Posted on March 25, 2017 | 8 Comments. . . Like I already told you once, I’ve somehow become the Vice President of the Anaheim Democratic Club, and my main responsibility is writing a newsletter each month. […] -
Romney and Ryan —100% Pure Evil
Posted on September 18, 2012 | 33 CommentsReprinted in its entirety, with permission from Eddie’s Corner, the blog of Eddie Rose at The Republican candidates for President and Vice-President of the United States typify the […] -
Rage From the Machine: An Astrological Analysis of Vice-Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan.
Posted on August 23, 2012 | 46 Comments. “Don’t mistake me, I clearly see that Ryan has a whole lotta RAGE in him: A rage against women, a rage against immigrants, a rage against workers, a rage […] -
It’s the Budget Munster! Weekend Open Thread on Mitt’s Veep Pick and Whatnot…
Posted on August 11, 2012 | 85 Comments. I wake up Saturday morning and Republican presidential nominee Slick Willard has picked his running mate: Wisconsin Congressman and rightwing budget guru Paul Ryan, whom the Stephanie Miller Show […] -
Mr. Vice President… for duty!
Posted on August 11, 2012 | 11 Comments. Paul Ryan, Congressman from Wisconsin has been chosen by Mitt Romney as his Vice-Presidential Candidate offering for the 2012 Election. Mitt had plenty of choices to choose from. Mitt […] -
Republican Fun with the Third Rail!
Posted on May 30, 2011 | 5 CommentsOuch. Didn’t your mother always tell you, “Never pee on the third rail, son?” (She didn’t say that to the girls so much.) And yet, the Republican Party, driven by […] -
All Hail John Campbell – OC’s own anti-Medicare Prophet, a man ahead of his time!
Posted on April 6, 2011 | 6 Comments. . . Now that the Republican Party has definitively come out for abolishing Medicare (they call it “phasing it out”) I’m thinking we need to give more credit to […] -
Van Tran adopted by national GOP’s “Young Guns.” Loretta tosses back head and laughs.
Posted on September 16, 2010 | 10 Comments. . . Did you all catch this hilarious video a couple weeks ago, announcing the Republican Party’s “Young Guns?” Feel the uplift, the sheer youthiness! The punchline of course… […]
Isn't Chuck Johnson what Lorena Bobbitt did?