Town Halls on the Future of Healthcare in California



The proposed American Health Care Act, the Paul Ryan’s plan to repeal and replace the ACA/Obamacare has drawn a broad disapproval after the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its analysis of the plan.  If it passes:

  • 14 million fewer people would have health insurance next year than they do under Obamacare.
  • The plan would leave 24 million additional people without health insurance by 2026, compared to current law. That would leave 52 million people without insurance by 2026.
  • The bill would make a small dent in the federal deficit, reducing it by a total of $337 billion over 10 years.
  • The budget savings come by reducing benefits to the poor, including a projected $880 billion in cuts to Medicaid.

Even South County’s Republican Congressman Darrell Issa has strong reservations according to this article:

Though Issa said the Affordable Care Act is not affordable, he said that some provisions should remain intact, such as children staying on their parents’ health care plan through age 26. He said mental illnesses should be covered, and that he would fight against what has been described as an age tax, charging older Americans more for health care, “with every bone in my body.”

Join our Town Halls on the Future of Healthcare in CA!

The Healthy California campaign is holding town halls to promote guaranteed healthcare for all Californians: ” Our healthcare is under attack and as the current administration in DC moves forward to dismantle critical healthcare protections – California is ready to show another path is possible. The Healthy California Act, SB 562 (Lara & Atkins), allows us to go on offense by guaranteeing healthcare to all in California!

Join community members at our Town Halls on the Future of Healthcare in California to learn more about our current healthcare crisis and our proposed solution: the Healthy California Act. You’ll hear from nurses, doctors, as well as business, labor, youth and community – and we want to hear from you!

Check below for the Healthcare Town Hall near you – and join our Healthy California email list to learn more and get involved in our statewide campaign to guarantee healthcare for ALL in the Golden State.”

Saturday, March 18th

Fullerton Town Hall
: 10AM – Noon, Hilltop Banquet Center
1400 Elks View Lane Fullerton, CA 92836

Sunday, March 26th

Healthcare is a Human Right – March & Rally: 11AM – Assemble at Pershing Square,
532 S. Olive St, Los Angeles, CA 90013 – March, then Rally at City Hall until 2PM


UPDATE: Sunday, March 19, 2017, 5:00 PM-7:00 PM at the OCCUU Church, 2845 Mesa Verde Dr East, Costa Mesa : NOW IS THE TIME documentary on what a single payer healthcare is, how it saves money, and what behind-the-scenes advocates are doing to clear the fog of misperception that keeps us from moving forward.

  • One of the actions we can take is to Call our California State Senators ASAP and ask that they support SB 562. The bill will have the first hearing in the Senate Health Committee in the coming weeks.
  • Please urge them to publicly support #SB562 for #SinglePayerNow!! We can pave the way for American #HealthcareJustice w/ #MedicareForAll!
  • Senator Josh Newman, Dist.29
  • email:
  • phone: (714) 671-9474
  • Address: 1800 Lambert Rd, Ste.150, Brea CA 92821
  • Facebook: #SB562#HealthyCA and tag @Campaign ForAHealthyCalifornia)
  • Twitter: @SenatorNewmanCA (use #SB562 & tag @4HealthyCA)

About Ricardo Toro

Anaheim resident for several decades. In addition to political blogging, another area of interest is providing habitats for the Monarch butterfly.