Hey independents! Just offhand, which of these two major Parties are you more inclined to support? I mean, granted all humans and groups of humans will eventually disappoint us, but which of these Parties sounds like the one you’d be generally more inclined to feel comfortable with?
- The Party that let 9/11 happen, and then used it as an excuse to do everything they’d been wanting to do for many years, from the unprovoked 3-trillion-dollar invasion and occupation of a country that had nothing to do with it to the institutionalization of American torture, unlimited government surveillance, and the Patriot Act? And meanwhile let Osama Bin Laden get away?
- Or the Party that nailed Osama Bin Laden? While also drastically drawing down our troops in Iraq just as promised, and helping in any way we can with the Arab world’s exciting wave of democratic revolutions?
- The Party whose financial plan for the next ten years will add SIX TRILLION to the national debt, while ending Medicare so that those of us who turn 65 in 2021 will have to try to get private insurance, and also cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires to levels as low as they were in the roaring 1920’s?
- Or the Party who created Medicare and Social Security and is hellbent on defending them even if that means a few minor tweaks, and is willing to do what should have been done many years ago to get our financial house back in order – get the tax rates on the wealthy back up to where they were under Clinton, eliminate the insane subsidies to the outlandishly profitable oil companies, and start cutting that sacred cow the defense budget? (Actually it’s only the Progressive Budget that really balances the budget by 2021 – you should check it out here.)
- The Party whose priorities nationwide this year are defunding Planned Parenthood and National Public Radio, ending the rights of workers to bargain collectively, and making it ever more difficult for Americans to vote?
- Or the Party whose priorities nationwide can fairly be described as getting Americans back to work while creating a new, sustainable, environmentally friendly infrastructure for a thriving American 21st century?
- When it comes to California: The Party that goes to the mat for wasteful, corrupt Redevelopment Agencies while refusing to allow YOU to vote on whether or not you’d like to extend the modest taxes we’ve been paying for five more years in order to avoid further draconian cuts to our education and public safety – I’m talking about the “lawmakers” who do nothing but say NO and sit on their hands collecting their paychecks and pats on the back from Jon Fleischman and John & Ken…
- Or the Party that is working every day to balance our budget with an even mix of cuts and revenues, just as we Californians want, even to the point of angering their loyal Labor base by grappling with the urgent matter of pension reform (with no help from the other side of the aisle?)
Well, while you’re mulling all of that over, sit back and enjoy the truly admirable animal sounds made by Mel from New Zealand:
Vern, the massive debt and the Wars Of Futility were fully supported by the Dems. The ARRA debt is Democrat creation.
The Wars of Futility were not “fully” supported by the Democrats. Just by enough of them to tip the scales. The lion’s share of opposition to them was on the Dem side, and us progressives are always trying to make that grow.
As far as the ARRA debt (that’s redevelopment, right?) that may be historically true, but I’m talking about NOW. It’s the Sacramento Republicans except Norby that are clinging to them.
How ’bout those animal sounds?
Just enough of them? Are you kidding. The Dem chickenhawks were falling all over themselves to out chickenhawk the repuglican chickenhawks! It was never a close call.
P.S. Redevelopment debt is at least secured by future property tax increment. ARRA debt is secured by future generations’ blood, sweat and tears – so that grandpa could get some make-work Obama bucks.
“Or the Party that nailed Osama Bin Laden? While also drastically drawing down our troops in Iraq just as promised, and helping in any way we can with the Arab world’s exciting wave of democratic revolutions?”
The U.S. is engaging in counterrevolution against the Arab Spring with Saudi Arabia and Israel.
I can also list the following that had major support from both parties:
The War on Drugs in 1971
The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937
The creation of the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Office of the Drug Czar. The latter was a term coined by our current Vice President and High Chief Drug Warrior: G.I. Joe Biden.
The refusal to stop medical marijuana raids in states where medical marijuana is legal.
The passage of the Patriot Act. (with the sole exception of Russ Feingold’s dissenting vote) And the subsequent refusals to repeal it along with FISA when there was a Democratic majority in both houses of Congress.
Putting on my Native hat, I could go all Russell Means here with a list of broken treaties with the American Indians, the forced removal/eminent domain from our homelands to reservations, et al. For the sake of brevity, I will list two.
The refusal of Presidents Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II and Obama to pardon Leonard Peltier for his “crimes.” (the bullets did not match the gun)
President Carter’s refusal in 1978 to meet with tribal leaders during The Longest Walk to discuss concerns about 11 pieces of anti-Indian legislation that would have either abolished or altered previous treaties regarding Native land and water rights. We knew Nixon didn’t give a rat’s azz about us (as evident in the 1973 Wounded Knee siege), but Carter solicited Native votes during his 1976 campaign and his refusal to acknowledge our concerns and speak with our people showed us how much of a “advocate” for human rights he was.
Where the hell is the resident pain in the ass Duane Roberts? He’s always good for needling the establishment and both parties.