
Paul Ryan, Congressman from Wisconsin has been chosen by Mitt Romney as his Vice-Presidential Candidate offering for the 2012 Election. Mitt had plenty of choices to choose from. Mitt could have asked fellow Mormon Harry Reid (although he is a Democrat) or even the mad hatter Michelle Bachmann herself, but no Mitt went with the cheese eater himself – Paul Ryan. Now don’t get us wrong – Paul is the optimum All-American boy. He lost his mom early in his life, had no “silver spoon” to ease his way into a fortuitous future – unlike his well heeled running mate, Mitt Romney. Paul did it the hard way – through politics.
As one of the bright young stars of the Republican party Paul was tabbed early to deal with the pesky Budget. When tough times came – Paul voted for TARP. Hardly a method to find or save Trillions and Trillions and Trillions dollars – the Republican way. Cut social programs, limit those testy taxes for the rich, make sure that the military budget and Agricultural subsidies and pump Ethanol supports stay in place and make sure that Democrats get no credit – EVER! Paul seems to be the perfect running mate for Mitt. Mitt can put his assigned “Pit Bull” out front and Mitt can lay back and be Mr. Nice Guy! How will Paul deal with RomneyCare? How will he deal with the constant Mitt flip flopping – which we are sure will not stop any time soon?
The following is a list of some pretty impressive folks who have run for Vice President:
As everyone can tell – this is just a partial list of past Vice Presidential hopefuls.
Estes Kefauver, John Sparkman, Ed Muskie, Sargent Shriver, Walter Mondale, Geraldine Ferrraro, Llyod Bentsen, Joe Lieberman, John Edwards
Earl Warren, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., William Miller, Bob Dole, Dan Quayle, Jack Kemp, Sarah Palin and Frank Knox, Charles McNary & John Bricker
As you might recognize – all these folks lost in the General Election!
There is also a long list of folks that almost made to through the VP selection process, but fell out at the last minute. Conventional wisdom for many years was to seek a Vice Presidential Candidate that would reflect another major base constituency that was in fact nothing like that of the President, to draw in a broader and wider voter base. When Ronald Reagan had to pick George H.W. Bush (Bush the Elder)…many in the Republican Party were rather concerned. “Bush the Elder” was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, The Bilderbergers and of course had been a CIA Director under a different Administration. When Richard M. Nixon chose Spiro Agnew, this was to appease base social conservatives…even though Agnew came out of the eastern establishment. However, when Gerald Ford chose the super liberal Nelson Rockefeller from the ultra moderate “Earl Warren Wing of the Republican Party”…..truly it became a “kiss of death” for any Ford re-election chance. Who was Jimmy Carter’s VP again? Oh that’s right…Mondale! Walt, even got elected with Jimmyu the first time….but what good did he ever do?
The point remains that Vice Presidential picks can certainly either help, harm. or make no difference to the ticket of choice. President Obama was lucky enough to choose Joe Biden; with a great family, a history of service to the country and a great knowledge of foreign policy. Biden has been a true net plus plus for the current Administration. It will be very interesting to see how the Ryan pick will impact Romney’s run for office. Mitt could have picked anyone – but he chose Paul Ryan. Now, as Mitt Romney might say: “Let’s see how this pencil’s out!”
Mr. Vice President…..report for duty! Biden or Ryan? Let the debates begin! This might be the highlight of the entire election. It will be the old bull going against the young bull and it might just be more fun to watch than even……..Obama/Romney!
Question: Ron & Anna: What’s a Democrate????
I have been told you can tell if a person is lying by looking at the eyes. Paul Ryan is lying.
cj – you are too quick to read our stuff….take another look….that mystic “e” has disappeared. We also said cheese eater….when we meant “Cheese Head”…..hee, hee.
So in other words you are inaccurate.
Ron is inaccurate because he is well medicated.
For more examples of his hallucinations, see Anonster’s post below.
Cheese eater…cheese head. He’s rich, no he’s poor. Mom’s dead…oh dad’s dead…who cares?
Tee hee! Whee!
And the other patients complain that he always hogs the computer.
” Paul is the optimum All-American boy. He lost his mom early in his life, had no “silver spoon” to ease his way into a fortuitous future – unlike his well heeled running mate, Mitt Romney. Paul did it the hard way – through politics.”
Uh, you know you might want to CHECK YOUR FACTS BEFORE YOU POST.
Paul Ryan lost his DAD at 16 and his family was WELL TO DO.
From Wikipedia;
Ryan was born and raised in Janesville, Wisconsin, the youngest of four children of Elizabeth A. “Betty” (née Hutter) and Paul Murray Ryan, a lawyer. He is a fifth generation Wisconsinite.His father was of Irish ancestry and his mother is of German and some English descent. His great-grandfather, Patrick William Ryan (1858–1917), founded the Ryan Incorporated Central construction business in 1884. Ryan’s grandfather was appointed U.S. Attorney for Western Wisconsin by President Calvin Coolidge.
While growing up, Ryan and his family often went on hiking and skiing trips in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Since Ryan shares his first name with his father, he was given the nickname, “P.D.” (for Paul Davis), but it was often mistaken for “Petey”, which Ryan disliked. When Ryan was 16, his father died of a heart attack in bed and Ryan found him there. According to Ryan, his father, grandfather and great-grandfather all died from heart attacks at ages 55, 57, and 59 respectively, inspiring his later interest in health and exercise. After his father’s death, Ryan’s grandmother, who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease, moved in with his family and he helped care for her. His father’s death provided Ryan with Social Security benefits until his 18th birthday, which he saved to pay for his education at Miami University of Ohio.
*We only know what they tell us on CNN.
Didn’t you mean to say Fox News?
anon – NO….dude….that is YOU…..you Hannity, Arkansas Governor Loving guy…..YOU!
*By the way….Demo-gogue is actually pretty close on target this time. Just goes to show that even a broken clock is right twice a day. Demo-gogue has Medicare Part D folks so try not to pay much attention to his drug and medication references.
Cutting to the chase……the debates in October are bound to be spellbinding!
Maybe you’ll recall who’s in the debates.
Maybe you’ll figure out what that reply button does.
*We don’t do Blah…blah…blah…..!