Damn those mean Democrats! And you stupid Americans were no help either. But it was mostly that hotshot, terrorist-killing President Obama who punked us by “excoriating” our great plan for ending Medicare, as Majority Leader Cantor put it.
Did I say “ending Medicare?” Sorry, I meant to say “saving it.” For I know it’s hard for most of you dumb rubes to get your heads around, but if we learned ANYTHING from our long expensive experience in Vietnam, it is that if you really want to SAVE something – say, a village, or a beloved social program – it can be necessary to DESTROY it.
And hence our brilliant plan for Medicare – replacing what was a program to cover all your healthcare needs once you turn 65, with a plan to give you vouchers so that you can go out and shop around for any private insurance company who might want to cover you – surely the American way!
The good news would be: #1 – this would have freed up money for us to cut taxes EVEN MORE for our millionaire and billionaire friends I mean, the “Job Creators,” and #2, we’ll still call it “Medicare” so how dead can it really be?
But thanks to the SCARE TACTICS of the Democrats and that bully Obama, 78% of you now oppose our ingenious plan. What really hurts is that includes the majority of you Republicans and even self-described Tea Partiers. Hey – we’re just trying to do what you elected us to do, and this is the gratitude we get? Why do we even bother.
Another thing – how is it none of you folks OVER 55 seemed to get the message that this would ONLY affect the people UNDER 55? What is with you, you actually care about what happens to those spoiled bastards? What, do you really know someone that young or something? What happened to your famous, boundless sense of self-interest? What kind of Republicans or Tea Partiers are you anyway? Didn’t you watch “Atlas Shrugged” last month? And why didn’t you? That’s something else I’m pretty pissed off about, now that you remind me – pearls before swine, that movie was.
NOW, with the destruction of Medicare nixed, our GOP budget doesn’t even come CLOSE to reducing the deficit. Poor, poor, courageous doe-eyed Paul Ryan,after having to put up with all that abuse from his own Wisconsin constituents, and ridicule from that bully in the White House, is now stuck with a turkey of a document worthy only of being fed head-first into a wood chipper.
Moving forward from here
Listen now, you sensible people out there, if there are any of you left, if you want us to EVER be able to do great things like killing Medicare, privatizing Social Security, and lowering the tax rates for the rich down to Herbert Hoover levels, you are going to need to help us get the Senate and the Presidency next year. I feel for you poor Republicans out there in crazy blue California; I’m fully aware of how tough it’ll be to get rid of Feinstein or Boxer, or convince your fellow Californians to support Donald Trump or Mitt Romney.
But at least you in Orange County can take pride in the courage of your Congressmen Rohrabacher, Royce, Miller, Calvert for boldly taking such an unpopular stand. You South Countiers should be especially proud of John Campbell who’s been talking about “discontinuing Medicare” long before almost anyone else. And you should actually click on the following links to personally thank your own representatives for daring to assault such a beloved program:
If, God forbid, any of these fine Americans are defeated next year, I’m just going to give up hope on this country. But I will try to help out by regularly reminding all of you for the foreseeable future: All OC Republican Congressmen voted to destroy Medicare!!!
You’re Bastard People…….waaa wwaaaa waaaaahhhh!!!!
FYI, I am 65 and on medicare.
It is fraud and mandatory bad insurance.
If i will opt out they will increase my premiums 10% per year.
So if I want to join at 75 I must pay 100% more.
Nice……. Huh?
Soon you all will get taste of this mandatory Obama care.
Lets kill it Now!
Well! You’ve been sensible and correct on everything else, so.. let’s do it!
Vern, I am fairly healthy so I never had any health insurance in my life and I payed for doctors, as needed, out of packet. Usually about $200-$300 per year. Insurance would be about $10,000.
Now when I am old and have limited income I am forced to pay about $5,000 per year.
So it is mandatory at 65 yet social security starts at 66 and all of it will go for madicare.
So with taxes we pay (higher thane any socialist country) where is my socialism?.
I must work for rest of my life.
I do not get any benefits from this government!!!!
I guess I must join some union.
Where does one start in the face of SO MUCH HYPOCRISY?
Stanislav who hates socialism wants his “benefits”, waaaaahhhh!!!!!
“Vern, I am fairly healthy so I never had any health insurance in my life and I payed for doctors, as needed, out of packet. Usually about $200-$300 per year. Insurance would be about $10,000.”
What do you think insurance means idiot?
I pay for home owners insurance every year without making a claim, ditto car,life, medical, it’s a bet against disaster. Yeah OLD MAN, health insurance for the elderly IS expensive,OLD PEOPLE ARE A BAD BET, that’s why medicare came about in the first place, because insurance agencies LOST MONEY on OLD PEOPLE and they didn’t want to insure them, so the government took them on.
“Now it is mandatory at 65 yet social security starts at 66 and all of it will go for madicare.”
You freaking BOLSHEVIK!!!!!! WHY will you be taking Social Security at all and why are you on Medicare??????????
WHY should other hard working americans PAY for you to sit on your old fat ass??????
Poor, poor Stanislav, get back to work you LAZY DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“So with taxes we pay (higher thane any socialist country) where is my socialism?.”
“I must work for rest of my life.”
Good, you don’t want others to have ANY socialist benefits, why should you?
“I do not get any benefits from this government!!!!”
You hate socialism, why would you even want any benefits from the government?
“I guess I must join some union.”
That would mean you’d actually have to WORK, something that a lazy, whiner like you would NEVER DO!!!!!!!
Classic . . . I love that response!
Nice try unknown idiot!
Point is you dullard, that there is a difference between the mandate and free choice.
Even the GOD gives you free choice but Obama does not.
So finally we have a Black GOD!
I am calling for benefits of socialism only because I was forced and extorted to pay for it!……. So I want it.
Otherwise I do not gave a shit!
FYI, you unknown moron mongoloids, I was paying for 40 years the SSI with promise that at age 65 I will get it back.
They broke the promise to shift it to 66…… how would you like if your bank would do that to you?
What private insurance is mandatory with 10% annual penalty?
It is my many not yours you two idiots.
If I could invest it in private sector instead the government SSI, I would be a millionaire now.
But you DO give a shit,LIAR.
“FYI, I am 65 and on medicare.
It is fraud and mandatory bad insurance.
If i will opt out they will increase my premiums 10% per year.
So if I want to join at 75 I must pay 100% more.”
Why do you think that is idiot? Do you think that insurance companies would insure you at 75? Then why should the government?
The payments made by the healthy defray the costs of the sick, the payments you make between 65 and 75 (if you stay healthy, otherwise your a total loss) defray the costs of your care after 75.
You are just a typical freeloader,wanting something for nothing.
How dare you complain about socialism,when you’ve got your hand out.
Stop whining and complaining and pay your FAIR SHARE.
How many times I have to repeat that it is my money which I was forced to deposit into government’s hands and now they do not want to gave it back.
“You are just a typical freeloader, wanting something for nothing.”……….. Hmmm
Obviously you do not understand social securty deposits. It is not a tax it is deposit in a private account with number called SSN.
So according to your Leftist brains, when you go to your bank to withdraw your savings after 40 year of deposits they should tell you: “get lost you freeloader.”?
That is a clear reason why the SSA and medicare should be dissolved because the Government ran by socialists will not pay back your savings.
Liberal-Leftists-Socialists-Democrats are liars.
“Obviously you do not understand social securty deposits. It is not a tax it is deposit in a private account with number called SSN.”
FYI idiot:
Confusion, or misrepresentation of the nature of Social Security has often muddied debate over the program. The payroll taxes collected for Social Security are neither simply “taxes” nor do they create “retirement accounts” analogous to investment accounts such as IRAs.
Social Security is an insurance program funded through payroll taxes. The FICA taxes constitute insurance premiums protecting workers and covered family members against loss of income from the wage earner’s retirement, loss of income from the wage earner’s disability, as well as survivor benefits in the event of the wage earners death.
Hence it is incorrect to compare the return on Social Security contributions with the return on private investment instruments. It is, however, legitimate to compare the return on the “risk pool of funds” garnered by this government-run insurance program with the return on the “risk pool of funds” garnered by a for-profit commercial insurance company.
Like any insurance program, Social Security “spreads risk”. For example, a worker who becomes disabled in their thirties or forties could receive a huge return for the relatively small amount they contributed in FICA before becoming disabled, since disability benefits can continue for life. Likewise, the surviving family of a worker who dies in mid-life may receive substantial benefits even though the worker has only contributed for a relatively short time.
This is similar to any other insurance program, public or private, whether the risk is against illness, car wrecks, or house fires. Everyone in the particular insurance pool is insured against the same risks, but not everyone will benefit to the same extent.
(From Wikipedia)
Same as Dr. Amalgam you too are using Wikipedia as a reference so you too must be affirmative action educated.
If you want to know about SSI you must go directly to bill sign by Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
If there is any discrepancy between that bill and today’s interpretation it is the prove that you can’t trust the government and can interpolate what will happen with the Obama care after you pay 40 years into it.
Please make note of it you moron mongoloid.
Well said Vern, we can hope that there are reasonable Independents and Republicans out there that will see the Republican effort for what it is. Perhaps we should start looking at all the Republicans that are up for replacement in the next election cycle so that we don’t waste impeachment or recall efforts on that low hanging fruit. The remainder of the Fat Pack that seeks only to represent billionaires and their corporations can be picked off as they inevitably overreach and abuse their power. ;~{o>