A Double Standard on Reporting Domestic Violence Arrests in Fullerton




Manuel Ramos portrait by John Sollom;  Chris Norby at Harbor-Orangethorpe Starbucks.

Manuel Ramos portrait by John Sollom; Chris Norby at Harbor-Orangethorpe Starbucks.

Can you find the arrest of Manuel Ramos, who helped beat Kelly Thomas to death, on this Fullerton Tribune map?

Can you find the arrest of Manuel Ramos on this Fullerton Tribune map?

Why did it take three weeks for the press to catch up with the arrest of former Fullerton cop Manuel Ramos on domestic violence charges, but only a day to report the 2014 arrest of Chris Norby?

Former Fullerton Police Officer Manuel Ramos, who was tried and acquitted for second degree murder in the 2011 beating death of Kelly Thomas, was arrested on a misdemeanor charge of domestic violence three weeks ago, but no news circulated about it until late this week. Police were called to an address on W. Oak Ave. in Fullerton to investigate a disturbance on July 16…


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About Fullerton Rag

Stories cross-posted from "The Fullerton Rag" are generally written by Green and good-government activist Matt Leslie.