H. W.’s my little brown ones reprise. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1988-08-17-mn-655-story.html
Kwanza is cultural and racial misappropriation. Name one African country where it’s celebrated. Kwanzaa is Angolan currency or spelled Cuanza…
The pink turd deserves Bob. They can race to the bottom.
Bob, Bob, Bob. This angry MAGA gasbag has completely taken over the Liberal OC's comments section, though we pretty much…
ACLU and immigration attorneys voice concern. https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/aclu-responds-to-house-passage-of-h-r-29-the-laken-riley-act https://www.latintimes.com/immigration-lawyers-raise-concerns-about-laken-riley-act-could-disproportionately-affect-571694 Azerbaijani foreign agent at odds with fellow Texas Democrats over bill. https://riograndeguardian.com/cuellar-gonzalez-at-odds-with-fellow-texas-congressional-democrats-over-laken-riley-act/
He was referring to me I think. But no you come across reasonable and grounded.
Yeah I thought you might-a been. Have I been sounding like I'm "frothing at the mouth" or "having a temper…
I was referring to Min, Levin and Tran. Eh.
*I* didn't say "coward," but Eric may have been reacting to the person posting anonymously. Which we do allow. Meanwhile…
Manuel Ramos Archive
A Double Standard on Reporting Domestic Violence Arrests in Fullerton
Posted on August 7, 2015 | 21 Comments. . . Why did it take three weeks for the press to catch up with the arrest of former Fullerton cop Manuel Ramos on domestic violence charges, but only a […] -
One Year Since Kelly Thomas Not-guilty Verdict: Gathering at Kelly’s Corner tomorrow.
Posted on January 12, 2015 | 9 Comments. . . Kelly’s father Ron Thomas writes us: Tuesday, January 13th it will be one year since an Orange County jury decided that Ramos and Cicinelli were not guilty of […] -
Is plunging ahead with Laura’s Law the appropriate response to the Kelly Thomas verdict?
Posted on February 11, 2014 | 22 CommentsEvery now and then, over the years, in a masochistic frame of mind, I listen to Rush Limbaugh‘s radio program. There’s the legitimate “hearing the other point of view” thing, […] -
Kelly Thomas Case Goes to Jury
Posted on January 9, 2014 | 1 CommentTwo and a half years later, society finally has its say regarding how Kelly Thomas died. No one contests that Manuel Ramos threatened to hurt Kelly Thomas. No one contests […] -
What Officer Ramos did wrong — and why he’ll be acquitted
Posted on May 15, 2012 | 18 Comments. . . I think that what Officers Manuel Ramos and Joseph Wolfe did in the first 18 minutes of the Kelly Thomas video was morally and ethically wrong. I […] -
A Civil Libertarian Review of the Kelly Thomas Video
Posted on May 13, 2012 | 67 Comments[Warning: don’t read this if you want to be a juror in the trial of the officers accused of killing Kelly Thomas. I’m not kidding. As for the rest of you […] -
Is T-Rack’s Case Against Kelly Thomas’ Murderers Designed to Fail? Sipowicz thinks so…
Posted on February 15, 2012 | 22 Comments. . . Born To Lose: The Do-Nothing DA’s Recipe For Failure by Joe Sipowicz I’ve been thinking about this for months. It’s been gnawing at my spinal cortex. It’s […] -
T-Rack, in a first for him, charges two Fullerton cops in Kelly Thomas beating murder.
Posted on September 21, 2011 | 76 Comments. . . Nobody had much expectation of our District Attorney Tony Rackauckas doing anything other than what he’s done most of his career – siding with law enforcement and […]
Saavedra reports about another wrinkle to the OC Covid contractor situation. I won’t pay to get begins the OC rag’s…