A little Huntington spillover apparently
I like that we're getting play-by-play on TammyGate over here, whereas Dan, who is obsessed with it, is not, because…
When did the MAGA mongrels start pouring into Seal Beach?
I can’t believe Judge Griffin let two attorneys argue on Tammy’s behalf. That’s a no-no. You can have as many…
Hearing over. Decision due on or before 5:00 pm tomorrow.
So Tammy was so scared in district 3 that she moved to District 5 and left her son at their…
The tax fraud sounds like it would go to the US Attorney for the Central District (up in LA), but…
Having now read Tammy’s opposition and supporting declaration, I believe the writ will be denied and osc discharged. The petition…
One name: MIKE WATERMAN: CO EO of VisitAnaheim.
baldwin park Archive
Cruz Baca Sembello loses in Baldwin Park council race by 68 votes
Posted on November 4, 2009 | 2 CommentsI just got off the phone with Cruz Baca Sembello. Cruz was a leader in the fight to protect property rights in Baldwin Park where Bizno Development bulldozers were about to […] -
Santa Ana City Place developer Robert Bisno reportedly bankrupt and tossed out of his house
Posted on September 5, 2009 | 14 CommentsReal estate developer Bob Bisno, who last year failed in an attempt to build a large redevelopment project in Baldwin Park, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. The Los […] -
More bad news for Bisno!
Posted on December 13, 2008 | 2 Comments“Bob Bisno, the developer who polarized San Pedro with his plans for a 1,950-unit condo complex, has been ousted from the project’s development team. A division of Credit Suisse bank, […] -
Bisno Tower update
Posted on December 9, 2008 | 9 CommentsThe Santa Ana Planning Commission met this week on Monday night. But once again they did not vote to approve the 31 story luxury condo tower proposed by developer Robert […] -
Developer Robert Bisno trying to sell his house for over $29 million
Posted on November 23, 2008 | 5 CommentsDeveloper Robert Bisno, who recently pulled out of an attempt to reshape the City of Baldwin Park’s downtown area via eminent domain, has now put his Beverly Hills home up […] -
Team Bisno’s eminent domain plans in Baldwin Park fail!
Posted on November 21, 2008 | No Comments“City officials say Bisno Development Co. is pulling out of a contentious, multimillion-dollar plan to revitalize more than 100 acres of downtown Baldwin Park, citing the economic downturn,” according to […] -
Bisno representative accused of assault at neighborhood meeting
Posted on November 1, 2008 | 2 CommentsA Bisno Development representative is being accused of ripping a video camera out of the hands of a resident in Baldwin Park and damaging the camera, while also scratching the […] -
Follow the money…and you will find Pulido and his special interests
Posted on September 19, 2008 | No CommentsSanta Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido isn’t even trying to hide the fact that he is in the pocket of special interests and developers. Check out the picture above. Pulido backer […] -
Discussion with Huell Howser, founder of the CA Gold
Posted on July 29, 2008 | 41 CommentsLast Tuesday I was informed that Huell Howser, founder and host of the California Gold TV series, was about to launch a 14 segment series named “California’s Communities” that will […] -
Press Rel. BISNO Dev. “field trip” to Santa Ana Saturday July 12th
Posted on July 7, 2008 | 9 CommentsBISNO Development is bussing in LA residents to Santa Ana this Saturday. They are providing bus “transportation, childcare and lunch” to Baldwin Park residents about to lose their homes and […] -
Protest Robert Bisno in Santa Ana on July 12!
Posted on July 7, 2008 | 3 CommentsRobert Bisno Development is planning a tour of their luxury condos at the City Place in north Santa Ana on Saturday, July 12, 2008. Guests will be arriving between10:00 to […] -
Robert Bisno’s eminent domain plans in Baldwin Park meeting fierce resistance
Posted on June 26, 2008 | 5 CommentsDeveloper Robert Bisno is finding out that the people of Baldwin Park don’t lay down like the people of Santa Ana do. “He comes into cities, buys the land for […] -
Could the Renaissance Plan be a Bisno plot?
Posted on February 4, 2008 | 9 CommentsIt turns out that the controversial Santa Ana Renaissance Plan, which proposes to change the zoning in a huge swath of Santa Ana’s poorest neighborhoods, is not all that original […]
Yeah well, I’ve appeared before Griffin on more than one occassion. Both at Central and North Court. In retrospect, if…