The Santa Ana Planning Commission met this week on Monday night. But once again they did not vote to approve the 31 story luxury condo tower proposed by developer Robert Bisno (pictured above). This time his company requested that the vote be delayed. I am not sure why, but I am glad. I could not be there on Monday, but hope to be at the next meeting.
Bisno in recent weeks has pulled out of his eminent domain project in downtown Baldwin Park. He has put his $29 million dollar home in Beverly Hills on the market. Bisno’s San Pedro project is not looking good as the community, like their counterparts in Baldwin Park, is up in arms. And Bisno’s City Place project is a disaster, full of empty, overpriced condos that Bisno is auctioning off, and weird boutiques that have no future. The Mother’s Market at City Place is always empty.
In short, this has been a tough year for Team Bisno. Sure, they got their friends on the Santa Ana City Council re-elected. But that isn’t doing anything to help Bisno’s bottom line. I am told that the only reason he wants his Tower approved is so that he can sell his City Place property and the Tower lot and get the Hell out of Santa Ana. Good riddance!
There is a fascinating Topix thread at this link, wherein readers are debating whether or not Bisno owes $400,000 to either the City of Baldwin Park or to unnamed vendors. Enjoy!
Weird boutiques?
Geez, what an old fuddy-duddy. The truth is those shops are too hip for you. You can always go across the street and use the more traditional stores.
And why are you so surprised that Bisno would be rethinking a project like a condo tower? Haven’t you been noticing the real estate market over the past year or so?
I guess everyone in my area must be of the same mind as these boutiques are always empty when I pass through the area. Do you really think any of them will make it? Seriously?
And he is not rethinking the project. He merely asked for more time so he could come up with a way to spin the fact that his project will ruin our area traffic and cast a shadow over much of our neighborhood.
God willing this stupid tower will never be built.
Sometimes I get the feeling you WANT those shops to fail. You take particular pleasure at seeing those condos go onto the auctioning block. That’s kinda twisted dude.
So Bisno wants more time not because the real estate market is in the crapper, rather so he can come up with a story about the impact of the building? LOL. Uhhh, I think he’s probably got that story already in his hip pocket.
Get real. This tower is on the back burner due to the downturn in the market.
I have owned businesses before. Some have been successful and others have not. I always feel bad when a business has to close its doors.
All that said, I think the City Place concept was extraordinarily stupid. It was a very bad fit for Santa Ana. I feel bad for the boutique owners who were sold a bunch of B.S.
I have no doubt most won’t survive. I am not even sure Mothers Market will make it. It is sure to end up being another mercado.
Pulido and company have no clue. This shopping center is living proof of that!
Only time will tell. The retail in there seems to be doing just fine. It’s the lofts and condos that are hurting. I attribute that more to bad timing, and to a much lesser degree, impractical design. If those lofts had come onto the market 4 years ago, they would have sold like hotcakes.
While I tend to agree with Art regarding the boutique shops (with the exception of possibly the Harvey’s store), I think that Mother’s will be ok. I have been there 5 times and each time the place was busy. The parking lot has been at least 50% full since they opened. I know it’s not your thing Art, but there are people in Floral Park, Park Santiago and in Orange who really have enough mercados to shop. The economy makes it a bit tougher to choose organic food, but some of us still do. I am still curious about the units that are for rent here, who owns them and why are they renting them now?
Boutique shops: Agreed, doomed. These shops are staying alive by either inheritance, a wealthy spouse, or accumulating debt – which will soon come to an end. There are no people in these shops. That is not my opinion, it is blazingly apparent. I swing by CityPlace about once a day to look around.
Mother’s: Much to my surprise, it always seems to be busy. Organic/Green continues to be greatest marketing trend ever. Well done.
Parking lot: Agreed, usually very full. I can’t figure where on earth all the owners of these cars are (certainly not at the boutiques or owners of the lofts). Perhaps they are all at the large retail stores, but the cars-to-people ratio still seems to be off. MainPlace or local businesses overflow perhaps? Don’t know for sure, but the parking lot always seems full.
Units for rent: I am under the impression that some bought these last year as an investment, and is trying to rent them. At $3000… scratch that… now $2500 a month, it’s no surprise they are still empty. Expect another one to go up for rent starting Jan 1st (store/boutique: Go Rilla!) for a modest fee of $2900 a month (see craigslist). Pass.
Thanks for the update, Ben. I pretty much agree with everything you said. In addition to the $2500 rent for these units, they want $8000 deposit. Someone is still dreaming.
Sure thing 🙂
Yeah, as if the rent price wasn’t enough, how about a huge deposit too! lol