BISNO Development is bussing in LA residents to Santa Ana this Saturday. They are providing bus “transportation, childcare and lunch” to Baldwin Park residents about to lose their homes and businesses (as Prop 98 failed to gain statewide acceptance that would have saved every one of the impacted property owners).
The Press Release reads as follows:
Baldwin Park Resident Advisory Committee Field Trip
Please join the Baldwin Park Resident Advisory Committee and the BISNO Development team on our tour of a community development project in Santa Ana that was built by BISNO Development in order to learn more about what we can bring to the New Baldwin Park Development Project.
Our tour will help us explore ideas, learn about the Baldwin Park Downtown Redevelopment project and discuss resident ideas for a healthy and walkable Baldwin Park!
DATE: Saturday, July 12, 2008
LOCATION: BISNO Development Main Offices
1155 N. Main Ave. Baldwin Park, CA 91706
Time: Arrive no later that 8:45 am
We will be leaving @ 9 am and return @ 2pm.
Contact Advocate Coordinator Christina Cardenas @626.506.5323
After the loss of Prop 98 we knew that Redevelopment Agencies would move quickly to press their “eminent domain” activity. If you read their Prop 99 ballot measure you would find that their homeowner “protection” does not go into effect until six months after passage. That gives every redevelopment agency in CA six months engage in “Resolutions of Necessity” as they bulldooze your homes, businesses, houses of worship, family farms and investment properties. But you have all heard me say that before so I will now end this post.
What should protest signs should say ?
How about:
SA Council bought off by developers !!
No corrupt Bisno business !!
or ??
What should protest signs say ?
SA Council bought off by developers !!
No corrupt Bisno business !!
or ??
Got one !
Bisno – keep your dirty money out of Santa Ana government !
Larry, I just don’t get who they are bringing to this field trip. If “I” were losing my home/business, I’d be pretty hostile towards the taker. Just what are they trying to accomplish?
Mike, you have any plans to counter this trip? I’d bet that the San Pedro group might join up in an organized protest. Maybe even the folks in the bus would chime in.
Red – How about we meet at the coffee shop at City Place on Main St. at 9:00 am Sat. July 12 – I will bring poster board and big markers.
Protesters to bring ideas for the signs.
Like: Bisno buys, … the council lies.
A victim/colleague faxed the official press release. I guess they (BISNO)are simply naive in their thinking that they can reason with and dazzle the property owners who are getting kicked out of their homes at a time when home values are somewhat depressed? Is that a fair assessment on current market conditions?
You sell, if that’s your intent, when the timing suites your purpose, not when the bulldozer is at your front door.
My guess is that the field trip wont be for those gettin the Bisno “boot” but for those hoping to buy into the development and make themselves some of that Bisno “loot.”
I think this tragedy can be laid at the door of those Prop 98 backers that allowed the greedy swipe at rent control in their initiative. I think the eminent domain backers, the redevelopers, planned to infiltrate the Prop 98 group and got them to put that rent control aspect into their proposition killing the proposition’s prospects and exposing many of the anti-eminent domain croud as greedy rich landlords.
BISNO left the door open for victims by advertising this “field trip.” Of course they want potential buyers and elected officials to visit their Santa Ana project. However, now that the cat is out of the bag, anyone can join the event. They may resort to a “drive by” but that would not open doors for visitors to enter.
I have a request of all those considering a protest, especially those with signage exposing the down side of the project. If you have any photos from Sat please send them to Art.
Yes, losing Prop 98 was a tragedy. However, I respectfully disagree with you that we permitted any redevelopers to infiltrate our ranks.
Santa Ana has the best city council that Bisno money can buy.