We learned a few disheartening things in this month’s “primary” election, with its 35% turnout, so let’s get those out of the way first. (I put “primary” in quotes because it was the final election for many races, and a lot of people probably didn’t realize that, what with everyone calling it a “PRIMARY” and all.)
- Todd Spitzer will be our D.A. for the next four years, and possibly forever, making a good case that we should never have let him into that seat in the first place. And he tried SO HARD, every way he could, to defeat himself – the racist psychobabble, the countless sexual harassment suits, the blowing of big cases, the messianic blowhardry and bullying! But apparently we are still a County susceptible to fearmongering and LA-phobia, so Todd was right about that. So, another four years (or forever) of depending on the FBI to ferret out OC corruption, and the Cal AG to do anything about our killer cops and sheriffs. [Todd got 62% to Hardin’s 21%; did voters just not vote that far downballot, did Democrats not bother? No. 93% of voters who bothered voting in this election voted in that race. They wanted ’em more Spitzer, no way around it.]
- Al Mijares will continue to be our County’s Superintendent of Schools, possibly forever, which is okay, except the same voters have burdened him with a Board of Education full of saboteurs and nutjobs. Locked in a perpetual struggle akin to that between Archangel Michael and Lucifer, the good Superintendent will continue to be bedeviled at every turn by Williams, Barke, Sparks, Shaw, and whomever THEY foist on Beckie Gomez’ district! (CECI??) [But, as I check out the numbers in these three OCBOE races, I’ve made a discovery which below I’ll entitle “Central and North County turnout was anemic; South and Central County voted like motherfuckers!”]
- We learned that only a Deputy District Attorney may become an OC Superior Court judge. And then, as we already knew, they will continue in their judge seat – probably forever – with nobody else daring to take them on. OC voters even gave a judgeship to the shameful Brahim Baytieh! The only non-DA that came in first in an OC judicial race this year was Michele Bell (right) – and she didn’t break 50% so she’ll be in a November runoff with Peggy Huang… who is (guess what?) an Assistant Attorney General, so good luck with that Michele. (That’ll be your only judicial vote in November – Bell vs. Huang.)
- AND we learned that SanTanaheim, the bluest area of the County since time immemorial, which voted for Bernie Sanders in 2020, will continue to be served, possibly forever, by reactionaries Lou Correa, Tom Umberg and
Tom DalyAvelino Valencia. A lot of us progressives were so impressed by the success of grassroots Santa Ana activists electing a really good Mayor and Council in Nov. 2020 (same time as the area went for Bernie) … but apparently what’s possible in a Presidential-year general election when FREAKING TRUMP is on the ballot is not the same as what’s possible in the “primary” of an “off year.” Nice try though, Boomer and Ortega. 🙁
North and Central County Turnout Was Anemic;
OK, I just discovered this, it’s dramatic, and I haven’t heard anyone else point it out: The turnout in the South County and Coastal County (up to like Seal Beach) was about TWICE what we had in Santa Ana / Anaheim / Fullerton. Does that always happen, or does it just happen in primaries, and what can be done about it?
Because check it out: 636,497 people voted in Orange County this election. The County is evenly divided into FIVE Supervisor Districts, and also into FIVE Board of Education “areas” – which don’t exactly coincide, but who cares? Dividing 636,497 by 5, you’d expect for each of those races to have an average of 127,300 votes cast.. Pero, look:
- BoE Area 4, including Fullerton, La Habra, Anaheim; won by Tim Shaw with 38,819 votes, had a total of 67,702 votes cast, barely HALF the average you’d expect!
- Supervisor District 4, including Fullerton, La Habra, Buena Park, Anaheim, in which Sunny Park got the most votes (30,904), had a total of 76,330 votes cast, ALMOST as anemic!
- And most anemic of all (I hate to say) Supervisor District 2, including Santa Ana, Anaheim, Garden Grove and Orange, in which Vince Sarmiento got the most votes (21,916) had a mere 62,528 votes cast, LESS than half the average you’d expect.
Voting like M****RF**CK*RS:
- BoE Area 2, including Seal Beach, Huntington, Newport, etc., won by psycho Mari Barke with 74,868 votes, did ABOUT THE AVERAGE YOU’D EXPECT, with 127,494 votes cast.
- And going further south down the coast, well-heeled BoE Area 5 with all the Lagunas etc. down to San Clemente, won by Lisa Sparks with 98,682 votes, had WELL OVER THE AVERAGE VOTES CAST – as in, 152,916.
- And even more amaze-balls, South-County Supervisor District 5, in which Democrat Katrina Foley got the most votes (64,888) had a whopping 175,393 votes cast – WAY over the average of 127,300. Also showing it’s less a partisan thing than a geographical thing. Katrina got more votes than Vincent and Sunny combined! They must eat really good primary food down there.
Surprisingly Well Done!
Nowadays in this once-red County, Democrats outnumber Republicans 677k to 603k, independents come in at 427k. In the last Presidential election 53.5% of us voted Democrat vs. 44.4% Republican. We Democrats always look at primary elections, which are never as spectacular as we’d like, and tell ourselves “More of us will come out in November!” That’s usually true, but will it be true still in this topsy-turvy time? I think this latest shit with Roe-v-Wade can only help. So long story short if a Democrat in the primary doesn’t quite make it to 50% we keep our fingers crossed, but if they break 50% in the primary I think we can say they’re:
“Sitting Pretty!”
- Congress 47 – Superstar KATIE PORTER at 51.7% should be able to kick Scott Baugh’s butt in November!
- Congress 46 – LOU CORREA has no worries
at 49% running against Christopher Gonzales at 16%EVER. - Congress 49 – and MIKE LEVIN at 49% should be fine against Bryan Marriot.
- State Senator TOM UMBERG is in no danger.
- AD 67 – SHARON QUIRK-SILVA should be in no danger against Soo Yoo, even tho she didn’t quite make 50.
- AD 68 – AVELINO VALENCIA should be very safe against old friend of the blog Mike “Junior” Tardif.
- AD 73 – COTTIE PETRIE-NORRIS is totally SAFE (in more ways than one) at 56.2% against old mumbling Trumpy Steve Choi – this’ll be HIS last hurrah!. . .
“Fingers Crossed”
- Congress 45 – JAY CHEN at 43.1% (will run against Michelle Steel – OC’s most important race!)
- Congress 41 – DR. ASIF MAHMOOD at 40.9% (will run against Young Kim)
- State Senate 36 – KIM CARR at 42.7% needs us to cross our fingers for her as she takes on evil Janet Nguyen.
- State Senate 48 – If CATHERINE BLAKESPEAR at 42.9% picks up Joe Kerr’s 11.2%, she should be “sitting pretty” against Matt Gunderson.
- AD 70 – DIEDRE NGUYEN at 39.71% will need fingers crossed and teeth gritted, against Communist TRI TA.
- AD 72 – my old musical partner JUDIE MANCUSO, at 43.3%, has a chance to beat Diane Dixon.
- AD 74 –
not so sure aboutCHRIS DUNCAN, at4246%, against incumbent Laurie Davies. – I made a mistake, I didn’t realize that district is part San Diego County, and that part was better for Chris – so he has a chance in November! See comment belowBut who cares? It’s only the ASSEMBLY! - SUPE 5 I’m betting on KATRINA (41.76%) against old Pat Bates.
November’s Most Important Runoffs!
REALLY, who gives a shit any more about the Assembly and State Senate? Democrats have a pinche super-majority there. (It did seem like a good idea to get a real progressive fighter into the Assembly, but that’s not happening this year.) AMERICA needs us to not LOSE but ADD Democrat Congresspeople – it’s more existential by the month. So APART from re-electing Katie, Mike and Lou, which shouldn’t be too hard, our very most important jobs this Fall are:
Help Jay Chen beat Michelle Steel;
Help Dr. Mahmood beat Young Kim.
Number two, I agree wholeheartedly with the Democratic Party of OC that our next Supervisor Majority needs to look like this:
And finally, we gotta help David Dodson beat dirty Mike Schaefer in the Board of Equalization race. This is a bad incumbent Democrat against a good Democrat. The County Party should immediately endorse Dodson – unless that’s a State Party thing, then THEY should. Republicans and Independents should prefer Dodson as well. And if you don’t know why, Greg will be writing plenty about it, but for now there’s this.
Schadenfreude Corner!
This is where we are allowed to feel pleasure in the failure of certain folks who PROBABLY won’t be around polluting our politics any more. For example:
Diane Harkey. Has it really been FOUR TIMES (or 3?) that this darling of the OC GOP has lost, since the last time she won (for Board of Equalization in 2014)? I remember 2018 when the OCGOP chose her over decent moderate and veteran Rocky Chavez, who coulda won that South County / San Diego Congressional district, which made us Democrats glad because the unlikable Harkey was much easier for Mike Levin to beat. So that was good for everybody. Except Rocky.
THIS month, the OCGOP chose Diane EARLY ON to be their standard-bearer for South-County Supervisor. This choice was so objectionable that a gang of more reasonable Republicans convinced old termed-out Senator Pat Bates to jump in as well. The upshot – Harkey came in third with 18% and won’t be Supervisor.
But we don’t dislike Diane because she’s a loser; we’re glad she’s a loser because she has been a horrible person for decades, from (with her ex-husband) swindling countless elderly investors out of millions leaving many of them bankrupt, bashing immigrants when that was cool around 2010, and more recently becoming an enthusiastic Trumpy. So we raise a glass to Kurt Sipolski, and all the other Harkey victims alive and dead!
Speaking of that south-county Supervisor race, if it were up to the two County Parties it woulda been a race between Harkey and fire hero Joe Kerr – the DPOC endorsed HIM very early too, and THEN the district lines were redrawn, leaving him out. And by then he’d already admitted that he’d lived in Coto de Caza for decades so he couldn’t residence-fake his way outta THAT. So he ran for Congress instead, and came in 3rd with 11.2%.
A lot of us North County folks didn’t like or trust Joe since 2018 when he ran for Supervisor up here pretending that he’d moved to Fullerton or Placentia (kept changing) when everyone knew he lived in Coto. Dan C fell for it lock stock and barrel, the same Dan C who was Steve Choi’s worst nightmare for doing the same exact thing. Joe agreed to meet me for an interview in his north county home, but then he changed his mind and said “let’s meet at a fire station instead” because he’s such a fire hero you know. He came in 3rd that time too, and stopped pretending to live up here.
And then last year, JUST WHEN WE MIGHT HAVE BEEN GETTING OVER ALL THAT, Poseidon-loving governor Newsom put Joe on a powerful water board, for the SOLE PURPOSE of having Kris Murray’s back making regulations as lax as possible for the desal pirates. And when I called him to try to talk sense to him, he wouldn’t answer or return my calls.
Then there’s the fact that he can’t utter a sentence or two without saying “As a former firefighter…” Well, there weren’t enough firefighters in South County to elect Joe to office, and I hope he doesn’t try again.
AND FINALLY THERE’S THE CHAFFEES. This malignant and wealthy Fullerton power couple pretty much shrivels up everything they touch. It’s a little premature to celebrate the end of hubby Doug’s political career, but it’s hard to see his wife Paulette coming back again.
If you recall, Paulette’s political career began dismally in 2018, when, as her Mayor husband began his run for Supervisor, she tried to spread the web of Chaffeedom even wider by running for Fullerton Council in a district where everyone knew she didn’t live. To us carpetbagging connoisseurs, this was worse than simple legal carpetbagging AND worse than illegal (but never punished) residence faking: Fullerton had just finished a hard-fought districting battle to get better minority representation; this rich old white lady chose to run fraudulently in Fullerton’s poorest and most-minority district.
SO, naturally, Fullerton friends of ours posted hundreds of “No Paulette – Carpetbagger” signs (which I think you could agree was phrased as a gentle understatement.) The woman felt entitled to drive all over town and steal every one of those signs she could find; she was caught on camera by the actual sign-maker and got into a wee bit of trouble over it, and a great deal of embarrassment. She didn’t win that race, but to this day she snips, “I did NOT get arrested. I did NOT go to jail.”
Unchastened, Paulette jumped into the next available Board of Education race in 2020, only managing to split the Democratic vote with the even more pathetic Jordan Brandman and the worthy Dr. Vicki Calhoun – Paulette came in third after Vicki, and we have her to thank for the further extremism of the board by handing the election to rightwing yes-man Tim Shaw.
Maybe 2022 was her time, she thought, and ran against Tim again for that seat – but not only that, she had initiated a lawsuit against him on some bogus grounds that you shouldn’t also be a councilmember; Tim survived that but the move boomeranged onto the one sane BoE member, Beckie Gomez, who had to resign. And then, this month, Paulette lost again. So thanks to Paulette Chaffee, we went from ONE good BoE member to ZERO. Can she ever come back from that? I wouldn’t think so, but this couple DOES have no shame.
But back to 2018, and over to Doug‘s race for Supervisor. He and his wife have unlimited funds (albeit no friends), vicious temperaments and no respect for truth, so he blew all his opponents out of the water with salacious, false and half-true mailers. I was already aware of his record on the Fullerton Council – I WROTE THE FREAKING BOOK ON IT – and found it so dismal that I endorsed his Republican runoff opponent Tim Shaw, pissing off a lot of my fellow Democrats. But, you know, character and honesty should count for something? (And of course Doug beat Tim, who went on to be his wife’s 2020 & 22 opponent.)
Four years later, after experiencing Doug’s first term as Supervisor, OC Democrats have admitted I was right. Not in so many words of course (God forbid!) but they did pull the very rare move of OPPOSING a Dem incumbent and instead strongly backing challenger Sunny Park. DPOC chief Ada made the case to the Voice as well as I could: On the Board, Doug had formed a close alliance with fellow authoritarian transparency-hater Andrew Do, a Republican; and then when the Board got its first honest Democrat, Katrina Foley, they did everything they could to sideline her. Much more here from Ada.
And so the Democrats got behind Sunny Park, and she came in first, but will now have to face a Doug Chaffee with his back to the wall in the fall, and I can guarantee that’s gonna be vicious. He will lie about her, he will run to the right to try to pick up the Trumpiest of Republicans, he will paint her as some “woke” commie novice.
So in summation these should be the DPOC priorities for November:
- Jay Chen for Congress
- Supervisors Park, Foley & Sarmiento
- Dr Mahmood for Congress
- (Katie, Mike and Lou should be fine)
- Dodson for Equalizer; and
- Michele Bell for Judge!
And then, DPOC, please leave the local stuff to us local people. You guys don’t always know what is right, locally. Sometimes the best local person is NOT a Democrat. And some Democrats are a lot more trustworthy than other ones. And SOME Democrats really SUCK.
Great synopsis Vern.
My hot takes:
I was absolutely stunned with OC DA Results. I was all in for Pete. What is wrong with OC???
I was all in with the Feel The Bern Dems, especially fellow DSA leader Mike Ortega, and to a lesser extent, was hoping Boomer did better than he did.
Besides that, I was emphatically supporting candidates that had policy stances on increasing healthcare for all. Which means I did NOT support SQS, and I was a $1,120 check away from primarying Cottie, who is carpetbagging into MY DISTRICT IN IRVINE. What a hack, she worked with the insurance companies to kill AB1400 CalCare, which was again DOA in Jan ’22.
Jay Chen is not going to win. Jay is not actively campaigning, and has done very little to build grassroots support, but relying on DCCC and PAC money to attempt to win. No, I’m sorry, not the change I support.
I am 1000% in for Vincent Sarmiento. I am all in for Dobson and I hope Ada handpicked Dr Mahmood will advocate for MedicareForAll in Congress.
Lastly, I have launched my campaign, and have 5 months to gain some attention. I would love to do a Q&A with OrangeJuice Blog, and if Very is available, I am happy to do an in-person interview (like you did with Jay Park for his congressional campaign). My specialty is the mess at OCPA, have been glued to their corruption and shenanigans for 18 months now and have plenty of dirt to share. (Farrah better hope she has a good lawyer becuz FBI is knocking on her door.)
Peace and Love and Socialism for All.
Jay Chen has been campaigning really hard. That’s one thing you can’t say about him.
I am concerned he isn’t going to win because once they redrew the district, he was no longer the right candidate for this district. To be blunt, he has the wrong last name. It’s not his fault, and I know he is Taiwanese American, but a Chinese last name is poison in the Vietnamese community. Most of the Chinese American community got cut out of our district as has Mount Sac where he serves on the board. I begged other Dems to run once the lines were redrawn and got ignored.
This is why Republicans win. They know how to play identity politics and they know it’s important in the Asian community. We just take the high road and pretend it doesn’t exist. I saw an LA Times article shocked that you have an Asian candidate attacking another Asian candidate with racism. So naive to think all Asian communities think the same way.
Obviously the Republicans have done the math and decided that Korean is the winning formula for these purple districts. You get all the Red vote plus there are some huge Korean churches in the OC, and the Vietnamese community is Korean friendly. We only managed to win with Gil Cisneros in 2018 because we mobilized the Hispanic vote, which has been conveniently cut out of the new 45 district and thrown in with Dem-safe Lou Correa. How we allowed this to happen and create such a new clearly gerrymandered 45 is shocking.
Even that LA Times article said, they were trying to draw lines to create an Asian district that would have Asian representation. The problem with that is Brea, Fullerton, Placentia has nothing in common with Garden Grove and Westminster, they are nowhere near each other on a map. But Little Saigon does share common boundaries with Anaheim, Stanton, Huntington Beach.
So here we are taking what would have been a purple district, and possibly having Michelle Steel win it by 20 points. This isn’t Jay Chen’s fault, but he should have probably run in a different district, and let another Dem run in 45. The fact no Dem leadership told him to do that, is shocking. Or means they don’t think they can win 45 anyway.
Or he could be a gifted candidate — fluent in Spanish, by the way — who doesn’t need the Vietnamese vote in order to win. But as I recall the Vietnamese community has had some respect for the American Armed Forces, of which Chen is a part. So I’m not that worried that the inability to keep a Big Sign from being torn down will hurt him that much. Another round of fake drop-off boxes might — but I’ll be getting to that.
I hope he’s hooked up with the Diedre Nguyen campaign, and I hope it’s emphasized in the Viet community that he DEFENDED South Korea from North Vietnamese COMMUNISTS for years.
While conversely the Steels were busy hooking up Trump with Chinese Communists.
Or even North Korean communists.
Yeah duh that’s what I meant to type.
Nice job!
*The good news and the bad news? The good news is we have a few fresh faces that still have a modicum of hopeful optimism about The Greater OC! The bad news is that we have the residual remnants of “The Usual Suspects” who continue to do the bidding of the few, the rich and the powerful. Our system is full of predictive negative vibes from the “Old Guard”. The sad part is that we have an abundance of SOMA taking, Brainwashed, Over Eaters that do the nodding doggie in the window act every election cycle. The good news however is that between the Open Carry Law approved by the SCOTUS and the overturning of Roe v Wade ……well, maybe some of these folks may actually want to open their eyes and demand that the folks they elect stand up and put their stands on these issues…..before they blindly vote them in again?
Yes, Chaffee will open up his wallet and take a dive into the Trumpy sludge. I don’t think Sunny has a record that he can attack so it will be made up stuff.
Sunny needs to go to the right to get Vargas Republicans. It’s not that hard. Get tough on the recalcitrant homeless, demand accountability for the tens (hundreds?) of millions thrown at the issue so far, while providing a menu of practical things the County can do. Don’t talk about “housing” a generic man-for-all-seasons phrase that means almost nothing practically.
Agreed. He almost ran as a Republican anyway, so he’ll have no problem going to the right. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some help from a Andrew Do in BP and NW Fullerton.
I’d go after Doug on his COVID gaffee, sending his wife everywhere because he’s too lazy to do it himself, and the supes long history of no bid contracts and shutting down public input (see temper).
Great advice above re: homeless. I’d go hard on stopping wasteful spending as well. Plenty of crappy “infrastructure” projects with Doug votes on them.
Chaffee didn’t “almost run as a Republican,” Ryan. His signs screamed out “Democrat”! But admittedly I didn’t get close enough to see if they said, underneath in very small type, “(in name only).”
Sunny could certainly use some Republican endorsements, but the electorate will be bluer in the fall. Either way, showing some fiscal responsibility would be smart: she’ll likely (though not necessarily) be in the minority on the Board anyway.
What Ryan means is he wavered back and forth, among
friendsacquaintances, before deciding to stay a Democrat.Do we have ANY reliable information that he considered changing parties (or, I suppose, becoming an NPP)?
Because if we did, then we should have published it during the primary.
This was prior to his first supervisor run.
And yes, it’s reliable.
I’m not sure why Greg is suddenly touchy about that story (Chaffee indecisive between parties in 2018). That has been mentioned several times on this blog (possibly just in comments.) And it’s not really that controversial, a lot of people weigh what party would be most helpful to get them into office. It didn’t seem a big enough deal really for me to put into a story.
(If there was ever a point that the DPOC was considering ENDORSING him over another Democrat, I probably would have tried to amplify that. But in 2018 the DPOC had preferred the residence-faking fire hero. And this year, they’ve made a good choice with Sunny.)
It’s extra believable with Chaffee, since he doesn’t seem to have any values that you would associate with either Party, at least not values that either Party would boast of or aspire to.
But yeah, if there IS a source for that and Ryan knows what it is, may as well say. Right now I’m sure Doug’s not even ashamed of it, in fact he’s probably wishing he went with Republican.
Touchy about having evidence for a factual assertion? Seriously?
In my mind, I’ve classified Chaffee in the same bin as Correa and Daly — really bad Democrats, but insistent as being and remaining Democrats. Being dependent on Republican votes to win a runoff over a rival to their left is not inconsistent with being loyal to the brand, even if not the party principles (such as they are.)
I don’t recall reading here that he has ever considered formally leaving the party. Why would he, when the facade is so useful to him?
So if you can point me to an instance where someone has provided evidence that he has considered formally leaving the party, rather than simply betraying it, I’d appreciate it. It would be highly relevant to the runoff, if true.
Classic! No friends!
I get credit for predicting first that Beckie Gomez’ replacement on the Board of Education will be Ceci Iglesias! She is already dancing cartwheels of joy over the possibility. She would certainly fit right in on that Board, more than anyone else I can think of in that district.
Nope. Some other hispanic nutjob I hadn’t heard of. Ceci was like their second choice.
That reminds me: we need to start a petition for an initiative to get rid of that useless and damaging Board.
Seems kinda sour grapes. I just don’t understand why this county can’t elect anyone decent to that board.
Still and all, they ARE probably redundant and unnecessary. And overpaid.
There’s a possible misinterpretation of the low number of votes for Sup in D4 and Area 4 BOEd.
Maybe some voters found every candidate to be so repugnant that they chose to skip those contests.
I wrote in “None of the above” for both races.
Maybe, I suppose, though I don’t know what’s repugnant about having Sunny Kim as one’s representative on the BOS. Despite some people in Buena Park not liking her for reasons reminiscent of why some in Costa Mesa didn’t like hard-ass female litigator Foley, she seemed like an obvious choice, for those of use who don’t guard our meager imprimatur for a candidate like a traditional young woman guards her virginity.
As for Curmudgeon — well, that’s exactly what Doug Chaffee wanted you to do in his race, so … thank you for your non-service.
Word is Law Enforcement is going in HEAVY against Vince. They just signed Gary South’s group $$$$$$ to orchestrate an “smash and grab campaign”. This one could get ugly. And Todd Spitzer looks to be “All In” for KBN.
Look for an email from me about this.
This won’t be a working e-mail. This is the same troll that sends us shit five times a week under different names, and 98% of the time we trash it, but Dan C is happy to print ANYTHING from him. Of course he has an IP scrambler, but he always has the same obsessions and misspellings.
But look in our trash folder at the latest “Pervert on Anna Drive” comment. His obsessions have long included Boaz & Renee Balenti, their imprisoned son, and “Mirivette Judah” [sic] whom he’s admitted to being attracted to. I really think it’s a cop.
Good news is, this guy is almost ALWAYS talking out of his ass, so the above comment is probably mostly fantasy.
Do you want to read my conspiracy that connects the American Israel Lobby to Anaheim’s refusal to designate a swath of the city Little Arabia??? Cuz there is one. Make you feel like it’s 1985 up in here.
The Jews that I know are for it. Whatever leads to more and better falafel is an unqualified good. But this takes us off-topic….
Falafel? Hmmmph. Hummus. And lamb.
I’m presenting a vegetarian perspective here, oppressor.
To paraphrase 1 Corinthians 13:13 (King James Version): “Now abideth Falafel, Hummus, and Baba Ghanouj; but the greatest of these is Falafel.”
My wife the kabob connoisseur would disagree with me, of course, but she’d go with chicken and beef rather than lamb.
I made a mistake on AD 74, not realizing that district included some San Diego County – and that section of the county really helped Democrat Chris Duncan, who got not 42% but 46%! So he has a real chance against incumbent Republican Laurie Davies in November.
And I’ve just been made aware that Davies is not only a mediocrity who worked hard to extend the 241 toll road into San Onofre, but also a Trumpy, anti-abortion extremist, wrong for Orange County. I’m working on a story along those lines…