That doesn’t make me look bad Greg. But carry on. I’ve got her over a barrel anyways. She just may…
True. Re dilatory tactic. This judge seems no nonsense/
That ... or it's a dilatory tactic. I'll be surprised if the Judge allows it -- at least without a…
Melahat update. She requested to substitute her attorney for a new one on Thursday, February 13, 2025. Still no sentencing…
"poor little Zionist Jewish princess" [Ed. Note: Taking out the offensive parts hasn't worked; maybe taking out all but the…
Let’s get one thing straight: Tammy Kim did not agree to withdraw her name from the ballot as some outfits…
Greenhut has to do better than this. No endorsement is better than a rotten one. But this is about relevance…
The Register, frustrated with the choices in this race, come down reluctantly and weakly for Strickland. From their Strickland…
Western States CCA:
label GMOs Archive
“GMO-OMG” Movie Pre-Release Screening One Night Only!
Posted on June 5, 2013 | No CommentsDo you know anyone who still doesn’t know what a genetically modified organism is? Then bring them to the only Orange County Pre-Release Screening of “GMO-OMG” Movie! Documentary film director, Jeffrey Seifert has […] -
OC to Participate in “March Against Monsanto” World Wide Action
Posted on May 23, 2013 | 6 Comments. While many will be traveling this three-day weekend to kick-start the vacation season, others will gather this Saturday, May 25th, along with people around the world to march in solidarity […] -
They Don’t Want Us To Know!
Posted on October 7, 2012 | 9 Comments. Big Pharma and the food processing conglomerates are conducting a campaign of lies against Proposition 37 in California. Why? They don’t want us to know what they are putting […] -
Two-Year Scientific Study Links Monsanto GMO Corn to Cancerous Tumors
Posted on September 20, 2012 | 59 Comments************************UPDATE************************** Just when I thought I heard it all, this is the headline I read today, Sweet times for cows as gummy worms replace costly corn feed. We all […]
Greg, In case you missed it Alex Odeh (a Palestinian American Christian) was murdered in this county not too far…