Big Pharma and the food processing conglomerates are conducting a campaign of lies against Proposition 37 in California. Why? They don’t want us to know what they are putting in our food!
Simply stated, the public has an unconditional right to know what is in our food. Proposition 37 simply requires our food to be LABELED ACCURATELY and the ingredients clearly stated. If we choose not to buy products that are genetically altered or otherwise contain artificial additives, that is our prerogative.
What do the opponents of Proposition 37 have to hide? Why doesn’t Mitt Romney want us to see his tax returns? Duh!
Next time you see an anti-Proposition 37 television ad, check the small print at the bottom of the ad to see who is financing this campaign of lies and deceit.
The Honorable Eddie Rose
Former Laguna Niguel City Councilman
“A Voice—Not an Echo”
Prop 37 is not necessarily the end state of regulation in this area. If there are gaps in what it covers that should be remedied, then those gaps could be remedied. But if it doesn’t pass, there won’t be simply gaps to remedy, but an unregulated wasteland — and probably no one will try to pass anything like it for a long time.
Prop 37 is a stepping-stone, from which we can stay or move on. Not passing 37 means that the journey to consumer knowledge never even begins.
I just heard on NPR that Coke and Pepsi will add the calorie content on their labels. These are the same companies paying big bucks to defeat Prop 37, claiming it will cost them millions of dollars to comply with the new law, and of course will have to pass that cost on to their loyal customers. I think now is a great time since they are already adding their calorie content, to add that their soda could contain gentectically modified ingredients.
When are Pepsi and Coke and Kelloggs and Sarah Lee and all the other mega corporations gonna wake up and realize they are royally shooting themselves in the foot over labeling GMOs? Its ALL about transparency! They should admit whats in their products or change the formula and put it back before GMOs came on the market. They already label in China and Russia. So whats up with denying Americans the right to know what they are eating or drinking?
And the ads for No on Prop 37 are total bull! Couldn’t they find a better spokesperson than Henry Miller who said radiation is good for you (referring to the Fukushima disaster), there is no global warming, DDT is safe and works for the tobacco company? Stanford University even made them re-shoot their ad because they didn’t want any part of this big lie. They have a reputation at stake. And if Coke and Pepsi and the rest of them keep up this “Its none of your business whats in your food” mantra, their reputation will be in the crapper. There are plenty of soda companies that are more than willing to take their market share by complying with the law or changing their formulas to NON-GMO.
I am voting YES on Prop 37 and so everyone single person I have talked to.
Hi Inge…I posted the below in a prior thread and I am hoping you can interpret how Prop 37 would apply to fresh produce:
Question for those “in the know” on Prop 37- what about produce? Right now we have a choice b/t “organic” and unlabled produce which is presumably non-organic. Is the produce that we eat such as oranges for example, pretty much all genetically engineered? Is it a “seed” thing? I question this as I thought that organic was a growing technique, so that you could have a GE’d seed grown in an organic manner and it would be organic and hence exempt from GE labeling. For example, seedless oranges I believe are GE’d but if grown organic, they would not have to be labeled GE. I have read the text of the Prop and I am not a scientist, although I do like reading the text. Will this lead us to three choices for oranges- Organic, Non Organic Non GE, and GE? I imagine that the same question probably would not be true for veggies as much as they are new seeds each year compared to tree fruit and some other produce (i.e. berries).
It seems that the individual orange would not have to be labeled as GE’d but instead the shelve that it sits on (Sec 110809)…is that correct?
Oranges are not GE yet, but GE apples are about to be approved by USDA though. Please see article:
Although there are not many genetically engineered fruits or vegetables in the US, packaged, frozen, or canned fruits or vegetables often have GMO additives. Some fruits and veggies are actually coated with GMO made wax or oil before hitting the shelves. Some GE foods in this category are zucchini, yellow squash, sweet corn, and papaya from Hawaii.
This the link to the initiative:
If the sticker on a piece of fruit is #8 then its organic. #4 means conventional pesticide used. There is no sticker for GMO fruit or veggie because there is no law requiring them to do so. If its canned or packaged and says 100% organic on the label, then it is.
Buy food labeled 100% organic. The US and Canadian governments do not allow manufacturers to label something 100% organic if that food has been genetically modified or been fed genetically modified feed. However, you may find that organic food is more expensive and different in appearance from conventional products. Also, just because something says “organic” on it does not mean that it does not contain GMs. In fact, it can still contain up to 30% GMs, so be sure the labels say 100% organic.
This applies to eggs, as well. Eggs labeled “free-range”, “natural”, or “cage-free” are not necessarily GE-free; look for eggs to be 100% organic.[4]
All this labeling and word ganes is mind boggling to me. I buy at local farmer markets because they don’t grow GMO.
Thanks…I was hoping you would respond. Very informative as always.
The NOP regulations prohibit the use of excluded methods (i.e., “GMOs”) in organic operations.
So “organic” is not supposed to contain GMOs, but pollen and seed drift are difficult to control. There is the possibility of trace amounts of GMOs in “organics.”
Prop 37 may or may not be a perfect piece of legislation, but it’s an improvement and it’s a stepping stone towards what will be even better.
Here is a link for Whole Foods exposed: http://tv.naturalnews.com/v.asp?v=A6D9F56EC3D67EB38801CCAACE10D645
*One small step for man……one giant step for mankind!” – Vote YES on 37