You should try reaching out to the various YouTube cop watching channels like Audit the Audit and Lackluster.
He's been fighting a rear-guard battle for years. North OC is lost forever. Even the wealthier enclaves in the South…
Behind the scenes, a lot of issues stemmed from him being a lapdog for Tony and Jennifer Beall, whose entire…
PS... I wanted to share this; I just got an email from the folks at Residents For Responsible Desalination,…
Thanks K, good work! :-) (Thinking of a Kafka The Castle joke)
Katie Porter loves some lobbyists.
Michelle Steel exists because the DPOC is weak sauce. South Koreans aren’t racist tools. Just ask Two name Tammy Kim.
Yes, we are HB'ers. For my very limited input, after a little snooping, what I've been able to glean so…
Michelle Steel is just a mail order bride. A puppet. Cut her some slack. Nobody hated Knucklehead Smith or Jerry…
About Author: Phobius
Posts by Phobius
Do NOT – I repeat, NOT – go to Vern Nelson’s concert Sunday!
Posted on November 14, 2008 | 3 CommentsWhatever you do this Sunday at 6PM, wherever you plan to spend your Sunday evening Nov. 16, let me urge you to make it FAR AWAY from the Huntington Beach […] -
Extrapolating on the DeVore Principle: Where will we draw the line on marriage? Dogs?? FIRE HYDRANTS???
Posted on November 3, 2008 | 6 CommentsI have long considered former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum (pictured at right with his broken-hearted family after his 2006 defeat) to be both a prophet and martyr in the cause […] -
Powerful New Videos That Will Make You Vote Yes on 8 or Die!
Posted on October 29, 2008 | 10 CommentsI apologize profusely, gentle readers, that I have not had time to complete the other four essays I have planned, essays that will elaborate and expand on the arguments we […] -
Corollaries to the Larry Gilbert / Rosie Avila Gay Marriage Syllogism!
Posted on October 13, 2008 | 15 CommentsI have stood, for some time, awestruck, at the simple beauty and flawless logic of the syllogism Juice-Brother Larry Gilbert, and Prop. 8 spokeswoman Rosie Avila, have offered on behalf […] -
Defend the Octopus of Marriage: YES on Prop. 8!
Posted on September 27, 2008 | 55 CommentsThis seminal 2004 passage from Fafblog has been widely misunderstood as satire, but I contend that it is a serious metaphor, playful, yes, but both beautiful and accurate, for the vast danger […]
Sue them