Chairman Vern here. I ran into the Orange Juice Oracle at the recent International Convention of Political Astrologers down in Laguna, and asked him: “You’ve done the charts for Romney, for Ryan, for the Supreme Court, and for a law (Obamacare) – can you do an entire nation? What does the United States’ horoscope look like for Election Day, Nov. 6, 2012?” The Oracle squinted quizzically at me, made a grunting sound, and retreated into his tent for nearly an hour. When he came back out, he spake thusly, which I transcribe from recording him on my smart phone:
Astrologically, what’s happening on election day in the United States has never happened before.
Mercury stations retrograde on November 6th, meaning the planet changes from a direct motion to a retrograde motion. It appears to be moving backward because of its elliptical orbit. The illusion is similar to two trains moving next to each other down the track. If you’re on the faster one, the slower one appears to be moving backwards. Mercury moves in retrograde motion about three times a year for about two and half to three weeks. Its effects are fairly well known. All manner of communication snafus are known to occur during that 2-3 week period. Traditional astrology recommends against signing contracts of any kind, as you will surely be missing an important piece of information that ends up working against you. Communication equipment malfunctions, news is reported inaccurately or prematurely, information is lost, tampered with, or otherwise confusing and unreliable.
Mercury was retrograde (but did not station on the exact day) the day that John Roberts messed up the words as he was swearing in President Obama, and had to return to the White house the following evening to redo it. That’s typical Mercury retrograde stuff.
In August of 2010 during the Australian elections the exact astrological event that will be occurring here on November 6th, occurred in Australia. Mercury stationed retrograde on their election day, and the result was a party tie. It took two weeks before Julia Gillard (the incumbent) secured enough votes to be declared the winner. Two weeks was the length of the retrograde period. Mercury turned direct as the final accurate results were announced.
I would predict a similar outcome for this election. I don’t think we’ll know who won for two weeks as the initial results will probably be contested.
Looking to inauguration day, it seems that Obama’s birth chart is better tied into the chart of the United States. On January 20th, the Sun conjuncts Obama’s natal Jupiter, a fortuitous and expansive influence. Transiting Saturn (achievement, public responsibility, solidification of reputation, honors and awards) is rising to the zenith of Obama’s chart. It falls in the 9th house, not quite approachng the Zenith, but close. Transiting Saturn moves through Romney’s 6th house, the house of self-improvement, service, health, humility, and hard work. Being placed below the horizon his current cycles reflect movement toward personal self-improvement, not massive public responsibility.
What clinches an Obama win for me is the absolute mess of a chart he’s left with for the next couple years. Massive responsibility, conflict, disappointment, and backbreaking work with little gain. Romney’s chart looks like he could be going fishing.
At the United Astrology Conference in New Orleans this spring, a panel of World-renowned astrologers convened and concluded that Obama would win. It was unanimous. It should be pointed out that most astrologers support Obama, so bias is always a possibility, but, as they were presenting, their prediction techniques seemed objective and sophisticated.
A week ago, four less famous astrologers convened at the San Diego Astrological Society meeting, and, again their conclusions were unanimously in favor of Obama. One quoted George Carlin, reminding everyone that the real rulers of this country don’t care who wins. “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.”
George also famously said “The American dream is called a dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.”
The Orange Juice Oracle.
Awesome art work Vern. You have just edged out Greg for #1 slot.
I am going to get my Retrograde on now.
Remember, it is only an illusion of moving backwards.
Damn, that is good! I’ve seen Vern working away with his colored pencil set, but I had no idea that he was up to something of this scope and quality.
OJO, while I not a believer in your occult practice, I do admire your panache as a writer. I know that I’m going to be staring at this title on our “top stories” roster for the next two weeks!
GD, thanks for your kind words.
I understand your doubts about my practices, and please understand that I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around your whole Jewish thing.
Don’t even bother with that one. Many have tried, none have succeeded.
I should give credit for that image, but I don’t really know who drew/painted it. It’s from a weird old anti-Obama screed on the internets, called “Obama Trance: An Astrological Commentary” by Francis D. Grabam.
at http://www.starpathvisions.com/Barack%20Obama%27s%20Astrological%20Birth%20Chart.html
Greg, I am totally into the Occult!!!! Just like Hitler, and the Blavatsky people and the Rosecrucians and the upper ranks of the Eternal Order of Knights Occupiers. Must Kill, Must Kill, must kill! must kill the apathetic masses all night long baby.
i have a horse running in the third race at sarasota this afternoon,,,,,what’s the prediction
I predict that you will come in first, and last.
There are no races today at Sarasota, wise guy.
maybe that is why my bookie is so willing to give me great odds
You know Willie, the bookies work for me.
Try not blow all of your inheritance on the ponies. Save some for your next trip to Monaco.
so, contrary to the point of people like mr. diamond, i am redistributing my wealth. and, just as a point of information, this is really not the season for monaco, the winter festivities do not really start till after thanksgiving, most of us are in the caribbean doing some end of year banking
When was it foaled? Oh wait — you didn’t come unprepared, did you?
Oh yeah, Sr. V. Nelson–and in a woid er two, brilliant distraction, i lovvvvve eeet! &@Double Eye, yeah!
gwine fishin’ till Nov 7, cuz now, don’t i feel all bettah,
I aint the Oracle, girl, he really exists. He could even be soneone you know.
I’ve noticed that when there is an increase in the stock market and economy there is an increase in the polls for Romney.
And when there is a decrease in the stock market and economy there is an increase in the polls for Obama.
Could this be what is meant by people voting with their dollars?
Retrograde….that appears to be the same motion of the Republican OC Congressional Candidates for the past several decades…..hmmm…is a retrograde supposed to last THAT long?
The best thing that will happen to America is for Obama to win. Romney could have been a good businessman who feeds off the carcass of companies he helped kill, but that is far from being the president of United State. Number one qualification is to have good judgement which he so much lacks, another one is steady hands but he is all over the map, thirdly is knowing about other countries in the world that you should lead, which he knows nothing about and the forth is having good anticipation of the future in terms of technology and energy which he is 50yrs behind, the fifth is knowing about military which he has demonstrated total ignorance. Tell me how this guy could be respected with his very shallow knowledge of foreign affairs and keeps talking about ships and coal of the past centuries. Believe it or not, electing Romney will put America worse than Bush left it because Bush is actually a smarter guy than Romney who talks from every side of his mouth and can not stand firm on any issue for good one week.
In the picture above Obama is swearing on Lincoln’s Bible. In fact Obama did everything in his power to mimic Lincoln. Therefore, it is essential that he will be reelected as self-fulfilling prophecy so a civil war between political Est and West, rather than North and South, can take place.
I should add that unlike Lincoln, Obama is not subject to the Curse of Tippecanoe (also known as Tecumseh’s Curse, the Presidential Curse, Zero-Year Curse, the Twenty-Year Curse, or the Twenty-Year Presidential Jinx)
However, the inauguration is an event chart. According to the Constitution of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama becomes President of the United States of America at noon on January 20. If something goes wrong at 11:59:59 am, it is George W. Bush’s problem. At 12:00:00 pm it is Barack Obama’s problem regardless of when the band plays, who sings what, or when the President says, “I do”.
The inauguration chart reflects the nature of the presidential term. It does not reflect the future of the country. There are other charts for that.
In this event, a void-of-course moon means “the people lack self-direction” and this will be a signature of the first Obama term. (How true!)
The fiercely self-determined Americans are hurting from the financial collapse, and are looking for leadership. This is a time when leaders must step up to the plate and provide direction. Obama lack self-direction, therefore, the civil war is eminent!
Exile says…
“If something goes wrong at 11:59:59 am, it is George W. Bush’s problem. At 12:00:00 pm it is Barack Obama’s problem regardless of when the band plays.”
Do you know what year it is? Where did you copy and paste your opinion from?
Cogent replies only, please. I’m busy trying to sync my iPhone to my hourglass. It’s really hard to add grains of sand to the old timekeeper.
“Do you know what year it is? Where did you copy and paste your opinion from?”……… Hmmmmmm
Intentionally, I have used a copy and paste to avoid any misinterpretation of my ESL.
Reiterating in plain English: Any moron mongoloid should know in what Month, Day, Year and Time the Obama’s inauguration happened, what the USA constitution says about the transfer of power and meaning of the astrological void-of-course moon chart for that event.
Yes, I now understand that you are referring to the moon being void-of-course for the last inauguration. I know that a lot of people use that part of a chart for analysis, but I don’t. I don’t find that it is that revealing or consistent.
The article I wrote was about the upcoming inauguration, and whose hand will be on the Bible January 20, 2012. That is the focus here.
If you want to go back and say that anything that happened after noon on 1/20/08 is Obama’s responsibility, then you have to agree that under his stewardship, the Dow has gone from 7,949 (which he inherited from Bush) to over 13,000. That is the kind of direction that we all wanted to see. A positive direction.
I’m sure that Obama would have preferred taking over an economy that was enjoying a budget surplus, you know, like when Bush took office.
Also note that I compared Obama’s and Romney’s BIRTH charts to the US inauguration chart, and the guy with the worst chart wins. That would be Obama.
In the spirit of that Onion headline from 2008, “Black Man Given Worst Job In the World.”
Pay attention to my above prophesy re civil war.
It’s not just Texas that wants out of the Union.
Georgia, Florida and Louisiana also bolstered enough votes on “We The People” to merit a response from the Obama administration.
Other states vying to break ties:
Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Arkansas, Colorado, Indiana, Michigan, Arizona, Missouri, Mississippi, Kentucky, Oklahoma, New York, Oregon, New Jersey, Montana, Georgia, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, California, Nevada, Ohio, Delaware, Wyoming, Utah, Alaska, Kansas, Nebraska, West Virginia, South Dakota, Virginia, Wisconsin, Rhode Island, Illinois, New Hampshire and Idaho.
So what kind of prophet do you claim to be? Christian, Islamic, or some other cult that you’d like to name.
I find it hard to believe that you are divinely inspired.
“So what kind of prophet do you claim to be?”………… Hmmmmmm
I am the Controlled Remote Viewing [“CRV”] practitioner.
Everyone can be a remote viewer unless his own ego will kill it.
CIA has entire department of remote viewers and that is how they found Osama……. pshshshshshs!
It is natural.
Obviously religion did hijacked this phenomenon for themselves and and burned others at stake.
Today it is a ridicule which forces people to give it up.
There is plenty on the web including debunker’s crapola. If you are not completely brain dead you may start reading here or elsewhere……. don’t forced!…… just read and research. http://www.remoteviewed.com/crv_manual.htm
Pay attention to my second prophesy re Iran war
I have stated that Israel will attack Iran and Obama will gave them Kennedy’s “Bay of Pigs” support.
The Hamas is now testing my prophesy to see if Obama gets involved in the current pissing contest with Israel.
This Hamas provocations are aimed against Obama not Israel!……. the military term is “probing the enemy”.
Oh my goodness that was a good reading. Love all the Obama predictions. Interesting his chart shows so much hard work in the next four years. I will have to take a look at this myself but certainly concur with the Oracle on the Mercury retrograde. Bravo! Hmmm…wonder if all the e-machines and Tagg owned machines will be in a communication flummox of their own? That precious planet could tin foil them.
Thank you Laurel, and glad you enjoyed.
Mercury retrograde certainly affects machines and especially communication devices. Computers are famous for quirky behavior and unexplained crashes. Often they mysteriously self heal.
I don’t think that we need to worry about Tagg owning the voting machines….he seems pretty far removed from being able to affect any votes. That said, the machines are prone to issues, whether Mercury is retrograde or not.
Hang on to your hats.
Hello, please tell me what your predictions are for me concerning if I will get married, will my marriage last, how do my finances look, and how is my health, is my reproductive system okay? Was I going to be able to marry a Prince? Will I marry well and wealthy? Will I be happy? Will my children be healthy and happy? Born April 12, 1979 at 9:35 AM, USA. I am female. Does race/skin color determine or make a difference in the outcome of one’s fate? Thank you.
*Let us pray……..that the Oracle is right on this…..Let us pray!
*Ok….a few things…;.Number One: No the Mercury does not go Retrograde until the Wednesday…..according to any good Ephemeris you care to choose. That means that after the results…..there will be much speculation. We think folks will opt for Trust vs. Change on Weds.
RoyalBottom…..tough early Mars in Aries….girl. You have ideas no doubt. Your Mercury and Venus in Pieces….so you are bit of a “Cry Baby” and “Little things…collector!” You probably get your feelings hurt pretty quick….so we will quit
right now! Let’s just say….you are certainly: “Colorful”! and will probably have your
pick of the litter. Just be careful, you don’t fall for a fast talking politician.
Very astute of you to realize that Mercury doesn’t go retrograde on November 6th.
That is why the very first sentence of my article says that “Mercury stations retrograde on November 6th.”
The key word here is “stations.” Stations is short for stationary. The first and last days of a retrograde are the most turbulent as one can imagine, like the contrast between cruising down the highway at 70, and then hitting the brakes, and starting to back up. Your coffee could spill.
The same sort of turbulence exists at the end of the cycle when Mercury “stations” direct, which means that it starts to move forward again, in relation to the orbit of the earth.
These two phenomena are the days that we get the most interesting and dramatic manifestations of the retrograde.
*The pre-retrograde motion also starts about 7 to 10 days prior to the actual retrograde and the effect ends 7 to 10 days after the retrograde turns direct.
Stationing does not necessarily mean all things stop. That would depend greatly on the adjacent Mars and in this case Uranian connections.
*Oracle……without a doubt…..have never seen such a theatrical plus minus election in our lifetimes. Very very odd. The Astrological question worth asking is WHY? Why is this particular contest so “good bad…good bad:?
There is every indication that Obama should have won this going away! An Incumbent,
a great mind and a steady hand on the tiller. How in the world can anyone consider the “Nutcase Romney”? This boy is so over the top that Sly Stallone and Arnold are sitting there saying: “What a nutcase!” Finally Colin Powell…came riding to the rescue, but good grief…..this is quite bizarre…isn’t it?
The question WHY ?
Very simple….money. If the media didn’t make into a slug fest where lies pass for legitimate points of view, then there would be no need for the billions spent on media ads.
You don’t need an astrologer to tell you that !
Love you, Orange Juice Oracle! This was great! So, what are your thoughts about December 12th? Not sure if this is within the realm of astrology, but curious as to what you think?
You give me a date, I’ll give you an opinion.
I think Longboobs that you are referring to the date of 12/21/12, which has been all over the press as the end of the Mayan calendar, doomsday, etc…..
Lucky for you it’s my birthday, and I’ve already given it a lot of thought.
“Lay of the Land” was the title of a workshop session that was presented earlier this month at UCLA’s Women in Leadership Conference, and the news doesn’t appear to be good for feminine equality. Women aren’t moving into senior executive positions at commensurate rates. An unconscious bias operating in both men and women causes them both to downgrade women’s performance. A resume with a male rather than female name on it is more valued whether a man or woman evaluates it. When gender blind auditions were initiated for symphony orchestras, the hiring of women increased five-fold. Looking back, women have been getting short changed.
But here’s the holistic Cosmic perspective. (abbreviated version)
The fixed star Regulus’s movement through the sky has a strong effect on the earth. Its movement through the signs tends to broadly define stages in the world’s evolution. Regulus progresses slowly,with each defined stage lasting approximately 2000-2500 years.
Cancer is a feminine water sign emphasizing nurturance and healing. As Regulus moved through the constellation of Cancer, beginning in 2380 BC, archeological evidence suggested a feminine world defined by worship of the Ancient Great Mother. There was little evidence of human sacrifice or war. The world seemed to be under a matriarchal influence.
At the beginning of the first century AD, Regulus left Cancer and progressed into the fixed masculine fire sign of Leo. Warriors from the north invaded and, for a long time, Rome ruled the world. Social status became important and the powerful emperors were all men. Women were enslaved and king-making ruled the day. Science and powerful creative drive defined the age as one of great discovery.
Now, after 2160 years of Leo influence, Regulus progresses into the feminine earth sign of Virgo. By most calculations, that progression will officially occur this year. The Mayans designated that date as December 21, 2012. Here’s what’s happening.
Virgo’s influence is feminine, humble, earthy, and adaptable. It’s sign is characterized by simple beauty. Women are beginning to sense they’re on more familiar ground.
Author Hannah Rosin writes the following: “Women are like immigrants who have moved to a new country. They see a new social context, and they flexibly adapt to new circumstances. Men are like immigrants who have physically moved to a new country but who have kept their minds in the old one. They speak the old language. They follow the old mores. Men are more likely to be rigid; women are more fluid.”
Women seem to be experiencing a burst of energy. David Brooks notes “ When there’s big social change, the people who were on the top of the old order are bound to cling to the old ways. The people who were on the bottom are bound to experience a burst of energy. They’re going to explore their new surroundings more enthusiastically.”
Women are flooding into new jobs, going back to school, pursuing new careers, and reinventing the workplace as they start their own businesses. If they haven’t made a move they’re contemplating it. That’s what I’m observing.
Breaking through glass ceilings seems beside the point. So looking forward, women have already left the building, and are moving into much bigger worlds, that seem cosmically designed for them.
Probably more than what you were expecting in a reply, but hey, we’re talking about my birthday.
Thank you, Oracle, for such a thoughtful response. And I will be horrified with myself if I fail to wish you a happy birthday on 12-21! And yes, that is the date I meant. Dyslexia seems to be setting in and competing with the Alzheimer’s. Sadly, the Lay of the Land perspective is something I’ve become very cognizant of in my own work. I work with two women executives and watch them work twice as hard as the men who preceded them, yet be treated horrifically by the politicos whom they serve (I work in government; specifically specialized law enforcement). I much prefer the holistic, cosmic version! Anyway, thanks for the response and thanks for the great post!