Is T-Rack’s Case Against Kelly Thomas’ Murderers Designed to Fail? Sipowicz thinks so…




Born To Lose: The Do-Nothing DA’s Recipe For Failure

by Joe Sipowicz

Loser. By design.

I’ve been thinking about this for months. It’s been gnawing at my spinal cortex. It’s been chewing on my psyche. It’s been snag-toothing the back of my brain. There is no polite way to put this. OC District Attorney Tony Rackauckas’ case against the goons who killed Kelly Thomas is designed to fail.

There are just too many lose ends overlooked or ignored by the DA. Too many unasked questions. Charges that are mystifying, flimsy, dubious, ultimately useless.

If ever anybody looked like a patsy it was the obese clown Manny Ramos, who, as Rackauckas pointed out,  initiated the brutal contact with the schizophrenic, undernourished homeless man.  But other than possibly joining the pile on, Ramos is not said by the DA to have been part of the actual beating laid down on Thomas. That was said to have been perpetrated principally by the one-eyed cop Jay Cicinelli, who was hit with paltry charges and a paltry bail.

The Second Degree murder charge against Ramos won’t stick, since…

read the rest of the story at “Friends For Fullerton’s Future”

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.