UPDATE: Matt put the post back up, explaining that he accidentally posted it when it was not complete. However he deleted all the previous comments. Lame.
Matt/Jubal Cunningham finally put up a post this evening about the scandal involving Republican O.C. Supervisor Janet Nguyen, who voted against a proposed restaurant rating system without telling the public that her husband and her chief of staff co-own a Lees Sandwiches restaurant that was cited in July for a major violation and nine minor violations. Then Matt abruptly deleted his post!
If you try to read his post now all you get is the information depicted in the graphic above.
Why did Matt delete the post? In said post he argued that Nguyen did not have a conflict, even though it appears that most folks feel otherwise. It was a predictable post but Matt did not say anything of consequence. And now he has deleted the post. Why?
I can only imagine that Nguyen called Matt in a panic tonight and asked him to take the post down. And like the good Republican hack that he is, Matt did exactly that.
So the coverup at Red County continues. And there is STILL no mention of this story at the Liberal OC and Bolsavik blogs. I have to hand it to Nguyen. She has managed to compromise much of the OC blogosphere. But not THIS blog!
In case Matt tries to say he never put up such a post, here is the BNN link to it:
Honestly, Art — are you on medication, or are you just wired to engage in ignorant speculation?
I accidentally published the post before I’d finished writing it. I guess the typos and half-finished sentences didn’t tip you off.
I noticed that this evening and unpublished it until I had a chance to finish it.
And you wonder why you aren’t taken seriously?
I can only imagine that Nguyen called Matt in a panic tonight and asked him to take the post down. And like the good Republican hack that he is, Matt did exactly that.
I have to hand it to Nguyen. She has managed to compromise much of the OC blogosphere. But not THIS blog!
Being Janet’s toady was your schtick, Art. It’s funny reading you pretend as if that was never the case.
Lame. I just read your finished article and it is still a joke. When did you become such a Jannie?
You are still saying she has no conflict of interest, when just about everyone else says otherwise. Again, lame.
Nguyen blew it. So did the other Supervisors who opposed a letter grading system. I guess they won’t be happy until more people get sick and die due to unsanitary O.C. restaurants.
When did you become such a Jannie?
Art, I get that you’re mad because after all those months of being Janet’s blog toady, she endorses against your council campaign.
You are still saying she has no conflict of interest, when just about everyone else says otherwise.
When did you and Steve Greenhut become “everyone else”?
I guess they won’t be happy until more people get sick and die due to unsanitary O.C. restaurants.
I suppose your next health crusade will be against vending trucks in Santa Ana?
Or will that collide with your La Raza persona?
Oh, and don’t bother to correct your factually incorrect headline and post. That would be out of character.
You are a fine one to talk about character.
The headline is correct. You did delete the post. And I included an update mentioning the fact that you reposted it and deleted the comments for good measure.
I guess you won’t care about sanitary conditions in our local restaurants until one of your own kids gets sick. Is that what it will take Matt? You obviously don’t care about other folk’s kids.
The headline is correct. You did delete the post. And I included an update mentioning the fact that you reposted it and deleted the comments for good measure.
Are you insane? You are telling me what happened with my post on my blog?
It was never deleted. You know very well the difference between deleting a post and unpublishing one. In the former case it is gone, in the latter, it’s back in draft form.
It’s like SMS has said, you are simply incapable of admitting error.
Get a grip. You are the one who screwed up your post, deleted it and then re-posted it, sans comments.
Maybe Scott Graves is paying you too much to run Red County? Perhaps you owe him a refund?
However he deleted all the previous comments. Lame.
Art, you might find it useful to ask questions before leaping to conclusions based on ignorance.
I added a note at the bottom of the post explaining what happened to the comments — I did not delete them. Just as I did not delete the unfinished post.
I even personally pasted yours back in.
But what am I thinking, bothering you with facts and reality?