Two things. Not all of those these democrats are moderate. At a minimum, mushroom girl is straight up kookoo. As…
Vern, thank you, thank you, thank you for writing this spot-on critique. You get it. The worst, most toxic influence…
In other Larry related news, on 11/13/2024, the FPPC opened a case initiated on its own complaint against him and…
Queue video to 3:28:55 to see Larry’s response to being berated by the local Jewish Zionist community at the behest…
Here is another journalist not telling the whole story about the ADL when reporting on an event and quoting them.…
The mere fact that Tammy shenanigans pulled papers twice was her death knell and the former mayor of brea and…
My original report was spot on.
No good judge would allow two attorneys to argue against one. It’s called bullying. Not civil. And she ain’t OJ.
I’m not a Larry fan. The public record reflects that. Go listen to the last Irvine city council meeting. I…
Eminent Domain Archive
Saga of the Bahu ARCO (A Microcosm of Anaheim Corruption)
Posted on August 17, 2023 | 25 CommentsThis has everything. Enjoy. (Did I mention? SIDHU! AMENT! AND SIDHU!) -
Agents’ Orange 4: NON-PARTISAN Volunteers in the OC, 1960-2000
Posted on November 30, 2020 | 8 CommentsWow, there are some stories here you gotta read... -
The Trump Implosion….Maybe Just a Bad Dream?
Posted on February 10, 2019 | 7 CommentsThe Winships enjoy the spectacle... -
Brandman should’ve moved into D5, to avoid Carpetbagging Charges and to address Eminent Domain
Posted on October 9, 2018 | 25 CommentsRicardo's ideas for the blight at Rio Vista and Lincoln! -
Huntington Beach’s Mobile Home Uprising – which side are YOU on?
Posted on August 3, 2014 | 1 CommentTen years ago, this shit is still happening everywhere in California. -
Poseidon, the Disney Streetcar, and the Camel’s Nose in the Tent.
Posted on August 12, 2013 | 15 CommentsGuys. And girls. Do we have to talk to our electeds and Board representatives like children? Does this really have to be our job? Because it seems that our generally […] -
California Supreme Court ruling abolishes Redevelopment Agencies!
Posted on December 29, 2011 | 8 Comments. . . All redevelopment agencies in CA officially abolished. What a surprise Christmas gift from our Supreme Court, especially when they voted unanimously (7-0) to uphold AB X 1- […] -
State Referendum filed to Repeal AB 27x (Redevelopment Pay-to-Play)
Posted on July 20, 2011 | 2 Comments. . . Earlier today, Marko Mlikotin, president, California Alliance to Protect Private Property Rights, CAPPPR, filed a referundum with the attorney General to repeal AB27x, the legislation that allows […] -
CAPPPR’s “Stop the Money Pit” campaign
Posted on June 6, 2011 | No Comments -
Flaws in AB1250 Assemblyman Luis Alejo’s AB1250 redevelopment reform
Posted on June 3, 2011 | 4 Comments. . . . . While we continue to lobby Republicans to eradicate redevelopment agencies in our state, CRA/LA has supported AB1250, a new Bill sponsored by Assembly Member Luis […] -
Challenging Republicans to derail redevelopment agencies
Posted on May 24, 2011 | 7 CommentsThose of us in the trenches fighting redevleopment agency abuses for the past two decades are not taking the summer off . Following is our latest effort to press […] -
Letter to Saddleback Valley USD Board from Lake Forest Parent
Posted on May 9, 2011 | 5 Comments. . . . . The following letter, sent to the SVUSD Board last night, raises questions on the pending closure of Aliso Elementary school in Lake Forest. While I can understand […]
Btw that was a fun read. Except for citing Greg. Lol!! And Tammy Shenanigans has a credibility problem. Hello.