Irvine Dems fight police union while Costa Mesa Reeps fold like chairs

Larry Agran fights the police union

Would you believe it?  Steven Greenhut praised Larry Agran and his fellow Irvine City Council Democrats over at the O.C. Register in an op-ed today.  Apparently Agran and company have been fighting the Irvine Police Association, which is up in arms over cutbacks.

Meawhile, over in Costa Mesa, two Republicans joined Katrina Foley in giving firefighters an even earlier retirement, under the guise of saving money.

Here is an excerpt from Greehut’s op-ed:

A month ago, if you asked me which council – Costa Mesa’s, which has a 4-1 GOP majority, or Irvine’s, with its 3-2 Democratic majority (both are officially nonpartisan) – would stand up for fiscal responsibility, I would not have flinched in selecting the former. Call me pleasantly surprised, not just at the vote, but at the way the Agran-led Irvine majority is shrugging off the sort of police-union theatrics that have become commonplace as police associations have mastered the art of hardball politics to a degree that would make the Teamsters blush.

The Costa Mesa Council Members who voted for the pension spike were Wendy Leece and Gary Monahan.

Incidentally, the Irvine Council Republicans, Christina Shea and Steven Choi, voted with the police union.

Is there anything worse than Republican politicians who shill for unions?

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"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.