Frances’ lawsuit seems like a loser. If her council member colleagues were privileged to censure her, that immunity should transfer…
The Steels' latest attack on Derek Tran is that he's not QUITE as fluent in Vietnamese (his childhood language) as…
it was proved in the court of law daniel was wrongfully killed. Grow up before you decide to make any…
Actually I thought Eric made a good point. It was hard for a corruption fighter like Jose Moreno, as it's…
You know if Do was convicted of stealing public funds in his homeland, it would likely be the end of…
Well, you and Greg agree on that, but Norberto was very threatening recently when we used a couple of his…
You obviously don’t understand intellectual property law. If you are using the photo for news reporting, the picture is subject…
Great, Stones-from-a-glass-house fight! I don't think Do's in the mood to be co-operative with anyone, but I am trying to…
I don't think anyone does, although I found someone on Facebook who WORKS with Mando (and says "he shouldn't be…
prop. 187 Archive
Protest at Meg Whitman’s Santa Ana office today at 4 pm!
Posted on September 28, 2010 | 27 CommentsRepublican gubernatorial nominee Meg Whitman has opened a campaign office in Santa Ana, at 4th and Broadway. This is such an insult to our Latino residents. Whitman’s campaign chairman is […] -
Aye Dios! Meg Whitman is opening an office in Santa Ana
Posted on September 10, 2010 | 4 CommentsCampaign spokeswoman Sarah Pompei confirmed that Meg Whitman is opening an office in Santa Ana and said that it will “help our get-out-the-vote efforts for Meg and the entire Republican […] -
Meg Whitman now says she is opposed to Prop. 187 and SB 1070
Posted on July 8, 2010 | 2 CommentsSurprise! GOP gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman now says she is opposed to Prop. 187 and the Arizona S.B. 1070 racial profiling law, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, which posted […] -
Meg Whitman ripped Latinos in the primary, now she wants their votes
Posted on June 17, 2010 | 2 CommentsDoes Meg Whitman think Latinos are stupid? She has set up a new website, “Latinos for Meg,” where she says she opposed the Arizona racial profiling law, S.B. 1070. And […] -
Who is 42nd congressional district candidate Lee McGroarty? Part 2
Posted on March 15, 2010 | 1 CommentOn Saturday, March 13th, after the local Rush Limbaugh fan club breakfast at the Casta Del Sol golf course, I sat down with Inland Empire businessman Lee McGroarty to discuss […] -
Governor Schwarzenegger proposes eliminating welfare for immigrants
Posted on January 15, 2010 | 11 Comments“Actung! No more freebies for da immigrants!” There was a lot of press in the last week or so about the release of the Governor’s proposed FY 10-11 State budget […] -
Hater Republicans working on another Prop. 187
Posted on July 13, 2009 | 31 CommentsThe GOP Latino haters are at it again… “Activists have begun collecting signatures for a proposed ballot measure designed to block some benefits to the U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants […] -
Is this the return of Prop. 187?
Posted on April 11, 2009 | 64 CommentsCalifornia’s Republican Party is almost dead. So what do these guys decide to do to restore the GOP? Some of them are bringing back Prop. 187, via a new state […] -
Meg Whitman is a complete disaster
Posted on February 11, 2009 | 4 CommentsOh my. I knew that Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman had issues, but now I am completely aghast, having read an interview with her in the L.A. Times. She contradicts […]
I kind of agree. I don't know if it's a loser or justified or if she'll win, but I wouldn't-a…