It reeks of desperation except that they had a little bit of leverage which all evaporated after the case was…
That agreement was preposterously bad.
The Voice of OC, okay, along with the three Councilmembers who rejected it - Tammy, Treseder and Agran. Farrah and…
Tammy lied about her residency in Dist. 5. Irvine choose to split into 6 parts. Kim chose to cheat. Immediately…
This is an atrociously asshole comment. It's like asking "what is it about what this victim did that made these…
Vern: You said that you appreciated Eric's coverage of the Tammy lawsuit. That's over. So is Eric's usefulness here.
(1) Do you see Treseder listed in Vern's litany? (2) Do you even know what a "Great White Hope" is?…
Is there a part of the piece that calls her perfect? No. I squeezed a world of complaints about all…
Tammy [deletions of inappropriate commentary here] After Farrah one as mayor[sic], she promptly stabbed Kim in the back withdrawing her…
bnn Archive
The Liberal OC joins the Red County in blog futility
Posted on May 10, 2009 | 3 CommentsIt’s official. The Liberal OC has joined Red County in being overlooked by the BNN Top 20 ranking for political blogs in California. The “Big 3” are no longer in […] -
The Orange Juice blog has been number one for the past 3 months!
Posted on January 11, 2009 | 6 CommentsThe Orange Juice blog is number one this week, according to’s “California’s Most Influential Political Blogs” list. Our blue counterparts at the Liberal OC came in number two, but […] -
Red County OC barely cracks BNN’s Top 10 Ranking this week
Posted on December 14, 2008 | No CommentsI am so enjoying BNN’s “California’s Most Influential Political Blogs” weekly list now that they are judging Red County’s individual blogs separately. This week Red County OC finally cracked their […] -
The Real O.C. Political Blog Rankings
Posted on August 9, 2008 | 17 CommentsWell, here we go again. BNN chose to rank our friends at the Liberal OC blog #1 this week. Congrats to them, but let’s compare our mutual Sitemeter readership data […] -
The Real O.C. Political Blog Rankings
Posted on August 2, 2008 | 29 CommentsUntil BNN can get their blog rankings right, we will continue to present the REAL O.C. Blog rankings featuring data from Here are this week’s updated Alexa rankings:
Chmielewski gets to this four days later...