It reeks of desperation except that they had a little bit of leverage which all evaporated after the case was…
That agreement was preposterously bad.
The Voice of OC, okay, along with the three Councilmembers who rejected it - Tammy, Treseder and Agran. Farrah and…
Tammy lied about her residency in Dist. 5. Irvine choose to split into 6 parts. Kim chose to cheat. Immediately…
This is an atrociously asshole comment. It's like asking "what is it about what this victim did that made these…
Vern: You said that you appreciated Eric's coverage of the Tammy lawsuit. That's over. So is Eric's usefulness here.
(1) Do you see Treseder listed in Vern's litany? (2) Do you even know what a "Great White Hope" is?…
Is there a part of the piece that calls her perfect? No. I squeezed a world of complaints about all…
Tammy [deletions of inappropriate commentary here] After Farrah one as mayor[sic], she promptly stabbed Kim in the back withdrawing her…
barack obama Archive
After a Quarter-Century, Dana introduces a decent bill: the “Respect State Marijuana Laws Act!”
Posted on April 13, 2013 | 10 Comments. As though in celebration of his twenty-fifth year in Congress, Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa) – who first came to power in 1988 promising to only serve six years – […] -
Are White People Going Crazy?
Posted on December 20, 2012 | 29 Comments. I mean, not normal-ass white people like you and me, but that insecure, noisy, politically overrepresented minority of white people that comforts and drugs itself with FOX News. I’m […] -
Pay No Taxes, Get No Vote
Posted on November 12, 2012 | 57 CommentsReprinted with permission from Thinking Right No one who does not pay federal taxes should have the right to vote – period. We have finally reached the tipping […] -
John and Ken’s 2012 Orange County Voters’ Guide. By Vern.
Posted on November 6, 2012 | 59 Comments. I understand there has been some confusion resulting from my dedicating my voters’ guide, as I traditionally do, to my gay friends John and Ken. Some of the fans […] -
The Orange Juice Oracle reads America’s Horoscope for Election Day!
Posted on October 25, 2012 | 39 Comments. Chairman Vern here. I ran into the Orange Juice Oracle at the recent International Convention of Political Astrologers down in Laguna, and asked him: “You’ve done the charts for […] -
Obama’s Libyan Debate Lies Will Cost Him Election
Posted on October 17, 2012 | 35 CommentsCourtesy Thinking Right Blog Democratic pundits are giddy tonight about the reappearance of a feisty and quick (I would argue rude and petulent) Obama at the second debate held […] -
A Tale of Two Tax Worlds: Obama’s and Romney’s.
Posted on September 25, 2012 | 7 Comments. We welcome to the Orange Juice Blog our new tax and finance expert who previously commented under the awkward handle TJLocalSA, but will henceforth write under the handle “BOUTWELL,” […] -
Hail to the “Panderer-in-Chief”
Posted on June 28, 2012 | 5 Comments. Excerpted with permission from “Eddie’s Corner”, the blog of Eddie Rose, at To read this article in its entirety, please go to President Barack Obama has shown […] -
Gay marriage – check! Dream Act kids – check! Now, call off your DEA dogs, Mr. President.
Posted on June 20, 2012 | 42 Comments. In case you’d been wondering why the nation has felt a little bit like a party lately, well, there’s a couple of things. But do a couple of things […] -
A Tale of Two Fiestas: OC GOP fetes Jan Brewer, Obama embraces Dream Students.
Posted on June 15, 2012 | 24 Comments. Two Parties, Two Recent Stories, Two different approaches to immigration and Latinos. This flew under my radar this week before I had a chance to lampoon it, between my […] -
If I Had a Smile Like Barack Obama’s
Posted on June 14, 2012 | 10 Comments. If I had a smile like Barack Obama’s, when I gave speeches I would smile all of the time. Even with a speech like the one he gave […] -
Meet Your 2012 Candidates!
Posted on June 6, 2012 | 41 Comments. Welcome to Abel Maldonado’s Top-Two Universe. You and I just live in it now. Well, at least now we can focus a little better. Let’s look at the choices-of-two […] -
Video of debate between Ed Royce and his challengers. Update – COMPLETE! With new smart-ass questions.
Posted on May 24, 2012 | 3 Comments. The May 11 debate between Congressman Ed Royce and his challengers Democrat Jay Chen and independent D’Marie Mulattieri was a huge success, and we finally have video of it. […] -
Mitt Romney—Of the Rich; By the Rich; For the Rich
Posted on May 20, 2012 | 12 Comments(Excerpted with permission from Eddie’s Corner, the blog of Eddie Rose, at Nearly 15o years ago, in his historic Gettysburg Address, President Abraham Lincoln spoke of “…a government of the […]
Chmielewski gets to this four days later...