No good judge would allow two attorneys to argue against one. It’s called bullying. Not civil. And she ain’t OJ.
I’m not a Larry fan. The public record reflects that. Go listen to the last Irvine city council meeting. I…
She is a crackpot. The Irvine DEI committee is a joke. Go listen to their meetings and her speak. And…
Larry, like you, is part of the Agran is a Visionary Genius Party. He stopped being a Democrat when he…
There are two other candidates. I read their statements and this is who I will support. Kuo is awful --…
She should have tried the facial challenge to the ordinance that I mentioned.
I wouldn't mind having his Agranista commentary here is he played it straight, as I requested. But he won't, because…
Cite me some general rule to that effect that that's a no-no. You can do what the court agrees to…
I think you know. We used to refer to him as the "morbidly obese hate-vessel," back in the Epting days,…
Classic Juice 1 Archive
New SAUSD corruption open thread
Posted on June 22, 2008 | 976 CommentsUPDATE: Comments on this thread are now closed. The new 2009 thread is available at this link. I wrote a post on July 16, 2006, entitled “SAUSD corruption coming out […] -
Gay Dana Tales
Posted on May 23, 2008 | 5 Comments. . . . . When I use the phrase “Gay Dana Tales” I want to be very clear that I am referring to both: 1) the “good gay,” as […] -
Harry Sidhu caught redhanded taking tickets for events at the Anaheim Pond
Posted on May 12, 2008 | 5 CommentsAnaheim Councilman Harry Sidhu, who is running for the 33rd Senate District, is busted! His Republican opponent, Mimi Walters, recently mailed an embarrassing hit piece on Sidhu that revealed that […] -
Your Sunday video: Darrell Anderson
Posted on May 11, 2008 | 4 Comments -
The Great Blog Migration of ’08
Posted on May 11, 2008 | 3 Comments. . . . . Some unfortunate bloggers did not survive the Great Migration to WordPress Pass, way back in two-thousand-aught-eight. We turned back to look at the fallen, clenched […] -
Art’s June 3 ballot picks
Posted on May 10, 2008 | 9 CommentsAbsentee ballots are already arriving in Orange County households, so here are my picks for the June 3 primary: 47th Congressional District No contest – Loretta Sanchez has my vote. […] -
A new Orange Juice is coming soon!
Posted on May 10, 2008 | 4 CommentsDear Readers, First, allow me to thank all of you for making the Orange Juice one of the top political blogs in California. I have big news. We are going […] -
Who will be our next Orange County Sheriff?
Posted on May 10, 2008 | 6 CommentsThe Total Buzz blog has released a list of the finalists to replace disgraced former O.C. Sheriff Mike Carona. Here is the list that Total Buzz published: They are Glendale […] -
Orange County Business Council endorses Supervisors Campbell & Nguyen
Posted on May 10, 2008 | 3 CommentsI received notice yesterday that the Orange County Business Council has decided to endorse Supervisors Bill Campbell and Janet Nguyen for reelection. See the press release below for the details. […] -
New book chronicles anti-Mexican fervor in Costa Mesa
Posted on May 9, 2008 | 13 CommentsThe OC Weekly’s Gustavo Arellano has written a review of a new book by Humberto Caspa, about the anti-Mexican movement in Costa Mesa. (Does anyone else see the irony in […] -
Claudio versus the MInutemen, the video
Posted on May 9, 2008 | 14 CommentsWe recently wrote about Claudio Gallegos, our former blogger, taking on the Minutemen during the recent May Day immigration protests in Santa Ana. Now you can see him in action […] -
Solorio to hold budget crisis meeting, but he still wants to raise our taxes
Posted on May 9, 2008 | 1 CommentAssemblyman Jose Solorio and other Assemblymembers will be hosting a regional Town Hall on California -
“Gas-Tax Holiday” – Who’s yanking your chain?
Posted on May 9, 2008 | No CommentsNEWSFLASH: The McCain/Hillary “Gas Tax Holiday” would not lead to ANY SAVINGS at the pump for YOU! Sorry about the bold italics, but the tendency with serious people, from Senator […]
My original report was spot on.