No good judge would allow two attorneys to argue against one. It’s called bullying. Not civil. And she ain’t OJ.
I’m not a Larry fan. The public record reflects that. Go listen to the last Irvine city council meeting. I…
She is a crackpot. The Irvine DEI committee is a joke. Go listen to their meetings and her speak. And…
Larry, like you, is part of the Agran is a Visionary Genius Party. He stopped being a Democrat when he…
There are two other candidates. I read their statements and this is who I will support. Kuo is awful --…
She should have tried the facial challenge to the ordinance that I mentioned.
I wouldn't mind having his Agranista commentary here is he played it straight, as I requested. But he won't, because…
Cite me some general rule to that effect that that's a no-no. You can do what the court agrees to…
I think you know. We used to refer to him as the "morbidly obese hate-vessel," back in the Epting days,…
apologists Archive
A Digital Chip for every Pro-Lifer?
Posted on July 31, 2018 | 1 CommentWell? Ya feel lucky, punk? -
Why Do Old Fat People Love Donald?
Posted on October 15, 2017 | 4 Comments*Let’s face it……Hillary started it. All she had to do was just dummy up….but she got gay and festive. She thought she had an insurmountable lead and there was no […] -
Sunni ISIS/Al Queda against the World!
Posted on November 12, 2015 | 30 Comments. . . We grow so weary of the public at large unable to separate various Muslim groups or think out of the box. If someone wears a turban they […] -
Kelly Thomas Case Goes to Jury
Posted on January 9, 2014 | 1 CommentTwo and a half years later, society finally has its say regarding how Kelly Thomas died. No one contests that Manuel Ramos threatened to hurt Kelly Thomas. No one contests […] -
The Great Fullerton Water Heist plays out.
Posted on March 4, 2013 | 11 Comments. For those of you not paying attention, the city council is moving towards concluding our great water debacle. In short (and apolitically as possible), Fullerton water rate payers have […] -
Officer Wolfe Finally Charged! [update – legal analysis by Diamond]
Posted on September 27, 2012 | 7 CommentsToday, over a year after the event, the Orange County District Attorney’s Office announced new charges against former Fullerton Police Officer Joe Wolfe. This brings the total number of individuals […] -
11 True Things You Won’t Learn In High School
Posted on November 15, 2011 | 42 Comments. . . In a time when nothing is your fault, you are owed everything, you should not have to work for anything and everyone is a winner – I […] -
Budget Talks Strangled By Self-Interest
Posted on May 9, 2011 | 50 Comments. . . . . Unusually, I am not trying to advocate any position in this post, but simply pointing out that few if any of us are willing to […] -
OC GOP Censures Davenport
Posted on May 4, 2011 | 27 Comments. . . The executive committee of the Orange County GOP voted 12-2 today to censure Marilyn Davenport, an elected member of the Central Committee, for her transmission of a […] -
BP needs to dig deep
Posted on June 7, 2010 | No CommentsAs the Gulf of Mexico becomes a slimey, firey oil pit, with thousands of birds, turtles, fish, crab. shrimp and indigenous animals dying in numbers one can only estimate – BP continues […] -
Wherefore Iran?
Posted on December 30, 2009 | 9 Comments[poll id=”243″] The pro-Democracy movement in Iran is the most critical event in the world today. This country is pursuing a full-throated policy of apology towards the greatest evil and […]
My original report was spot on.