Open Letter to Laguna Niguel from a Concerned Neighbor

Laguna Niguel: Accountability and Responsibility in Question

To the Members of the Laguna Niguel City Council,

It is with deep concern and frustration that I address the recent actions and decisions of this council, which reflect a disturbing pattern of self-entitlement and disregard for the principles of good governance. The current state of affairs in our city council is nothing short of disgraceful, and the taxpayers deserve better.

A “Classless” and Self-Entitled Council

The behavior exhibited by this council is a stark reminder of a “classless” and self-entitled mindset. The attitude of “I am God and will spend your taxpayer money as I please” is not only arrogant but also a gross misuse of public trust and resources. This council is supposed to represent the interests of the people, not their personal ambitions and friendships.

Appointments Based on Friendships, Not Merit

It is evident that this council is not truly chosen by the people. Two members were appointed simply because they were friends with existing council members. This cronyism undermines the democratic process and erodes public trust. It is appalling to see appointed council members partying with their patrons, flaunting their connections while the taxpayers foot the bill.

Mismanagement of Taxpayer Money

The ongoing CVRA lawsuit is a prime example of this Council’s fiscal irresponsibility. Initially, the city agreed to a settlement to keep costs down, yet now we find ourselves in court, facing skyrocketing legal fees. It appears the city attorney has more interest in padding their own pockets than in serving the public good.

Breach of Agreement and Legal Costs

Led by Ray Gennawey, a Todd Spitzer lackey, the council requested a 90-day extension to fulfill the CVRA “Safe Harbor” provision and signed an agreement to avoid breaching it. However, in a typical move reminiscent of Spitzer’s tactics, the council breached the contract, instructed their attorney to file a demurrer, and have now likely tripled the costs they initially agreed to cap. Instead of sticking to the $30,000 cap, we are now potentially looking at a $100,000 bill, with Scott Smith poised to gain the most from this financial disaster.

The Real Costs of Litigation

This decision to litigate rather than honor the agreement is not only financially reckless but also strategically foolish. No city or school district in California has ever won a CVRA case in court. The Whittier School District faced a similar lawsuit and ended up paying over $200,000 in legal costs. What makes this council think Laguna Niguel will fare any better? This unnecessary litigation is a financial drain on the taxpayers, with no conceivable benefit in sight.

Conclusion: A Call for Accountability

The current council members, many of whom took their seats through nepotism and favoritism, have shown they are unfit to govern responsibly. Their actions have not only breached legal agreements but have also shown a blatant disregard for taxpayer money and the principles of transparency and accountability.

Laguna Niguel deserves leaders who prioritize the public interest over personal gain, who respect the rule of law, and who manage our resources wisely. It is time for this council to stop wasting our money, honor their agreements, and step down if they cannot fulfill their duties with integrity.

Some of our Previous Coverage of this Issue in Laguna Niguel

Oddo Epilogue from Vern

Publisher Vern Nelson chiming in here, because I’m a Democrat, and I hold Democrats to higher standards, and I want to know what’s up with this Mayor Pro Tem Stephanie Oddo, who is the one Democrat on this town’s Council. I am told that Stephanie’s votes and behavior on this are indistinguishable from her anti-districting Republican colleagues. Like them, she fought off the reform as long as she could, and then after giving in to the inevitable, has joined her colleagues in refusing to pay attorney Michelle Jackson her nominal $35k. In fact I’m told Stephanie was especially rude and sexist to Michelle, calling her a bitter wife and an attorney who gives attorneys a bad name.

What gives? I thought Democrats FAVORED district elections. And I know Stephanie’s not an attorney, but I’d thought Democrats would choose following the law over blowing possibly hundreds of thousands on doomed vengeful litigation. But (correct me if I’m wrong) Stephanie seems to choose siding with her Republican colleagues who named her Mayor ProTem and may make her MAYOR next year, over doing what’s right even if she’s only one voice.

And I see that next month the DPOC is giving Stephanie the “Public Service Award” for 2024 (which she’ll share with the very deserving Sarmiento.) Am I missing something? This doesn’t seem like very good public service. Contact me, Stephanie, if I’m misunderstanding anything. Thank you.

About South OC Paine

South OC Paine, anonymous FOR NOW, is an anti-establishment, reformist Republican in southern Orange County who is currently on mission to bring more race diversity into the GOP.