Ray Gennawey & White Privilege in Laguna Niguel

What’s happening in Laguna Niguel? Two city council people leave, one right after the other, and the new boy carpetbagger Ray Gennawey gets his buddies in!

The City of Laguna Niguel is the epitome of “White Entitlement Nepotism” and they will fight to the death to maintain their Dynastic Politics. In some towns, political offices are treated as family heirlooms, passed down from one generation to the next, perpetuating a concentration of power and limited opportunities for others.

And nowhere is that more evident and apparent than in Laguna Niguel. Leading the way are the Jennings and Gennawey families. Led by Ray (Carpetbagger) Gennawey these new elitist councilmembers are strengthening their hold on the residents of Laguna Niguel by establishing a privileged network of trusted individuals within political circles, providing support and influence to their leader. 

Ever since Gennawey entered the Laguna Niguel political arena in 2022, he has done nothing but erode public trust in the Laguna Niguel city council by disparaging potential city council candidates and engaging in backdoor fighting with former current city council members, of which two of them have now resigned. Ray has reportedly even sent texts to at least one other councilmember stating they need to figure out to get rid of a councilmember who doesn’t always agree with him. The guy really is a disgusting, obnoxious, entitled scumbag. 

This is the ultimate benefit of Nepotism. It allows Mr. Gennawey to fulfill his personal agenda at the residents of Laguna Niguel’s expense. He is not in Laguna Niguel for the benefit of the residents. He is in Laguna Niguel to create and build his political career and profile. Mr. Gennawey needed a win after being humiliated in his attempted run for Katie Porter’s seat. He quit that race almost as soon as he entered it. Using a city council seat to further his hidden personal political ambitions, at the expense of the city’s voters, creates a perception of unfairness, lack of transparency, and unequal opportunities. It can lead to public disillusionment and skepticism regarding the integrity and legitimacy of political leaders. 

Mr. Gennawey has strategically created so much chaos that he was able to maneuver the “appointment” of 2 new council members to replace the 2 councilmembers who recently resigned because of his “chaos.” One of those council members who resigned was the target of his text stating they needed to find a way to get rid of her.

And so who does Ray appoint to the council in her place?  NOT a local community business owner who may have paid taxes and raised his family in Laguna Niguel for years, unlike carpetbagger Ray, not a representative of a minority from a different community neighborhood that has NEVER had representation in the city council and not a regular working middle-income earner. He “appoints” another attorney and a career law enforcement professional of “like mind” whose wife has Washington DC national political contacts to further his personal political career. Foster “Gene” Johns has lived in Laguna Niguel for just seven years, and his background as an LA County Sheriff, as well as 24 years as a detective for the DEA, certainly provides him connections to make sure only the people they like are on the council. 

Mr. Gennawey has also appointed a new City Manager whose law firm loves litigating issues for higher fees. This is the same Law firm that was at the ground level of the City of Bell Gardens’ financial disaster. This law firm will litigate anything and everything and will cost the City of Laguna Niguel money for sure. 

Mr. Gennaway does all this to keep the Continuation of Power. By appointing these cohorts within the political sphere, Ray can maintain his influence and ensure the continuity of his personal policies and agendas even after he leaves office. This can help Gennawey’s “Nepo” clique to consolidate and protect their political legacies. This kind of Nepotism leads to a lack of accountability and transparency in political decision-making. Family members appointed through nepotistic political spheres of power feel less accountable to the public, as they owe their position to family, political cohorts, and their own personal political agenda.

Remember, the Gennaweys and Jennings, along with their fellow cohorts on the council, all live right next to each other. And they represent their own interests and desires for personal power, and not that of the community.

About South OC Paine

South OC Paine, anonymous FOR NOW, is an anti-establishment, reformist Republican in southern Orange County who is currently on mission to bring more race diversity into the GOP.