Light at the end of the tunnel for the OC Board of Education: Newman & Min’s SB 907.

Like with that beloved Wallace Stevens poem Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird,” there are several different ways to look at Josh Newman’s and Dave Min’s SB 907. To begin with, we must look at it as a fait accompli whether we like it or not – it’s happening. It passed through the Senate 30-9, and is now romping without a care through the Assembly, destination Newsom sig. So, like it or not, the OC Board of Education is going to have to come up with a 7-district map, and hold their next elections in the November ’26 general, with the new districts. (The most recently re-elected miscreants will stay on Board.) No longer will these races be at the bottom of the ballots in low-turnout March-or-June primaries.

Another way to look at it is, it’s kind of embarrassing that it’s even necessary. We can only regret that a mere 37% of registered OC voters participate in primaries, and that only 2/3 of THEM take the time (or feel informed enough) to go down-ballot to the Education races. Meaning, only ONE-FOURTH of the voters who should be voting in the OCBoE races are doing so (and a little over one-eighth choose the winners we have.) And for what it’s worth, those voters are disproportionately Republican – in last March’s primary more Republicans than Democrats voted even though there are more registered Democrats in the County. This is not something to be proud of, that Democrats are such desultory voters, and if you say, “They get what they deserve,” well… I will just nod and move on.

Also you could look at it, as Matt Cunningham and Stefan Bean do, as a “naked political power play,” which Sacramento’s Democrat super-majority is imposing on poor Orange County BECAUSE THEY CAN, and because they don’t like the results of the past decade’s OCBoE elections. You know, the constant culture wars, the dysfunction, the lawsuits, the waste, the headlines, and the dependable approval of any and all Charter Schools good or bad. No doubt the deep-pocketed Teachers’ Union is pleased as punch, while the equally deep-pocketed Charter School industry is stomping out a Rumpelstiltskin fit.

Well, there’s that, but on the other hand … Why SHOULD this important race be decided during the primary, WITHOUT an actual primary? – The only race to be “one and done” in low-turnout March or June? This state of affairs was decided in 1977, and who even remembers why? There’s room for one more race on our November ballots, if that Board is important, and apparently it is important, judging by the hue and cry coming from the Charter-School / Culture Warriors. And that brings up the BEST question:

Do these Charter School / Culture Warriors believe that they CAN’T WIN HIGH-TURNOUT RACES? Why not? Do they suck that badly?

The roadside-strangling scalp farmer and his legal counsel. [Pic from Register]

So of course, paid Charter-School cheerleader Matt Cunningham had to “wordsmith” THIS angry elegy on the topic: “Parents and Activists Hold Rally Protesting Legislation to Pack OC Board of Education.” Is that what’s happening, they’re gonna “pack” it? Matt says “dozens” of these folks showed up to this protest, and they were people who looked like this:

[Pic from Matt’s Kleptoblog]

Rails one of Matt’s “activists,” a charter school President, “Why are they singling out Orange County? San Diego County is larger and also has only five members of its county Board of Education, and LA County is way larger and only has five members!” Well, I can’t answer for what they do in other counties, but I have been told by my Sacramento pajaritos that these same reforms are being discussed and considered for the rest of the state. Still, whataboutism isn’t gonna slow down Josh & Dave “gittin’-r-done” in their own OC, posthaste.

Fast on the heels of Matt’s piece, as in YESTERDAY, came this Register screed from Charter School director and failed OC Superintendent candidate Stefan Bean. I do have this longstanding policy of not beating up a guy in a wheelchair, but this is Stefan Bean we’re talking about, the guy whose false claim that “OC school districts are teaching inappropriate sexual matters to kindergarteners” was so off the rails that the Register endorsed his opponent, the worthy (and now sadly cancer-ridden) Al Mijares. And here, holding forth in the paper that considers him a big liar, Bean sets forth a smorgasbord of specious points like so many clay pigeons at a firing range.

Quoth Bean, with what he believes is devastating wit, “[Newman] wants us to believe SB 907 will increase democratic responsiveness by adding two board members. Orange County has a population of approximately 3,200,000. I hardly think two more people will greatly improve representative democracy.” You see what he did there? Two is such a ridiculous number compared to three million, isn’t it? Let’s do this honestly, because this is the Orange Juice Blog. There are 1.8 million registered voters in OC, not 3.2 million. With 5 board members that’s one for each 360,000 voters; with 7 members it’s one for each 257,000 voters. That is the increased democracy. Still want to send your kids to Stefan’s charter school? Next?

Bean next tries to ridicule Newman’s claim that Orange County needs more members because its population has grown so much, by pointing out that OC has LOST 35,000 residents over the past two years. Does Stefan’s Irvine International Academy teach the concept of apples and oranges? This five-member Board was formed in 1977, when our population was 1.8 million and now it is nearly TWICE that much, no matter who may have buggered off in the last two years. How do you like that apple? It is not an orange. And Newman’s point holds.

And Stefan does use that favorite cry-baby word of today’s right-wingers, “WEAPONIZE.” As in Josh and Dave are “WEAPONIZING the state government against the Board.” Ah, suck it up and try winning an election in 2026 with a bigger electorate if you can convince enough people you have good ideas. Meanwhile color us NOT convinced.

I support this 7-district reform for the same reason I usually support district elections – it makes it a LITTLE easier for a person with less money to run and win, and they are a little more responsive to their particular area. And maybe good folks who care about public education, and have a record in public education, folks like David Johnson, Nancy Watkins and Bea Mendoza, will have half a chance against the Charter School Megabucks.

And here I sign off. Newman’s and Min’s SB 907. It is a light at the end of the tunnel, for the OC Board of Education.

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.