Early one February 2016 morning, 48-year old Tiffini Kuuipo Tobe boarded the westbound La Palma bus at the Tustin Avenue stop, in front of the 76 station. Had she been at the Kraemer homeless shelter? Just gotten off an early Metrolink train? We don’t know.
If you heard anything at all about Tiffini’s death that cold morning, it would have been from D Kelsen’s OC Weekly report “Tiffini Kuuipo Tobe’s Sad, Manic Final Days.” But that was written before DA Tony Rackauckas’ “in-custody death” report was released, and nobody knew yet about the involvement of controversial homeless liaison Sergeant Mike Lozeau. And other questions and concerns arise from both that DA report and other similar more recent tragedies, so let’s continue.
When Tiffini boarded the bus she told the driver that she was homeless and had no fare (spelled “fair” by Rackauckas.) She then went to the back of the bus, which started moving forward. But when she heard the driver call in to report the “incident” to the authorities, Tiffini did something that sounds crazy – she opened the bus window and jumped out while the bus was already going 26 MPH. Was she that afraid of the police, or what?
[Again, our only source is a report from former DA Tony Rackauckas, which COULD be fair and accurate, but in our experience these are unreliable documents that almost always come off as defense briefs for the cops and authorities, and spend inordinate time demonizing the deceased while leaving out important facts.]
So Tiffini landed on her butt in the street, rolled a little on the asphalt, and bloodied her head on the curb. After a few seconds she leapt up, ran across La Palma through traffic, and started jumping on cars and trucks heading back east, ending up back at the Tustin intersection. According to the report she “picked up a metal rod” at one point, but two Good Samaritans pulled over, took the rod from her, and with some difficulty got her back onto the sidewalk.

And during this struggle, who happens to drive by but APD Sergeant Mike Lozeau, head of Anaheim’s Homeless Liaison Team, off duty, not in uniform, in an unmarked city-owned car, with an unnamed female code enforcement manager in his passenger seat? The two saw the commotion in the intersection, and Sgt Lozeau pulled over to intervene.
We remain curious – did Lozeau, the longtime homeless liaison officer, recognize and know Tiffini, who had caused some trouble in the past? And did she know him? For some reason she tried to get INTO his “open passenger door” – the code-enforcement lady must have already gotten out quickly and left the door open.
Lozeau struggled a bit with the surprisingly strong Tiffini, and got her down on the sidewalk face down. Rackauckas emphasizes, “He did not slam Tobe to the ground, nor did she hit her head.” What he did do was hold her down with his knee on her back as she “continued to try to escape.” We know Mike Lozeau to be a very big guy. But Rackauckas insists that he “never put his entire weight on her body,” and that each time Tiffini cried out “I can’t breathe,” Lozeau would briefly lift his knee before lowering it again.
“Welcome to the OC. I can’t breathe.” It has a certain familiar ring…
Soon an on-duty APD officer, Clint Cavaness, responding to calls, assessed the situation, and relieved Lozeau of knee-on-back duties while the latter made more calls. But after a bit, Tiffini stopped breathing, and the rest is death; read all about it here. The DA blamed it all on “acute methamphetamine intoxication,” just as they did the following month with asphyxiated Chris Eisinger (with the broken facial bones), and a couple years later in the very similar case of Ian Tompko. And that was the end of Tiffini Tobe, a homeless Hawaiian-American lady who loved all her dogs even if she didn’t always manage to provide them the necessary medical care.
A Few Questions Suggest Themselves…
First, what’s up with all these cases of homeless people, apparently on meth, running wild in traffic like they’re trying to kill themselves? We know about three cases, which turned fatal after police involvement, so there must be more – Tiffini Tobe, Ian Tompko, and Rodney Daniels (Santa Ana, April 2018.) An ex-meth user I recently met, on hearing of these cases, says it sounds like the effects of DMT (dimethyltryptamine) which sometimes leaks into baggies of meth if a dealer is selling both.
More importantly, is there seriously not a better way to restrain somebody having such an episode, than to restrict the flow of their blood and/or oxygen? There must be. (Unless the goal is actually to rid the world of such people.)
Finally, we’d already thought of 2016 as a pretty bad year for Anaheim Police Dept-caused or -facilitated deaths, with the July strangling of innocent Vincent Valenzuela, and the fatal shootings of Gustavo Najera (unarmed, February), Adalid Flores, (unarmed, September) and Danny Rendon (almost armed, February) – and MOST of these did not need to happen. The addition of Tiffini makes FIVE fatalities that year.
Maybe the Rackauckas report on Tiffini is complete and accurate, and maybe Officers Lozeau and Cavaness really did the best they could to protect her and everyone else. But the footage from Caveness’ body-cam belongs to all us taxpayers and we fought hard for the right to it. So this blog will be requesting it, and then posting it, so we can have a clearer picture of how this all really went down, and maybe prevent it in the future. For now, here is the VERY similar death, two years later, of Ian Tompko on Lincoln Blvd in front of Ruby’s:
Incredibly sad
Despite almost a decade of tragic loss with scant reforms by the revolving – door Police and City Management in that period, not to worry. We can expect an upcoming agenda item to generously fund ….. APD First ! ….. a grass- roots non-profit group of community enforcement personnel from across all Council districts, ( just by coincidence all APD Union Leadership) to bring their expertise to a thorough study of the prob… er, situation,, and tell.. er, advise the Mayor and Council what to do. See their website (when available) for membership information, not really necessary because the group has already been formed………….More info to follow when we think it’s something you need to know…..
When police make mistakes it reflects on all the police.
When someone dies at the hands of the police that put all officers at risk across the country-
Five Dallas Officers Were Killed as Payback, Police Chief Says
When officers make terrible decisions not only can someone die or be injured but million dollar law suits pursue the offender and the city or county straining budgets.
The police/fire come to the municipalities for raises and there is no money – just last week the firemen came to Anaheim for raises and there was no money in the budget. They elected to use the city reserves.
Offending officers need to be cut loose for the benefit of all honorable police everywhere.
One word: METH
What part of this don’t you assholes understand?
Eleven of the fifteen losers killed by police, that you morons write about were addicted to Meth. Pretty fucking simple. Don’t use Meth, Don’t sell Meth, don’t shoot at cops and you won’t get killed.
Sooooo, what you’re saying is that it’s ok to kill people who are addicted to meth without trial?
I’d rather be an asshole than a Nazi.
Um, NO it’s not quite that simple.
Who would have thought this would be a Wikipedia category, but from
2008-10-29 Alexander, Julian C. (20) California (Anaheim) Shot after mistaken identity. Police were chasing four burglary suspects in the neighborhood, Alexander came out of his home holding a broomstick to investigate a noise. Mistaken for one of the juvenile suspects and shot twice in the chest. Shooting officer was Kevin Flanagan
So that’s ONE. and I would agree ONE is too many. but, the vast majority of these interactions that get categorized as MBC (Murder By Cop) on this site are people hopped up on drugs who are behaving irresponsibly. Shooting at police, stealing cars, carrying guns, running from cops, acting violently etc…..
I find it ironic that the familes are so vocal, when after all they stood by watching as these young men destroyed their lives and those around them.
NOTE TO SELF: If your teenaged Son comes home with GANG TATTOO’S on his face…………there might be a problem!
You’ve been banned at least a couple of times under this pseudonym alone, so don’t get too comfortable. I’ll leave to Vern the question of how long you last.
Sandra sargent who is future wife’ little sister use meth ….:: so he got involved and killed homeless ……off duty why he is there ? Something wrong ? Ironic ….. everything reason to happen. …….
Gorge Floyd ….. I can’t breathe ? What are common thing ?
Yup, I’d say it was the OC motto, except maybe it’s the USA motto.
Forgot to update this post – the female code enforcement officer in the car with Officer Lozeau was, as we suspected, Sandra Sagert, who later married Lozeau, and also now runs the city’s homeless outreach! Ironic it was those two. She tells us she did give a statement.
He killed her she knows her personally ….. she covered up goood
God watch them amen
It wasn’t mistake off duty …… planned it covered it blame on drug she watcher her no one deserve to die
Could you clarify what you mean by the last line? I’ll re-edit the comment if you do.
He killed her . He knows and she knows . Can’t breathe ……
Sandy Lozeau younger sister and tiffini tobe used be friend Used meth together. That day chasing her kick her ass and scared her Then kills her period they know what they doing sure off duty both together scared her and kill her
Well, I’m totally fooled into thinking that Simone, Robert, and Natalie are three different literate people….
They are using the same IP so probably the same person, maybe not. And whoever they are I think they are friends of Tiffini. Possibly homeless. And maybe afraid of retaliation.
If they want to write me with more info, they can at vernpnelson@gmail.com
“They kill her” sounded like a friend. “Used meth together” sounded like a cop.
No, we know Tiffini used meth. It sounds like someone who might know the circumstances of what happened, much more than we learn in the DA report or video.
By the way I received a call this morning from the person who wrote all nine of these comments as Private, Simone, Robert, and Natalie. I’m not going to say too much before I talk to them a lot more, but their English is bad because they’re from another country.
What are sad citizen pay for tax
Dirty politics and dirty power at Anaheim police department
Yup yup