Generally we resent the hell out of the corporatist DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee) when they wade into a local race and tell us Democrats whom we should back in our primaries. Generally they’re wrong or over-cautious, and hostile to progressive ideas. But last week they chose correctly – or so think I and most realistic progressives in the FIGHTING 48th – when they picked Harley Rouda as “the strongest candidate” for beating Crazy Relic Dana Rohrabacher as well as spineless Republican lobbyist Scott Baugh.
Stronger, that is, than the guy who’d so far seemed like the Democrat establishment’s favored candidate, and indeed made off with the STATE Party’s endorsement – stem-cell scientist Hans Keirstead. Keirstead – that’s that squirrely glittery-eyed little guy in scientist garb you keep seeing on TV, starting every sentence with “As a scientist I…” (And about whom I’ll say nothing bad if he’s actually the Dem to make it through the primary.)
Another local commentator who believes that Harley is the strongest candidate for beating Crazy Dana and helping take back the House for Democrats, is the filthy alt-right HB blogger Chuck Johnson (also known as “Fred,” “Henry Paul Lipton,” “Kristen Sullivan,” sometimes probably “OC DEM,” and God knows what else – he has even posted obscene comments on the Weekly under my name which is illegal – God knows the “man” has no shortage of time on his hands.)
Except, Chuck is a proud worshiper of the Republican incumbent Dana Rohrabacher. So here’s how he figured things (as he explained later here) – he would help Dana by trying his best to hurt Harley, so that Dana’s opponent would be the weaker Hans. (This was before anybody expected the entrance of Baugh.) And Chuck would do this – since Chuck’s main skill is defamation and there wasn’t enough material to say or invent about Harley, at least without getting sued – by defaming Harley’s supporters. Principally, since Chuck is also a racist hater of Huntington Beach’s Latino Oak View neighborhood, he’d do it by defaming the fine young neighborhood activist Victor Valladares, inventing and broadcasting lies about this Harley supporter’s former marriage. “That should hurt Harley, and help Dana!” thought Chuck to himself.
So back in February when the Cal Dem convention was approaching, Chuck invented a gross tale about some non-existent video (that still nobody has ever seen) featuring Victor doing horrible things to his ex-wife. He told the story, on his blog, under the name of a completely fictional HB Democratic woman writer that he also invented, a woman who was HORRIFIED at what Victor had done, and BEGGED her Party to disown him. To represent this “Kristen (or Kristin) Sullivan” Chuck chose a found photo looking like what he’d imagine a conscience-stricken Democratic woman might look like (right).
Then, as you’ll remember if you read the blogs in February, Chuck, using a whole host of fake identities, spread this slander wherever he could, always awkwardly tying his Victor defamation to Harley! Every day this blog deleted several such anonymous comments on the topic back then.
So far, who cares? The really twisted part is this: A local blog ironically named the Liberal OC, run by another slanderous oaf named Dan Chmielewski, but an oaf who actually does SUPPORT Hans Keirstead, was the only place that printed this trash. Regularly. It was nearly all you’d see on the Liberal OC, for over a month. Unscrupulous Dan, the supposed Democrat who actually believes in Hans being a better candidate than Harley, let himself be used obscenely by more-unscrupulous Republican Chuck, who was only attacking Harley to try to help Dana Rohrabacher.
THEN, as what Chuck deemed his master-stroke, using the stolen pen-name “Henry Paul Lipton” and posing as a conscientious and outraged Democrat, Chuck sent off this e-mail to every member of the Central Committee (click if you really want to read the trash, you’ll still have to squint and I like it that way)…
Fortunately this despicable behavior didn’t have much of the intended effect. Apparently nobody believed (and few read) the obviously false e-mail – and kudos to Dems from DPOC chair Fran Sdao down for that. Victor is still a Central Committee member in good standing, leading the Chicano-Latino-Immigrant Democratic Club of OC. Hans did manage to get the state party endorsement, but that had probably nothing to do with Chuck’s libels of Victor, and much more to do with Hans’ cleverer machinations. And now that’s balanced off by the DCCC, and most Democrats elected and private, making the right choice – for Harley Rouda!
Chuck did boast, on his blog, in chest-thumping Trump style, of the success of his vicious smears:
Well, sorry to expose you to the Hans Keirstead booster club, but there you have it – the Liberal OC and Chuck Johnson. That reference to “GCT” above is Chuck’s REAL full-time obsession, Ocean View School Board President Gina Clayton-Tarvin. In more recent news, Gina got a temporary restraining order on Chuck based on his numerous violent threats against her and her family; unfortunately last week Judge Timothy Stafford declined to make the order permanent, accepting Chuck’s explanation that all his obscenity and threats were “metaphorical” and First Amendment-protected criticism of public figures, so Chuck is feeling right now like a free speech hero when most folks know he’s just a gross lying scumbag, a polyp on Huntington Beach’s rectum. As Surf City Voice publisher and occasional Orange Juice blogger John Earl put it on Facebook the other day:
“The court has spoken. I respect the judge and we must accept his ruling, pending any possibility of appeal.
“I understand the difficulties in balancing free-speech rights with the right to be free of bald-faced and vicious harassment.
“But I have read Mr. Johnson’s blog posts and I have observed video of his behavior. And for him to depict himself as a crusader for 1st Amendment freedom is like Trump calling himself a champion for women’s rights….No, scratch that, it’s actually more like Hitler claiming to be the spokesperson for Jewish rights.
“I will not compare Mr. Johnson to a pig because pigs are intelligent, lovable, and much-maligned animals. But I loathe to call him a human being except that my own humanity forces me to pity him for his sick fucked-up mind, the same way I pity the rest of the pack of racist and anti-semitic psychopaths (recycled Minutemen and MAGA true-believers one and all) with whom he hunts his victims at local school board meetings.
“And what did Ocean View School District trustee Gina Clayton-Tarvin do to earn the obsessive, threatening, constantly-hyperbolic, dim-witted, self-parodying, chaos-inducing presence of that mob at school board meetings?
“The answer: she stood up for the rights of Mexican American school children, very effectively.
“Ms. Tarvin and the majority of the Ocean View School District Board of Trustees have handled this ongoing mess with class, bending over backwards to respect the free-speech rights of the thugs who disrupt board meetings (with the disgraceful indulgence and encouragement of trustee Norm Westwall) while they (the board majority) still meet the needs of thousands of students from all backgrounds.
“Mr. Johnson’s court victory is ephemeral.
“The lasting victory will be in Ms. Clayton-Tarvin and the rest of the majority of the Ocean View School District Board of Trustees’ determination, despite the mob, to continue to do their job.”
And that’s all the news that’s fit to print about that, right this second! Vern out…
Whether there is a “whiff of truth” or not to any accusations — the alleged victim is done a massive disservice when perverted old men lie about or withhold alleged empirical evidence that they should be able to produce. Like a recording of multiple felony acts.
Why would they repeatedly go over the graphic details in a lascivious and disrespectful manner on social media yet never turn the concrete evidence of a violent assault over to the police or the FBI? Why is it MOST important to them that the alleged perpetrator is removed from a (let’s face it fairly low level) political position and not prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law?
I personally resent anyone who has alleged solid proof against a violent sexual predator and yet does not go to the authorities but instead chooses to email some random people involved in politics.
Good points, but … you’re using that name as a joke right?
Thank you for this. Shining a light on these shenanigans is a public service much needed right now.
Look – a real name! Hi Hill, say hello to David, I’m still working on those songs.
Is that fat guy in the picture chuck johnson?
Oh yeah. Ain’t he a beaut?
Looks just like he writes.
Are we supposed to believe that this guy and the Irvine Troll don’t socialize? He hangs out with mike tardiff at that bar in Tustin right? How far of a streach is it to assume this guy and the Irvine Troll are docking each other at another bar somewhere?
“…Gina got a temporary restraining order on Chuck based on his numerous violent threats against her and her family…”
I will wait with baited breath for the Liberal OC to treat Chuck the way they treated Applegate, based on nothing more than the non-reading of a restraining order. If they pillory, abuse, and attack him the same way, then perhaps some modicum of ‘fairness’ lurks behind the pathos. If not, then they may be disregarded as merchants of schlock anger.
That said, some day I’d like to understand the vitriol between you guys, and see that abate or be redirected. The tone reminds me of the socialist v. communist v. ‘corporatist’ wings that fought over labor unions in the ’30s – severely harming their effectiveness.
I think that it probably accelerated after, having spent quite a while defending Larry Agran over the Great Park debacle — you can find evidence of it in our own archives, may MB’s by looking for “Solar Decathlon” — based largely on info fed to me by Chumley, I realized that he had been both lying to me *and* blowing smoke up my ass. I called him on it … and things have never been the same again.
Vern already didn’t like him, so that’s not the start of OJ’s problem with him overall, just mine. I liked and continue to like the former owner, Chris Prevatt.
Ah… it goes back to prehistoric times, when a guy called Pedroza used to run this blog and I wasn’t even here yet. Lawsuits were involved… Too much to get into now, but the night I met Joe Hill might help shed light on it…
You are a fucking spineless drunken coward for not publishing my responses…what a fucking loser you are…my attoney will be in touch shortly.
I have a hard time believing this was Chuck on his own. He’s a pawn in Epting’s game and fool enough to not get paid for it. A “journalist” and a PR person conspiring to destroy a political foe on social media makes a lot more sense.
Well, he’s welcome to comment here as long as it’s not about Victor and Breania’s marriage.
But he’s too busy right now calling and threatening me with lawsuits.
Oh, you mean the lawsuits he roars about other people filing? Biggest hypocrite on earth.
OK, maybe not biggest. That’s their hero Trump. I will put my hyperbole in check.
My only interest, if he brings such a threatened suit, regards the extent of his assets.
LOL…I’ve just finished my first anti-SLAPP, and am rearing to give another a go. Preferably with someone who won’t go bankrupt to avoid paying up for frivolous claims.
Very good to know! He strikes me as an asset-hider, though.
There are too many things to dislike about that gruesome “Sledgehammer” blog and their entire coven to comment on at once succinctly. So, for now… choosing one… They are SO boring! Can you imagine how teeny tiny your world view is if every single thing on God’s gorgeous, great, green earth leads back to Gina or occasionally Victor?
They have very limited vocabularies and repetitive talking points, lack logic and reasoning skills. Are uniformly devoid of any originality. And also are completely reductive in every way.
An example; that one pursy dark haired woman who is like a real life Kathy Bates from Misery. She has a pig. Is a nurse. Brings up romance novels all the time. Calls people the “C” word on social media. They can’t even be original bad guys. She’s just a poor man’s Annie Wilkes.
Or that Joseph The Bore. Imagine tolerating that snooze fest in real life. He is so arrogant and compelled to respond ENDLESSLY on every single comment in real time. All day. All night. 24/7 365 days a year. But you know…He’s saving the world. YAWN.
“Can you imagine how teeny tiny your world view is if every single thing on God’s gorgeous, great, green earth leads back to Gina or occasionally Victor?”
Ha, sounds EXACTLY like the Liberal OC but with them everything leads back to me, Greg, or Paul Lucas. At least when Chuck took over there under his various identities, he opened up their horizons to the wonders of Victor.
I am a very, very serious author, historian, P.R person and “journalist” But you can consider this a nom de plume, if you want. Currently working on book full of other people’s old photos. It is a history of the aboriginal white people of Huntington Beach. It is great as a gift (please leave me a favorable review on Amazon!)
Or you can have old people on a fixed income come to my “free” seminar at the senior center. Then the over priced tomes will be pushed on them for purchase (Please leave me a favorable review on Amazon!)
If anyone would like me to exploit them for ideas there is a writing course you can take. Lastly, if you have suffered a personal tragedy I would love to get you a plaque and then make your sorrow all about me forever after (and please, don’t forget that Amazon review!)
Jajaja it’s YOU Chris!
I’ve rarely seen anyone ept like that commenter up there epts.
Still Moderating and deleting my comments Vern? How “Progressive” and disingenuous of you. My blog runs unmoderated with regards to comments. Because i am not a fucking manipulative lying pussy like you. Got some good alcohol coming for you Vern… Just hide it in the garage.
I love it when Chuckie whines and cries. It shows his feminine side.
Dont Worry Vern… I have a nice little response panned for you
Chuck Johnson is such a good Christian man.
Chuckie is pure garbage
So, I guess the million dollar question is who is that guy stalking Dan?
He follows DC from his rented office in Tustin (next to his sticker skewed blue truck) as Dan walks and talks politics LOUDLY down El Camino.
On most days DC has had two glasses of red wine BEFORE Noon. He always says he has a meeting, but is back on the stool (and Facebook) by 1:30.
Here’s a “proof of life” quip for Dan: The schoolkids were “dressed in top hats and stacking a la Caberet,” was the story you shared with the bartender as you stood next to the ATM, in your soiled black jeans and dandruff covered long sleeve shirt.
Yep Mr. C, others can hire PIG’S TO FOLLOW YOU TOO. Check your blog posts on March 26 & 27 from “Jim Rockford”.
Someone is following you Dan, Maybe Sean, May be Greg’s guys, Mike Fox, Art or KenLaysNotDeads widow, Maybe it’s to do with Magaret, Jose or who knows. But, the contents of this investigation will certainly add to the fight.
“Who’s a drunk now, Chumley”?
Riveting, Mr. Rockford. How do we acquire the film rights?
I’d prefer to take this LibOC-style attack down. If it’s supposed to be funny, it isn’t. But this ain’t my blog; I’m just a tenant farmer here.
Smart Comment Booth Dweller!
Love your theme song, don’t love stoking the bull walrus’s paranoia, intensely dislike any mention of his kids. He has gone after my daughter repeatedly (at a time that IC Democrats are begging for campaign treasurers) and making up lies that her clients get an endorsement from me as part of the package. I won’t abide doing the same to him.
Vern will do what he wants; I just want my objection to be on record.
I thought it was a wonderful slice of life, I felt like I was right there in Tustin with the great intellectual. And I DO like stoking his paranoia, remember I had him convinced once that we had a spy at his morning “boot camp.”
Good point about the daughter thing though, I think I will just take out her name.
Verns screed is filled with lies, half truths,and the usual dry wit from a dry drunk. I challenge you to substantiate even one of your ridiculous claims…somehow when i challenged the OCWeekly about checking the IP logs about the “illegal”post i supposedky wrote…the whole thing magically disappeared…Nelson, you will never be anything but a fucking asshole…from one asshole to another.
Let’s see… here are the things that Chuck claims I got wrong, on the phone messages he sent me since I blocked his number:
First of all, of course he says he’s not racist (“half my friends are Mexican!”) and he’s not “alt-right” which I admit is a loosely defined term. He’s an angry Trump enthusiast who’s obsessed with stopping illegal immigration, whatever you want to call that; and all his obsessive hatreds in Huntington Beach are inspired by people trying to help empower the Latino neighborhood of Oak View, so conclude from all that what you will. I admit some in his circle of friends are even more extreme, with weird scary anti-semitic and Islamophobic views, so maybe he is the relatively normal guy in their midst, God forbid.
He also says that some of the anonymous identities I accuse him of using are not him. Most central to this story, he says that “Henry Paul Lipton” is not him, despite the apparent evidence of the screen shots I posted. (Chuck boasting under his own name on his own blog of the success of his “sledgehammer letter bomb” to the DPOC; and “Henry Paul Lipton” having sent it out and mentioning it ad nauseam on the Liberal OC.) He tells me no, it wasn’t him, what he meant by a “sledgehammer letter bomb” is “a letter bomb featuring a sledgehammer story.” Whatever. It’s even more depressing to think that there’s another person out there just as gross, mean and obsessed as Chuck, working hand in hand with him, and even passing as a Democrat, but of course it’s possible.
He claims he was not the person posting obscene comments under my name (and also my wife’s name) on the Weekly. Of course those comments are deleted now, I made sure of that as soon as I could. Chuck or SOMEBODY stole or copied my “Gravatar” identity and posted a comment calling Victor’s ex-wife a “fat white bitch” that deserved to get beat up; within minutes Chuck sent screen shots of that comment to the Briania and her new boyfriend, hoping to start a fight. I heard about it from Victor, talked to Briania on the phone and let her know it wasn’t me, and had the comments taken down.
Chuck regrets that the comments were removed because now he can’t “prove” that they weren’t from him by the IP addresses. Whatever, like that would prove anything. Chuck has commented here many times, from many different IP addresses; in fact the IP for the Chuck comment above is shared by a Ryan Cantor comment from a while back.
As I think about what I wrote, my aim was not so much to shame Chuck, who is what he is, as to shame supposed liberal Dan for being Chuck’s tool.
Dan’s written a story as well on the LibOC purporting to respond to this one. I’m just going to respond to his claim to be neutral between Harley and Hans. I know when he is neutral he rushes to post press releases from any Democratic politician who sends him one, to keep his catatonic blog ticking along. But it’s been months since he posted one from Harley; the last four he printed from that race were all pro-Hans and anti-Harley. He posted something about Fran Sdao criticizing Harley for “deceptively” claiming that OC Democrats support him; when I tried to ask in the comments section what was deceptive about that (because nobody else would ask that) my comment was not approved. Dan also never posted Harley’s big newsworthy DCCC Red to Blue endorsement, but instead posted Eric Bauman’s negative reaction to that endorsement. So yeah, LibOC is a Hans blog, and that’s why Dan lets anonymous commenters have a field day trashing Harley and Harley supporters.
I sincerely hope only people who really care about this shit read this long boring comment.
*We will just cut to the chase: Harley and Hans would make a lovely ONE TWO punch on the November Ballot. Either one will be just fine. Meanwhile, the Original “Any Day Now”
was done by Chuck Jackson….not Chuck Johnson…..so who really cares what Chuckles has to say about this race.
Hey, Chuckie: Instead of whining and whining online, lay off the brewskies for a while—your bro gut is bubbling out of your chin, bruh!
(Seriously, you gained respect from any lover of alt-journalism for the principled stand you took on your way out. You should consider this your lousy hut-in-exile.)
Bloviator: Tell Vern we never did our exit interview—my offer still stands! The last public words I’ll say on my career in OC EVER!
As I remember, we were sposta get together and you were nowhere to be found that day. I’ll message you again.
*Come on now Gustavo…you know you want us to buy your books…..
so you will be back….with a passion!
I’ll do it.
El Pendejo never did his exit interview. His offer still stands. Hop to!
– Loquatiator
Yeah, we’re on it. Patience, fools!
Early June.
Chuck, you fool. All the time you spent criticizing other people’s substance abuse challenges without a hint of hypocrisy. Those controlled substances without a prescription are such a bummer. Your court date should be very interesting. Can’t blame this one on Gina or Victor no matter how hard you try.
I always make it a practice not to talk about shit i know nothing about. But in the end,its nice to know that there are minions working overtime, looking for any nothing burger bullshit they csn hurl my way like a zoo monkey…only problem is im too fast and the shit always misses me and hits the nuns standing near me. Open Container? check. Someone else dope? check. Nothing burger. Not Guilty.Case dimissed…
on on on to the next one…..
Case dismissed …lol Nothingburger! Johnsons on a roll!
Brush the dirt off it first before you put in on a roll, Chuck; Lorena hurled it into the bushes.
What were you caught with? You weren’t stopped and frisked just bc you’re a pudgy psychopath
WAS he???
Oh Look
Chuckie lied-again
He’s not “Not Guilty”
He asked to take drug rehab classes and for a continuance.
Chucky Chucky Chucky
Not dismissed
Continued to Aug 22
Rehab denied
Somethingburger Chucky
I just looked this up today during a lull. Its real and active arraignment to occur on August 8th misdemeanor possession of a controlled substance without prescription. So it’s either a vicodin or a xanax. No big deal. What would be ironic is if mr Johnson is one of those who were railing against prop 47. Now that would be rich. Has anyone checked his blog for anti prop 47 rhetoric?
Don’t hate me just because I look just like Dan Chmeilewski. I wonder if he threw up on Dean Wormer too?
I find it disappointing that we are overlooking Rhoudas conservative bend and past. He has a horrible record as a progressive. But, why should that matter if he is rich right?
You must be referring to when Harley registered temporarily as a Republican, so he could vote against Trump, and for Kasich, in the 2016 GOP primary.
Reminds me of when I registered temporarily as a Republican, so I could vote against Romney, and for Ron Paul, in the 2012 GOP primary.
Hey, great minds think alike! Doesn’t make either of us a “conservative” though, if you’re using that word in its negative sense.
Giving money to help Kasich compete against Trump also does not strike me as blameworthy.
No Vern,It simply means you have no idea what integrity is. But then again…thats always been pretty obvious.
Chuck talking about integrity? Hahaha
Vern could get into rehab and you couldn’t. Seems like someone in the court system has a solid grasp of the meaning of integrity.
Not sure how appearing in court for those kind of charges when you are nearing 60 is “being on a roll”. But hey, everyone sets the bar for success in their life to different heights. So, mazel tov on your dismissal and congrats on your perception of achieving this incredible vision of excellence!
In a new interview with CNN, Rohrabacher once again rejected the conclusion of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia sought to meddle in the 2016 election, citing his three-hour conversation with Assange as the reason for his defending Putin and Russia.
Rohrabacher’s meeting with Assange was aided by white nationalist and holocaust denier Chuck Johnson. Johnson, who is permanently banned from Twitter for threatening the life of civil rights activist DeRay McKesson, was attending barbeque at Rohrabacher’s home when they hatched a plot to visit Assange in London.
Disappointing to find out the truth was misrepresented about the court case being dismissed. Yet no one who uses the expression, “nothing burger” should ever really be trusted. “Minions” is a big red flag too.
Reading the Huntington Beach forums would give a person the impression that Jerry Brown personally throws out every single drug case and then gives the dismissed party a ride home and a kiss on the forehead. And my goodness is there outrage at this perception of liberal leniency. The only real act of integrity a guilty true conservative can make in this scenario is to show up at the next court date yelling, “Lock me up Lock me up!” And then demand a very, very long sentence.
All the true conservative friends and true conservative family members of the defendant should attend the proceedings and testify as to how every single bad act in Huntington Beach can be attributed to Jerry Brown’s weak punishment of drug cases. And then demand the harshest possible outcome for their loved one.
For a certain type of conservative, self-interested hypocrisy takes the place of integrity, much like carbon monoxide takes the place of O2.
A Message from Harley
Over the last 10 days the campaign in the 48th district has taken a negative turn. After being placed on the Red to Blue list by the DCCC, both the Keirstead and Baugh campaigns, and their allied dark money Super PACs, have sent negative, misleading and false attacks against me. Many of them outright lies. I understand that is politics as usual, and I was committed to ignoring it. On Wednesday night, I learned that Keirstead’s Super PAC announced it was spending another $100,000 on it’s smear campaign against me. My campaign team decided we could no longer ignore these negative attacks and was preparing a response of our own that demanded answers about Keirstead:
– Alleged violence against women and sexual relations with students and staff as reported by Mother Jones.
– Why he has 700 pages in his HR file with UCI and why are over 600 redacted.
– Did UCI use tax dollars to pay any settlements for alleged sexual or other misconduct.
– Why he calls himself a “Cancer Doc” but owns tobacco stocks.
– If he is a “life long Democrat” why he never voted in a Primary.
As I’ve said from day one – I can’t wait to throw punches at Dana Rohrabacher in November, but I never intended to throw punches via mainstream media at other Democrats. In fact, I took a pledge not to – and Keirstead did as well. When I woke up Thursday morning, I knew that in spite of advice to “go negative”, this was not what I wanted to do. I did not want to let down the thousands of activists and volunteers who have helped build this campaign. I wanted to knock doors, not Democrats. I told my campaign team to stop the wheels in motion and take down anything that might be up.
We have come this far together on a commitment to women’s issues, fighting climate change, Medicare for All, stopping gun violence, passionate immigration reform, and creating quality middle class jobs. And we will continue to do so.
Orange County Democrats want better. Orange County families deserve better. And our Country demands better.
I will continue to run a clean campaign focused on moving Orange County forward.
A handful of the loonies trying to utilize Gina to discredit Harley have stated:
Harley has “distanced” himself from Gina upon finding out that she is “toxic” (Which would make him an amazing stand up guy in their opinions then, right? And also: Case closed! Why even bring it up?)
Harley cannot be a viable candidate because he has ever appeared in a photo with Gina. And not just because of Gina. But also because GINA knows VICTOR. And therefore Harley is responsible for all of Victor’s alleged actions as well.
And that makes sense because in America if a politician is photographed with anyone they are responsible for all actions ever committed and words spoken by every person with whom the subject in the photo has ever crossed paths. And the person actually in the photo with them too. Of course. It’ s a lot of people, but you know, it makes sense.
No! It DOES make sense! It really DOES!
And YET: Griselda (who is ALREADY a representative of the city) is not in anyway responsible for ever appearing in photos and recordings and attending events with known white supremacy agitators and violent racists. Patrick Brenden is in no way accountable for appointing Griselda and then standing by her in spite of overwhelming documentation of all of her own and her associates deeply disturbing views and prejudice. This SEEMS contradictory. But it’s not. It’s super logical. It’s a well reasoned consistent thought process. Really, it is.
They have also stated that they would never vote for any candidate if Gina endorsed them. Gina, please endorse Dana you still have time!
There’s more. But who really cares what they think beyond getting a laugh off of it.