OJ’s Lean Year – Still Your Favorite Local Blog!




Vern here, preparing the Orange Juice’s usual best-of-the-year post.  Between my rehab and Greg’s stroke, this was our lean year, no gainsaying it, but we are bursting with great ideas for the new year that you’ll just have to wait and see.  And even this year, we have an output to be prouder of than that of The Liberal OC or The Anaheim Blog – defenders of the powerful just don’t have the same je ne sais quoi, you know?

Vern says:  I have fortunately been exposed, in the place where I have been ensconced, to fine literature I otherwise would not have run across.  For example, the “Transmetropolitan” graphic novels of Warren Ellis, which feature a wild crusading journalist of the future named Spider Jerusalem (right.)  And the moment I started the comics, I said, “This is Hunter S. Thompson, thrown into the future!”  And my friends said “It’s YOU, too, that’s why we gave you it!”

And in the first issue, returning to his loved/hated city, he gets wind of a riot of “transients” (folks who are in the middle of transitioning between species and feel oppressed) – and determines that the riot has been started by a couple of paid-off agents provocateurs so that the police would have an excuse to beat up and kill these transients.  As he sits on a roof-top live-blogging the carnage (although this futuristic piece was written in the early 90s and Ellis knew not of “live-blogging”) he is puzzled to see the police leave before they are all done beating everybody up.  Much to his surprise and satisfaction, he learns that they’ve received the order to retreat precisely on account of public outcry due to his own live-blogging!

Later walking home he gets jumped by a gang of the same police, who beat the hell out of him and warn him never to interfere with them again.  As he staggers home afterwards, deep in thought, he gradually begins to laugh to himself … then laughs louder and louder … and shouts into the night, “The more you try to shut me up, the more I’ll keep telling the truth, you bastards!”  And I found this story inspiring.  And my friends were all like, “Yeah, duh.  That’s why we gave it to you.  Isn’t this what YOU do?”

So, here are the most-read stories of our LEAN YEAR:

Then, of course, there are always the “chestnuts” – the Orange Juice pieces from previous years that thousands of people continue to read.  The biggest of those this year… WERE …

Jesus at home this week with family and friends… (Jesus in white t-shirt, center;  wife Yolanda second from right;  father and mother to his right and behind)

Well, Vern says it’s good to be free, and we’ll be seeing a lot more of you this year, you can count on it!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.