Well I hope you tried to guess, but I won’t waste your time any more – it’s Yorba Linda (home of Islamophobes and white supremacists), Newport Beach (home of Scott Peotter’s anti-gay crusades and Dave Ellis’ mean corruption), and little Villa Park. That one shouldn’t even count – Deborah Pauly’s village is just a handful of people that thought they were too good for the rest of Orange, and you can blink safely while driving through it and be none the wiser. [See the above map, the little sad elephant totally covers it!]
Of course this factoid (which I got from the Sacramento Bee, hat-tip Scott Lay) doesn’t mean that there aren’t any others where Republicans outnumber Democrats – it’s of course the rapidly growing number of independents (sorry I mean Decline to State) that is the wild card. Scott chooses this excerpt for his “Nooner” e-mail today:
Fifteen years ago, Republicans comprised more than half of the voters in 66 of California’s 482 cities. Today, they are a majority in just 14 cities, according to the latest data from the California Secretary of State.
The population of those 14 cities represent less than 1 percent of the state’s city dwellers.
By contrast, the number of cities where most voters are Democrats has remained fairly steady at around 140 during the last 15 years.
No political party captures more than 50 percent of voters in 328 California cities, largely due to voters that decline to state a party preference. Democrats outnumber Republicans in 201 of those 328 cities.
Okay, now I’m curious, and will go the extra mile to find out for you and me both – which OC towns have Democratic majorities, which have Democratic pluralities, and which have Republican pluralities?
- Democratic majority – only Santa Ana. 🙁
- More Dems than Reeps but still less than 50% – Anaheim, Buena Park, La Habra, Laguna Beach, Stanton. AND… (update) Irvine, Fullerton, Garden Grove,Tustin, and La Palma – TEN CITIES!
- More Reeps than Dems – all the others.
What a big comedown from when we were the “bastion of California conservatism,” and I felt like being partisan tonight! Now, if only my people would vote.
I had fun last week at the Anaheim Democrats Club listening to Josh Newman discuss the dishonest tricks of the recall against him, strongly defend his votes for the Transportation Bill and other controversial legislation, and talk about how California’s Republican Party had “really EARNED their superminority status.” He described how no matter WHAT the senate votes on, no matter how mundane and utterly costless, the GOP leadership turns to their caucus and draws their finger sternly across their necks in a gesture of decapitation. The Party Of No.
Woo-hoo! Went three-for-three!
That there’s nothing east or southeast of Newport, though is pretty mind-boggling!
*Yeah….they had to kick us out of NB after 50 years because we voted Dem. Newport Beach……got rid of Sid Soffer too……so we are in pretty good company. Villa Park and Yorba Linda has been trying to kick out their Chinese immigrants too..you know…the ones that were born there? Anyway, the Orange Curtain is coming down…..and unless Ronald Reagan can be reincarnated…..looks like “The OC” will soon become the greater “Brown Country”!
The Republicans in the Minority,. Wait!! No Way!!!
#Make America Great!
#Build the Wall!! #StopTaking!!
#Repuicans & Minorities in the Same Sentence!!
Vern, This is the nitty gritty reading I want to have done before I head off to the polls.
I can’t find a Facebook page link for any of this. People on the Indivisible and Progressive FB pages should be catching references to your posts via FB.
I found you by total luck.
Any reason you haven’t used any of the FB software on WordPress and created a page on FB.
Thanks for the nice words. This blog has had a FB page for many years though … https://www.facebook.com/Orange-Juice-Blog-136961069648739/
Well, at least when one of us editors thinks of posting a story there anyway.
Don’t forget about us “honest conservatives” Vern haha
I know I know, I have a lot of Republican friends… But it doesn’t seem like the ones who make it up to Washington or Sacramento are any good (except Moorlach.) And NONE of them are standing up to Trump, the worst president ever.
And that’s why it’s going to get worse.
Much, much worse.
That’s because the Grump’s stock and trade has become blackmail.
*Speaking of that….how about the Grand Jury coming back to say that Sheriff Hutchins and Tony Rack……..have been cleared in the “Jail yard snitch controversy”? Guess, the Sheriff was able to pull together a variety of supporters….just in the nick of time. Congrats to both The Sheriff and the DA……… This current “true witchhunt” evidently failed this time.
I’m willing to bet that most of those independents are just in name only and will vote for a Republican every time though… Still an improvement over previous years for Dems in orange county.
I don’t even know why Villa Park is a city,
Because the little wealthy neighborhood thinks the rest of Orange is too dirty for them.
Wow. I don’t know why you are so bitter with Villa Park, but we love our little city. I think it’s great that every time I go to the cleaners, or the bank, or the market I see someone I know, and my children attend the same schools that I attended as a child. We are NOT “Deborah Pauly’s Villa Park” and many of us are disgusted that she ever represented us. Her gospel of hate and intolerance is not what VP is all about.
Well said, Nicol Jones. Why the Villa Park bashing? It’s establishment 50+ years ago had nothing to do with Deborah Pauley nor any ill feelings for the City of Orange. Labeling Villa Park as Pauley’s little city is giving a loud mouth extremist who has brought nothing but embarrassment to the city far more of a spotlight than anyone wants her to have. Please look away from the train wreck that is Pauley and her small band of cronies. Villa Park is a beautiful, family-centered community with four schools and one library within its 2.1 square mile borders, where everyone knows your name and looks out for each other.
Thank you.
Haha, thanks for representing for the good people of VP, Nicol and Stacey.
Where are the good people of Yorba Linda protesting that there’s more to their town than Islamophobes and white supremacists? Where are the Newporters to tell us that Ellis and Peotter do not typify them?
*HA..HA..HA…HA……Dave Ellis is a wonderful guy. He has been making money for his family for years. It becomes academic: Whoever Dave supports…..we don’t. Works for us. Try it…you will like it. One caveat to that…..if his folks answer our e-mails……they get the “Grand Demure” and we try to refrain from blatant bashing…..unless of course, the crime is totally egregious!
This article is incorrect, as to the mushrooming number of O.C. cities with more Democrats than Republicans. According to the O.C. Registrar of Voters, the number of O.C. cities with more Democrats than Republicans is now eleven. (http://www.ocvote.com/datacentral/). The are: Anaheim, Buena Park, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Irvine, La Habra, La Palma, Laguna Beach, Santa Ana, Stanton, and Tustin.
Then Wikipedia is out of date, and the news is even better for dems. I’ll correct by adding Fullerton, Garden Grove, Irvine (congratulations) and Tustin.
And La Palma, in honor of our remaining Sanchez sister.
Say it with me.
Majority means something else.
He didn’t make that mistake.
What’s that got to do with anything?
Well, it SOUNDED like you were saying that Democrat guy was claiming all those eleven towns had Dem majorities. Of course only Santa Ana does.
I had to re-read his comment a couple times to see if he said “majority.” It sounded like you said he did.
So my comment was thought provoking?
Wow what an unfair biased assessment of people. I lhave lived in Anaheim near Yorba Linda for over 30 yes. I’m black and Indian. I’ve never been treated inferior in these areas.
I used to call myself a democrat but since they express so much hate and violence towards others I’ll probably join the libertarians. You sound like a racist yourself. I bet you even fear sharia law. Maybe your part of the cartel.
Do you know what happened in Yorba Linda in this mid-decade to black residents there?