Jordan Brandman Copied Wikipedia to ‘Earn’ $24,000 — Now Read His Wikipedia Entry Before You Vote!




Jordan Brandman's career is now documented on the Wikipedia page that his crew started!

Jordan Brandman’s career is now documented on the Wikipedia page that his crew started!

Before you vote in Anaheim’s District 3, you might want to do a little more research on Jordan Brandman.  And why not do that research the same place that Jordan Brandman did it — when he figured that some cutting and pasting should be enough for him to justify his already-pocketed $24,000 in public money from his former boss and continual booster Tom Daly?

That’s right — go read about Jordan Brandman on Wikipedia!

The Wikipedia article on Jordan Brandman was started on April 5, 2015, by a supporter of his called “blue988”.  Later readers of the piece decided that this biography of Brandman was rather selective about whether it did and did not include, and did not demonstrate the proper Wikipedian “neutral point of view.”  So people began editing the piece — trying to keep a “neutral point of view” in mind, although it may not seem like that because so many of the facts themselves are damning — to better reflect Brandman’s history of, ahem, “public service.”

It would not be surprising if, after the publication of this piece, those friendly to Brandman may try to rip apart the whole thing and flush it down the Internet toilet bowl.  It’s true that the article could still use some work, and those with productive factual things to add (or typos to correct, formatting to fix, etc.) should go there and pitch in.  But wholesale sabotage is against the principles of Wikipedia.  All that you’ll find there — including a detailed summary of Brandman’s actions in copying and pasting his report from Wikipedia and the responses to them — is factual and, its authors think, fair.  A “reversion war” is frowned upon by the Wikipedia editors — but some people just want to see the world burn!

If what you see when you click the above link doesn’t look a lot like the 14 screenshots of the site you’ll find below, you might be able to get access to the version of the article that existed mid-morning on Monday Nov. 7 — the day before the election.  The direct link to this version — which you should feel free to share! — is here.

(For those afraid to click, it says this:

Here are the screenshots of the content and the early editing history, showing who created it and edited it in its formative moments, for the sake of posterity.  Because nobody’s getting in here and messing with it!  Enjoy your reading — before you go to the polls!


Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 1.

Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 1.


Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 2.

Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 2.


Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 3.

Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 3.


Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 4.

Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 4.


Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 5.

Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 5.


Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 6.

Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 6.


Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 8.

Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 7.


Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 8.

Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 8.



Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 9.

Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 9.


Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 10.

Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 10.


Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 11.

Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 11.


Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 12.

Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 12.


Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 13.

Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, page 13.


This “history page” documents the creation and early development of the Brandman article — apparently at the instigation of Brandman (or one of his allies) himself!

Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, history page.

Jordan Brandman Wikipedia entry as of November 7, history page.

Happy reading!  And remember — anyone can edit — but please edit truthfully and responsibly!


UPDATE!  Here’s how Brandman wants his biography to be whitewashed!

Sure enough, as predicted, a vandal struck during a 36 minute spree between 10:09 and 10:35 p.m. local time.

The new Wikipedia account used to vandalize the existing Jordan Brandman page was named “Sic Semper Tyrannis” — the famous words said by John Wilkes Booth when he assassinated President Abraham Lincoln.  Classy!

Aside from deleting most of the original post, the additions give us a good sense of how Brandman would LIKE his biography to read — all titles and PR-based assertions without reference to his ACTUAL VOTES on the City Council!

Brandman joined the City Council in December 2012 as its sole Democrat. He immediately joined a coalition with three of the other four Council members who supported the continued economic development of the Anaheim Resort District, which generates 50% of the city’s general fund revenue and funds providing necessary municipal services and civic upkeep throughout Anaheim.

Jordan Brandman was elected to the Anaheim City Council in November 2012. As a homeowner in the Anaheim Colony Historic District and policy maker, Brandman understands the connection between strong city leadership and a community’s prosperity. Since his election in 2012, Brandman has been most proud of the city’s successful efforts to hire new police officers and firefighters, open new parks, reinvest in community services and infrastructure, and create good jobs for residents through collaborative partnerships. These policy priorities have guided Anaheim to experience one of California’s most robust recoveries from the Great Recession.

In 2015, the Anaheim City Council appointed Brandman to the Board of Directors of the Orange County Water District. In that capacity, he has supported the district’s work to responsibly manage the region’s precious water resources and develop the infrastructure necessary to sustain the quality of life residents expect.

Previously, he served as a Trustee of the Anaheim Union High School District (AUHSD), one of the largest school districts in the state of California. In addition, he has served as the Chairman of the Anaheim Public Utilities Board (APU) and as a Trustee of the North Orange County Regional Occupation Program. During Brandman’s tenure on the AUHSD Board of Trustees, academic standards improved, graduation rates increased, Anaheim High School was restored to its architectural glory, and Oxford Academy was recognized as the top-ranked high school in the state. While he was APU Chairman, strategic programs such as the Underground Conversion program, the renovation of reservoirs, and the use of advanced renewable technologies led to APU’s successful use of clean and efficient utilities. In part as a result of these efforts, APU continues to offer Anaheim residents some of the lowest utilities rates in Orange County.

Brandman currently works as District Director in the Office of the Majority Leader of the California State Assembly, where he implements the Majority Leader’s district agenda in serving constituents and collaborating with all community stakeholders, including service organizations, labor groups, and businesses.

Brandman holds a B.A. in political science from the University of California, Irvine. He is active in many community organizations, including the Anaheim Family YMCA, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Anaheim, Anaheim Chamber of Commerce, Anaheim Historical Society, Anaheim Beautiful, and the Kiwanis Club of Greater Anaheim.

In 2013, Brandman and three of his council colleagues approved a negotiation framework under which the Angels gain the right, for a nominal consideration, the right to develop the city-owned parking lot. This would not only have generated economic activity on non-productive land; it would also have generated a revenue stream for the Angels to fund the tens of millions in repairs required for one of the oldest stadiums in professional baseball. The framework stemmed from an earlier verbal understanding between Angels owner Arte Moreno and newly-elected Mayor Tom Tait.

Following the frameworks approval, however, Tait launched a relentless public relations campaign criticizing the framework. Aided by the sympathetic Voice of OC news site, Tait was able to scuttle a deal that would have resulted in the Angels completed a hugely expensive stadium renovation at no cost to taxpayers, while catalyzing much needed economic activity on fallow city land. Consequently, the City of Anaheim and the Angels still have not come to an agreement.

A very professional PR job there!  My guess might be: Arianna Barrios, whom you can and should vote against today!

About Greg Diamond

Somewhat verbose attorney, semi-disabled and semi-retired, residing in northwest Brea. Occasionally ran for office against jerks who otherwise would have gonr unopposed. Got 45% of the vote against Bob Huff for State Senate in 2012; Josh Newman then won the seat in 2016. In 2014 became the first attorney to challenge OCDA Tony Rackauckas since 2002; Todd Spitzer then won that seat in 2018. Every time he's run against some rotten incumbent, the *next* person to challenge them wins! He's OK with that. Corrupt party hacks hate him. He's OK with that too. He does advise some local campaigns informally and (so far) without compensation. (If that last bit changes, he will declare the interest.) His daughter is a professional campaign treasurer. He doesn't usually know whom she and her firm represent. Whether they do so never influences his endorsements or coverage. (He does have his own strong opinions.) But when he does check campaign finance forms, he is often happily surprised to learn that good candidates he respects often DO hire her firm. (Maybe bad ones are scared off by his relationship with her, but they needn't be.)