Can Moorlach See the World Through the Eyes of the Homeless?

Did anyone watch “Real Orange” today on KOCE?  They did a story about the plight of the homeless in Orange County and how Occupy Santa Ana has taken up their cause. It started out pretty straight forward. There are about 20,000 homeless in Orange County and not enough beds. So what is the city’s idea to help with this problem? To issue $500 citations for sleeping in public of course!

The members of Occupy Santa Ana have been working hard to get city council to get things moving to find a year round shelter and to get the citations stopped until that happens, but all they get from city are excuses.

John Moorlach, Republican Orange County Supervisor was interviewed and he managed to insult OSA by calling their statements “ignorant”. Moorlach claimed that they have a ten year plan to help fix the homeless problem and then went on to say they probably won’t really fix the homeless problem. He also mentioned getting millions of dollars. What? Millions of dollars? Where is it and what have you done so far? He claims that they do have programs that help the homeless. But the only program I see is the one where police hand out citations.

Then the report went on to say the police are doing everything they can to help the homeless and they serve them meals, and take care of their mental health needs. Really? When I was there a couple of weeks ago I saw two different church groups but certainly no police serving food to anyone.

There is a bus station sitting empty and can be used as a year round shelter. If there really is a million dollars sitting in the bank, let’s use it and stop passing the buck to some other agency. If Santa Ana really wanted to solve this problem they could do it tomorrow, or at the very least they could tell their police force to stop ticketing the homeless.

If you ask me, “Real Orange” did a pretty poor job of getting to the bottom of why the homeless are getting citations. That’s the real issue.  Trying to say that OSA is using the homeless to advance their own agenda is baseless. I mean if there are no beds to sleep in and sleeping is a natural thing we all do, then what’s up with the citations? That’s what the story should have been about.

About Inge

Cancer survivor. Healthy organic food coach. Public speaker. If you have a story you want told, contact me at