Hark! Even now one can hear the tread of his boots, approaching from the Northeast, where his star shineth over frigid Wisconsin. For Scott Walker, hero to all who hate public workers and democracy, cometh to the OC this afternoon – Thursday at 5PM, OC GOP chairman Scott Baugh’s Newport Beach office, 4040 Macarthur Blve Suite 200, to beg for OC Republicans’ last shekels to save his sorry ass. And Republicans, you owe him for dirty work:
- He hath loosed his fateful lightning on the collective bargaining rights of Wisconsin workers, decimating both the state’s workforce and educational system;
- He hath trampled on the voting rights of his states’ citizens, requiring ID’s that are very hard to get, must be acquired from DMV’s, and then closing down DMV’s in areas that tend to vote Democratic;
- He didst babble like a fanboy when he thought he had billionaire money-coupster David Koch on the other line.
Surely not only Scott Baugh, but fellow labor-bashers Supervisorial candidate Mark Bucher, Costa Mesa nightmare Jim Righeimer, doddering Congressional dinosaur Dana Rorhabacher, and The Moorlach itself, will be at hand to bask in Walker’s patrician glow. I mean, the second-hand patrician glow emanating THROUGH Walker, and mediated by his third-generation pig-farmer eyes.
But my brothers and sisters, Walker cometh with troubling tidings of grave import. The rabble of the Badger State are attempting to recall the poor man, and with the ferocious unpopularity of both his policies and his dictatorial style the wind is at their back. So Scott Walker needs ALL of your California money. Seriously, dudes. He needs ALL of it. Empty your coffers, OC GOP. If Walker goes down, the whole nationwide anti-worker project is in danger. Remember, those Wisconsin workers are getting *gasp* OUT-OF-STATE MONEY!!!
Like the diminutive Zacchaeus who climbed a sycamore tree to get a better glimpse of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we in Occupy Orange County and MoveOn.org will be there early, at 4:30, to get as close as we can to the great man and let him know exactly how much we appreciate what he and his fellow crop of GOP governors have been doing to the lower 99% of us in this country. RSVP here:
Whoops – the comments were disabled! No wonder there are 100 readers of this but no comments. That happens sometimes by accident, a little computer hiccup and the box comes unchecked. Let me know when it happens, people, it’s never on purpose! Fixed now. Fire away.
I was wondering!
OK, folks, we need to have a contest for Best Slogan to Welcome Walker. Winner will receive one of those “THE Orange Juice” t-shirts that we had a contest for around Thanksgiving, if such t-shirts ever do come about. By the way, in my opinion Anonster won that contest and now “owns” a “virtual” t-“shirt.”
Best suggestion before 3:33 p.m. tomorrow “wins.”
I’ve decided that this protest will be known as “Operation Badger Walker.”
My first entry is Rose Bowl-related (due to Wisconsin’s winning the Big 10):
“The Only Reason We’re Rooting for Oregon is Scott Walker.”
The rest of you can come up with something less football-related. Sis Boom Baugh!
For now I’m thinking, just,
Be A Mensch, Scott. RESIGN.
I’ll probably have something better in the morning.
The one thing in common Scott Walker shares with the Tea Party is pure unadulterated STUPIDITY!
Brother Vern, my wife has a 3:30 DR’s appointment and if we can get out of there in time, I will be more than honored to join my brothers and sisters to welcome this scumbag to California.
“The difference between Scott Walker and Sarah Palin = Lipstick”
In Unity and Friendship,
Ray Cordova
Check out you tube Scotty is the”Honey Badger” Hail yea old Honey Badger, he doesn’t give a s__t! You’ll love it and the Walker is scurrying his way to OC now to gobble ye all up, so be it Scottie. Love is all around for Ya me boy.
Scott Walker is a Koch Sucker.
“Koch” is pronounced like “Coke,” so I prefer calling him a “Koch Fiend.”
And let’s give thanks one more time that the Koch Brothers’ favorite GOP candidate this year was Herman Cain. “Koch-Cain.” Sigh. What a poster that would have made.
For those keeping score, everyone is now tied for the lead in the t-shirt derby except Grate Juan, who has a score of negative one.
“Koch” is pronounced like “Coke.”
I’m pleading “poetic license” on that one counselor.
Auf Deutsch, the “o” in koch sounds like the “o” in”chord.” The “ch” sounds like an aspirated “h.” Our sign is going to say, “Walker, take a hike!”
A contest? I love a contest.
Be a man not a mouse,
Give back the state house!
Help Scott Walker become a Fox talker; RECALL!
Hi ho, hi ho, it’s back to private life you go!
Oooh aargh, hey skank, time to walk the plank!
Walker go home! Oh yeah, they don’t want you there either.
Union busting scumbags, need not apply!
Orange County likes its vermin cute! (picture of Mickey)
Go home you ugly little rat!
You can run to the OC, but you can’t hide.
I suppose that “OC Welcomes Cory Monteith” is too subtle, huh? But just look at those eyes!
walker celebrate with johnny w, kick out lazy public union workers , leaches , private life for jerry brown too go to mslsd . go home you bald headed public uinon loving rat .
Hope you guys are enjoying this silly self indulgent love fest. Both Scott’s are good men.
Didn’t say nothin’ about Baugh. Not today anyway.
We have real problems with the things Walker and governors like him have done across the country, whether you think they’re “good men” or not.
Thanks for the good wishes, Geoff, and happy holidays!
I know, all Walker’s done is save the state hundreds of millions of dollars with his public employee reforms, which has given school districts previously mired in debt surpluses, and saved teachers’ jobs; you know, the stuff you liberals claim you stand for.
All ready to go!
Ding ding ding ding ding … we have our winners!
I can assume that Governor Walker is her supporting the Badgers????
Is that on the States dime?
Now the occupy Rose Bowl makes sense. But, that remains a Risky manuever, Fucking with the Rose Parade is ballsy, even considering the liberal leanings of Madison and Eugene, Strangely both states represented inthe Rose Bowl have fiercely liberal contingents but also, old staunch Republicans. I have met some some Oregon GOP folks that could hold thier own and represent themselves and thier views well.
Whatever Scott Walker set out to do, has been consumed by the machine and the popularity of his popularity. He could kill Scooby Doo (that was for Greg) and some on the right would defend it. he has lost all legitimate debate on this serious issue, leaving him vulnerable to the labor propaganda.
Kenlay jr. who hoped to be a Beaver, but ended up a Bear will have a hard time pulling for a Duck!
newbie these public unions zombies on here dont understand that . cowards show your faces so we know who you are .. yes power to the 99% the 99 % that what you guys stand for is looney tunes / making you the 1% .
It’s me and my friend Marselle, silly. Don’t you recognize my chrome dome? I don’t even wear those masks when I’m out at a demonstration, they’re just fun.
Anonymous dude yourself, you got some nerve.
well at least you admitted unlike others .
Vern that kind of anonyominty (masks to hide your identity) will get you villified on other blogs!
Oh what the hell, you’ll get picked apart no matter what you wear!
Not when he wears that fine fedora.
Well, we had a nice turnout on the busy corner of MacArthur and Von Karman – around 80 folks from Occupy OC and Long Beach, MoveOn, DFA, PDA, and various unions – I’ll post some pictures later.
But the Scotts moved their little confab to an undisclosed location. This was a last-minute decision, as we could tell when we showed up behind the building, a couple of well-dressed people drove up, a grinning well-dressed man emerged from the building to whisper something to them, and they drove off. And confirmed when I personally went up to Baugh’s office, found the door locked, and then observed from outside that the lights were on but the room was empty.
This means we made Scott Walker run away. From us. Sing (to the tune of “Brave Sir Robin” from Monty Python’s Holy Grail) :
“Scott Walker ran away. Walker ran away, away!
When MoveOn reared its ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled.
When Occupy began to shout, the Governor just chickened out…”
I wonder if The Grating One will chime in with any observations about cowardice? Probably not.
Given what he was about to do for the money, I can see why Walker would have wanted some privacy. Still: good effort!
I didn’t know Santorum was going to be there.
Oh, you expected there to be lube?
cowardice . meaning maxien walters not anwsering questions . or nancy stretch face pelosi not coming clean and RUNNING away from anwsers .. THERE
Cowardice- refusal to respond to the current topic, if you don’t have a good answer change the subject. You got nothing old man.
oh i forgot you hypocrit you make the rules around here to your liking democrap .
I’ll be more direct.
Does The Great Juantini think that Walker was a coward for not standing up to his critics?
Or, do you think that he was a hero for his actions?
Pretty simple questions.
hero , he was trying to stop public employees from breaking the state . = see what is going on in calif .. sooner or later just like calif the state is going to crumble with these out of control pensions . double dipping , crazy payouts , raises to people as the state is broke . if this was run like a regular busniness . guess what the place would go bk .. he tried to stop it and the union goons didnt want it .. as far as facing their critics .. what did the dem legis do . oh yeah they skipped town ..
I’ll try a fill in the blank question.
When Scott Walker avoided his critics in Newport Beach, he acted like a……..
well here i will try and fill in the blank question . when , rangel , pelosi , frank , maxien all avoided their critis the acted like GIANT _____________
Grate One is hopeless. He will not answer any question that makes him uncomfortable. And the anonymous fellow thinks other anonymous people should take off their masks or they’re cowards. Self-awareness = ZERO.
Apparently you are having short term memory problems because you can’t remember the question or the topic. It’s not just on this thread either, it’s a pattern that you display on a lot of your posts.
I know that you don’t do this on purpose….shrinking from responding to the opposition, because then you would be….what’s that word you used ?
Oh, yeah, a coward.
cmon vern you have seen those wack jobs at protest ocupoo , illegal immigration rallies . i call them cowards . the question is not uncomfortable because i know libs are hypocrits . they rip on conservatives for something and then some one does the same thing in their party and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz .
See? You’re calling liberals hypocrites, and yet you’re the one who
1. Comments under a pseudonym (which I’ve never complained about)
2. And thinks people you disagree with shouldn’t wear masks or be anonymous, or else they’re cowards.
What do you think the word hypocrite means? And how are YOU not one, given the above?
no hypocrites are like democrap . who is on toke number 7 when he comes on this site . and yes in my world you go to these stupid rallies with their stupid little mask YOU ARE A COWARD
Well. then, I’m sorry, you must be a coward for commenting as “The Great One” rather than your real name.
It’s bizarre that you’re too dumb to see that.
*If Wisconsin loses to Oregon…….Walker will be delivering 100 lbs of Wisconsin Cheese to the Governor of Oregon…. If Oregon loses to Wisconsin….the Governor of Oregon will deliever 100 lbs of Tilamook Cheese to Walker.
In the meantime, Walker will be recalled and his nose will be stuck in the cheese…for quite a while.
The Great Coward…..you are so full of crap.
You call me a hypocrite, which you obviously don’t understand the meaning of. A simple definition is “someone who doesn’t practice what they preach.”
Show me one instance of where I have done that.
I have made mistakes on this site as all of us have, but I will be the first to admit it, and I apologize if warranted. You on the other hand feel that anything that dribbles out of your 5th grade mind is absolute truth, and everybody is wrong except you. Your lack of critical thinking skills are the direct result of your, in your own words, “self taught” education.
You are a broken record of “union goons” and “lib teachers” and “occupoo” and Pelosi, Frank, Reid, no matter what the topic is about. Your xenophobic, bigoted rants are so predictable that they’ve become boring.
We learn nothing from you, except that you are a scared old man who likes to see people tortured and liberals pepper sprayed. When you are asked to explain one of your crazy thoughts, you ignore the question and go off into the weeds and answer some unrelated question. So your choosing not to respond to the opposition makes you…..
The Great Coward
Mr. Walker has done a great job toppeling the union scam, I hear that a Public school teacher with some intergity, praised walker for allowing public school funding to go to the actual students. The guy has ba&&& and he will need it, against the corrupt unions and their Corrupt, horrible members. Go Mr. Walker! 🙂 I hear also the recall, not going so good, even with all the money the corrupt unions are spending on rubbish ads:)