Fresh from the office of Loretta Sanchez:
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (CA-47) today issued the following statement regarding House passage of the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act, which would give students who grew up in the United States a chance to contribute to our country’s well-being by serving in the Armed Forces or pursuing a higher education:
“The DREAM Act is commonsense, bipartisan legislation that will provide millions of young people with the opportunity to achieve the American Dream. While I would have liked to see this bill passed as part of a comprehensive immigration package, I am hopeful that the Obama Administration and this Congress will build on today’s success by advocating for additional immigration reforms. America was built on the promise of freedom and opportunity, and the DREAM Act embodies these principles.”
Well… I suppose now it goes to the Senate where the Republicans will filibuster it like they filibuster everything, knowing Senate Republicans as we do. But is that necessarily so? Consider:
- Two Republican Senators – still in the Senate – originally helped write the thing – Orrin Hatch and Dick Lugar.
- Do Republicans really want to keep antagonizing Latinos, assuring themselves minority status very soon and for decades?
- Supposedly their pretext for filibustering everything this month was that they were holding out for the tax cuts for millionaires; well apparently they’ve worked that out with Obama now, for better or worse.
- Also, this is a watered-down version of the old DREAM Act which Reid has filled with compromises to make it more palatable to Republicans; but it’s still good enough that the DREAM Team is still supporting it, so I do too – it’s progress.
Taking all those items into account, we can hope cautiously that hateful little people like commenter Solanzo T may soon be eating their words. Adelante!
Where it will FAIL.
Oh, Solanzo, you are so hyper-ordinary.
The Dream Act must and will pass and become law! When it does we should declare that day a National Holiday. This is the most important event since the Civil Rights movement. Now our young Latino children can relize their dreams. These are tomorrows leaders and education must be our first priority. It’s the only way we can get our U.S. economy back on track. Cesar is smiling down on us and Martin is by his side. Gracias al Congreso!
Amen, hermano. But don’t forget – a lot of Americans, like Solanzo T and “deadwhitemale,” hate ustedes.
It’s okay though, they’ll be dying off soon enough.
If passed, this will be the first step to annexation of Mexico.
First take their youth, then their land.
The unwanted can be rounded up and put on reservations.
Folks. Senate Dem’s recognize they lack the votes and are delaying the DREAM Act
Oh darn. You mean the purely political move liberal Democrats in the House made (nearly 40 Democrats voted no) to satisfy their rabid base had no realistic chance of passing? They sure have learned a lot from their tail whipping last month. Bye bye lame ducks.
And eight decent Republicans voted yes. How is the vote “purely political” and what does that even mean? The bills’ gotta be approved by both houses doesn’t it? Andif you read Solanzo’s last report, the Senate is not far at all from getting it done.
We’ve been working on this thing for years, and I know the odds are against us, but if it’s not done in the next few weeks it’ll have to wait at least two more years.
It’s kind of ugly how you “conservatives” are always rooting against the underdogs and wanting things to get even harder for them. (And then in the next breath you’ll make believe you’re a “Christian,” no doubt.)
If we do pull this highly just and timely thing off, most of my joy will come from watching people like you gnashing your teeth and wailing.
It’s purely political Vern because the liberal House Democrats know it has no chance of getting cloture in the Senate. Just like when they passed the “middle class” tax cuts knowing the same result awaits in the Senate. I know you’re disappointed Vern, but it’s sloppy for you to resort to the “you’re not a real Christian” simply because someone supports enforcing the law. I know you’re capable of more than Art’s tired response Vern.
Like I said, it’s just ugly to see you people’s glee – especially Solanzo and Dead White Male – at the prospect of a young hard-working college student who’s been here their whole life contributing labor and taxes – possibly deported to a country they’ve never known – all because of the GOP’s newfangled abuse of the filibuster rule for every single Dem initiative.
The thought that these same people will probably jump on the God wagon when they see my next post on the unconstitutional teacher-student prayer groups going on at Willard Intermediate (public) school makes it even grosser.
It’s purely political Vern because the liberal House Democrats know it has no chance of getting cloture in the Senate.
They don’t know that for sure, I don’t know it and you don’t know it. You might as well call everything Congress ever does “political.” Words lose their meanings…
I also look forward to your post on the unconstitutional extra recess that a San Diego elementary school has created so Muslim students can pray.
they are not “our” latino children. they are here illegally and need to be deported not rewarded and if you don’t agree with me YOU are a hater.
Dear Deadwhitemale,
Where is your love for your fellow man?
Embrace the dream act or be labeled a racist hater? The hysterics of freely throwing out such hateful labels is the the kind of talk that turns people considering the support of the dream act to instead take a stance in opposition as they seek to distance themselves from people who display such rage.
LFR: You don’t want our love, just our money.
Looks like this POS won’t even SEE a Senate vote — feckless Harry hasn’t got 60 to break the filibuster — for the ignorant, it takes 60 Senators, not 51 to move legislation in the Senate as the Democrats haven’t the gonads to use the nuclear option.
And with a sure GOP majority in the Senate in 2012 (and a Republican President), your chances for amnesty are zip, zero, nada. Sayonara suckers! Back to Mexico!
You don’t want our love, just our money.
You’re a feaking moron, Solanzo. You’ve just shown that you don’t even know what the hell the DREAM Act is. Your brain explodes hate so nothing gets into your ears or eyes.
This guy won’t hear anything, but just in case some of you others are listening: No money is involved in the DREAM Act, just a ten-year pathway to citizenship for those who get their college degree, stay out of trouble and contribute to the community. And no, they HAVEN’T been getting financial aid that “should be going to whites.” They work extra jobs to pay their way thru college, sometimes they qualify for loans that they pay off. These are people we want as citizens in this country, contributing and paying into our system.
Statistics say people with attitudes like Solanzo are probably 60, 70 years old, won’t be around much longer, thank God. Go piss off into some retirement community.
INFORMATION ALERT! Senate punts on Dream Act amnesty vote… for now.
The Senate today cancelled a cloture vote on the Senate version of the DREAM Act amnesty, S 3992. The Senate voted 59 – 40 to table a motion to proceed with the cloture vote. In essence, Democrats voted to pull the actual Dream Act from consideration, knowing they did not have the votes to pass it.
However, Reid could still file a cloture motion on the House version of the DREAM Act amnesty, HR 5281, which passed Wednesday, and schedule a vote on it. This gives amnesty supporters more time to try to pick up votes.
We will keep you posted. In the meantime, if you’d like to read more about the DREAM Act, you can do so on our website at http://www.CAPSweb.org.
That’s what you people are calling it now – “DREAM Act amnesty?”
Don’t you people ever worry about words losing their meanings? “Amnesty” = a ten-year path to citizenship for those few thousand over-achieving college students who were brought here as kids by undocumented parents? Whatever…
That’s hundreds of thousands Vern (at least, according to the AP). What do you tell the people who are waiting in line (legally) to become citizens?
Go whine at DiFi and Boxer, you losers.
notice how they are trying to cram this stupid thing down again . they dont have the votes because they got folks who support U .S CITIZENS not illegals .. on jan 1 its over so keep the fillibuster i want ot see the luis gutierrez of the world lose more hair .. no to the dream act . FOLLOW THE LAW .. SOMETHING THEY HAVE A HARD TIME DOING ALWAYS WANTING TO CUT IN LINE ..
vern , it is not an amnesty for a few thousand kids. It is probably amnesty for a few million illegals. I do not know how many illegals are under the cutoff age for this but probably half of all those here. All they have to do is file some paperwork and they are now untouchable for ten years. Yes, they would have to lie on the paperwork but I do not put that past them since so many use fake paperwork all the time. Ten years later there will be a cry that they have been here too long to deport. Plus add in all the ones that will rush in here now and file phony paperwork. There is no way the gov’t can (or even want to if Dems are in) verify this. This is a huge mess and a big, big, amnesty bill that millions of ineligible illegals will make pay off for them in a ten year “can’t touch me now” debacle. That’s my objection. (beside the fact that you libs make a hero out of every foreigner willing to break our immigration laws).
Zorro, thanks for the death wish. typical la raza punk
DWM . great points renember the owner of this site who stepped down once said these people where heros =for breaking the laws and lying on their paperwork .. this is another amnesty bill to get all these people to vote dems ..
Dead: Vern’s deaf, dumb and blind, but unfortunately seems to be able to touch type. No point is explaining the facts and the obvious to him.
As one of his liberal heroes says in a recent MSNBC ad, “You’re entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts” — but that’s a quote stolen from Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan which neither he or the network will attribute. But that’s certainly not the first time a liberal’s every stolen anything.
Repeal the 14th amendment and bring back human ownership.
It could be a campaign cry, “Two Mexicans for every garage”
Should the USA pay Mexico for each of its youths that are taken because of the Dream Act?
Is the ten years clause a form of servitude? Is it even constitutional?
Should the USA trade, straight across, we (USA) have 10 percent of their population, the most productive members, we can ship them our (USA) retired government employees. Just think of the saving in pensions alone.
Sounds like anyone who would jump in the middle of you guys needs his head examined. Gotta tell you while I’ve known about the Dream Act for a year or two its never been on my radar so a lot of your posts above quickly brought me up to speed assuming there is at least some valid data and some disputed data.
What occurs to me is that you have now incentivised Military Service and High School Graduation for hispanics in general not just for the ones that crossed illegally. That sounds like a good thing. Aren’t we trying to do that anyway?
Can anyone tell me what percentage of the hispanic community that is? How many have legal status? I’m guessing a few were born here to parents of questionable status and that makes them Americans, right? So this bill is only for the teens who came over here as children. It strikes me that that should be a small number in comparison to the whole. Nevertheless we are incentivising high school graduation for teens arriving now.
Is there a residency requirement? Do you have to attend all four years or could you just come over your senior year and qualify for the DREAM Act? Are we creating an alternative to the Cartels for Mexican teens?
Does anyone know where the dream act logo of the students running came from? Are there any copyright issues in reproducing it?