Dear CA Conservatives who want to save our State, if you want to legislate, you have to get elected. You can’t if you slap and hurl contempt at a crucial constituency.

October 2010If you want to legislate, you have to get elected, beyond your ever shrinking puddle of safe districts. You can’t succeed if you continue to slap and hurl with rage and contempt at a decisive and growing constituency. That is not how How to Win Friends & Influence People. I strongly recommend that all Republicans and or those conservatives who’ve left the GOP out of disgust, who blame the voters for the disastrous defeat in last Tuesday’s elections, please read this great book by the late and very influential Dale Carnegie.

If you continue to follow the ear of the “immigration experts” who have secured your allegiance, you concede to their arguments that Latinos are hopelessly wedded to big government with all of it’s welfare giveaways and token programs that rescue a fraction of the majority of low income minorities.

If you really do believe in the possibility of individuals, and that truth, integrity and honor are not mutually exclusive to people who come from or are the children of immigrants who come from south of the U.S. Border, then we’ve got a shot at redeeming ourselves as a movement, and moving forward.

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About Martha Montelongo

Martha Montelongo, Host of Gadfly Radio with Cal Watch Dog on, Tuesday nights at 8 PM PT. Spends her time between Santa Cruz and So California.