Last day to register to VOTE!

Wow.  You haven’t gotten around to it yet?  You are screwed.  Now you’ll have to either:

  • Get your ass to the registrar’s office at Grand and McFadden, by 8 TONITE.  (They’re staying open late just for you.)  OR
  • Grab a form from a post office, library or DMV and get it POSTMARKED TODAY.

Remember the Orange Juice Edict – two years of not complaining about anything if you don’t vote this November 2.

That reminds me.  I don’t think I’ve boasted here yet of how many COSTA MESA LATINOS we registered yesterday – something I’ve dreamed of doing for years, but Frank and Luis from Phu’s team pulled it off BRILLIANTLY.  This event was held at the beautiful Westside corner house of a Mexican/Guatemalan couple who just got their citizenship and wanted to celebrate this way. There were speeches by Spanish-language radio celebrity Fernando Espuelas who’d been promoting it on his show for weeks, as well as firebrand state Senator Gil Cedillo who drove down from LA to make sure Costa Mesa Latinos use their voices.

This is bad news for Allan Mansoor, and his handpicked successor Jim Righeimer.  Of course Chris McEvoy was there (the anti-Riggy whom we’ll meet later this week) as well as Katrina Foley, Ken Arnold, Lorraine Prinsky, Lynne Riddle, and presiding over the whole event the smiling visage of Phu Nguyen.  It was brillante!

Now go register to vote if you haven’t already.

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.