Delusional Ten Years in Costa Mesa
Has ten years of bickering over the immigration issue paid off in Costa Mesa? Today this city stands proudly as one of the shinning towers of right-wing conservatism and anti-immigration.
While the rhetoric on immigration has grown larger over the years, Costa Mesa’s economy has lagged behind its close neighbors.
According to Decipher, a research think tank, Costa Mesa is the only city in Orange County with a cero profit margin from 2000 to 2008. In fact, it ran a 4.4 million deficit during those years .
These new findings might have deepened Costa Mesa’s troubled mindset. Back in the heydays, it suffered from an inferiority complex that trickled down to its own citizens. Up from the hills, Costa Mesans gazed upon its Newport Beach neighbors, and silently admired their appetite for economic exuberance.
Not wanting to become an enclave for underdevelopment, Costa Mesa followed up on its southern neighbor’s footsteps. In 1942 the Santa Ana Army Air Base settled in what today is the Fairgrounds area and Orange Coast College. This move provided seeds for economic development and social mobility.
Once predominantly a rural area, Costa Mesa rapidly evolved to a suburban hub with formidable economic power. However, it was in 1968 when it finally reached first world status. South Coast Plaza opened up its doors to the public.
Little by little local residents spoke highly about their city. Today Costa Mesa houses one of the nation’s most sophisticated art centers, many five-star hotels, abundant recreational areas, and mega movie theaters.
Local government officials and politicians conspired to toss out the stigmatizing “Goat Hill” label and brought in a more alluring nickname: “The City of the Arts.” Costa Mesa was ready to show off its new look.
The new outlook and economic growth brought demographic changes as well. According to 1980 U.S. Census figures, a total of 82,562 people lived in Costa Mesa. A little more than 80% of the population belonged to the Caucasian or White group; people of Spanish origin made up about 10%; Asians and Pacific Islanders 5%; and Blacks 1% .
Ten years later, the U.S Census again revealed a consistent demographic transformation. Minority groups outpaced Caucasians in population growth. Some areas of heavily entrenched Latino residents, such as the Westside area, showed signs of becoming more “Latinized” not only in their cultural characteristics but also in economics.
As a result, local businesses began to cater Latino markets. Out of the 96,357 counted by the 1990 Census, 19,319 said they were Hispanic; 6,318 were Asians or Pacific Islanders; 1,282 were Blacks; whereas Whites amounted for 69,493, that is 72% of the total population; 10 percentage less than the previous census .
As early as 2000, Costa Mesa experienced a bold political wave due to the economic and demographic transformation of previous years. A new generation of actors entered the political scene. They were concerned about a growing number of blighted areas in the west side of the city.
Mayor Allan Mansoor’s arrival in Costa Mesa City Hall can be attributed to this new wave. He was first elected in 2002, although his activism in politics dates back to 2000, when an alleged noisy lunch truck broke his neighborhood peacefulness with loud Mexican tones.
For the last eight years, he has been instrumental in turning Costa Mesa into an anti-immigrant city, and has become the poster boy of a new bread of activists imploring more restrictions on undocumented immigrants.
Recently he pushed a “Rule of Law” ordinance in the City Council to reassure Costa Mesa’s anti immigrant stance. His plan to require local businesses to use E-Verify for new hires is pending.
Mansoor now wants to represent the 68th District in Sacramento. In difficult economic times, voters in this district may want to ask residents in Costa Mesa whether their economic well being is better off than ten years ago. More likely they will say no.
Humberto Caspa lives in Irvine, Research Fellow at Economics On The Move, and columnist of La Opinion
Phu Nguyen has allegedly lied about his residence and may not be eligible to vote in the 68th. If true, he will likely be criminally prosecuted, which makes him totally entirely unqualified and completely inapproprioate to represent Costa Mesa in the CA Legislature. Phu Nguyen has a cloud of doubt surrounding his integrity, and the very well-researched Daily Pilot article about his residency issues makes it very clear that Phu Nguyen is less than truthful. Allan Mansoor is a man of principal and integrity who has often taken a stand on politically unpopular issues because it was the right thing to do. No matter how you feel about his policies, Allan Mansoor has integrity and can be trusted by the voters and people he WILL represent.,0,5050668.story
Rob, My article is about how effective Mansoor has been during his eight years tenure in the government –as mayor twice and council menber for many years– in getting Costa Mesa’s economy up, not about Phu Nguyen, Mansoors opponent for the 68th District election. I did not do the research, which was publish by the Register a few days ago, it was an independent private organization that did it. Unfortunately Costa Mesa, as demonstrated here, has run negative digits during Mansoor’s tenure. This article doesn’t include a large amount of money used from the City savings account to get the budget going. Since Mansoor got in the government, Costa Mesa, unlike other cities in OC, has handled more immigration issues, and look where its economy has gone as a result of that. I encourage you to ask moderate Costa Mesa conservatives on this issue.
things are a whole lot better for the legal voters in CM. the other voters, no so much. shootings are way way down, graffitti way down, there is parking available again in some neighborhoods. quality of life definitely way up. these are my thoughts though they need to be verified by Sandy Genis as to how accurate thay really are. Only she knows all plus she lives in CM but i have friends there who i visit and they tell me these things.
Just curious. How can Mansoor budget at the state level when he can’t budget at the local level? His poor fiscal responsibility has led Costa Mesa into the red…the worst budgeted city in the county.Do you want to elect someone to. higher office that misleads you thinking he knows how to manage your money? Costa Mesa is proof he doesn’t.
Fred wise up, liberals don’t have a clue and Mansoor does. That is why he is popular and you are well “fred”.
Guys, I don’t think Mansoor understands the fundamentals of economics. His education background tells a lot about it. He’s only got an AA degree from a local community college. While this is OK –he should be proud of it–, voters should expect more from someone who wants to lead a whole community at the State level. 68th District voters have to wake up, unless they want to have another Costa Mesa experience.
Michelle you did not answer my question.It has nothing to do with “liberal” or not. That is a cop out.what has he done to show he is fiscally responsible? The city of costa mesa is in a financial mess under his leadership.How can he budget at the state level when HE DOES NOT KNOW HOW AT THE LOCAL LEVEL???
Ok Fred, detail the financial mess?
If you know anything that is going on with the federal and state government you would realize that Cities like Costa Mesa are being nickeled and dime, while cities like Santa Ana are over flowing in cash from: block grants, stimulus etc….
Santa Ana is still in the whole!
So give me exact details of the financial mess, you speak off!
We will go from there!
“Guys, I don’t think Mansoor understands the fundamentals of economics. His education background tells a lot about it.”
MQ says:
The Department of Education is run by the very well educated and you know the rest…. I believe that you can self educate when you have a passion for something…Mr. Mansoor has a passion of leadership!
Education is not always a good indicator of leadership!
@ Michelle Q:
1) Santa Ana has budgeted about 2.6% ($12 million) in expected CDBG grants; and about 8.4% ($37 million) in Housing Assistance revenues.
2) Costa Mesa has budgeted about 2% (vs 2.6% in Santa Ana) (about $2 million in CDBG…Costa Mesa’s population is about 110K and Santa Ana about 350K.)
pages 27& 28
3) I think there was a recent announcement that Santa Ana, Garden Grove and Anaheim combined would receive about $2 million in HUD grants…doesn’t sound like a ton of money…how many $400K homes does that $2 million rescue in three of the largest cities of OC? or in others words if Anaheim, Garden Grove and Santa Ana make up about 1 million in the population, then this averages about $2 dollars per person in this HUD grant.
4) I think Santa Ana had about $18-22 million in Redevelopment Agency funds TAKEN by the State of California this year…putting further strain in Santa Ana’s budget.
5) I think Costa Mesa is not the only one with a projected deficit, I think Santa Ana will have a $25 million “shortfall”…
but the overall point is that Mansoor has NOT done a good job of Fiscal responsibility.
Francisco Barragan
my opinions only and not those of any group
It takes more to run a state then just having knowledge of immigration. All he claims he wants to do IF he wins the election sounds great. BUT he has NO experience at any of it.We all can talk the talk…but walking the walk is a different story.He should become a man(grow up) first, THEN maybe think about running for higher office.
The most important point in the research about the cities and thier budgets was that Costa Mesa was the only city in Orange County to be in the Red.
The record speaks for itself.
Bluedog you are right on. Having a “passion” for “illegal immigration” did not pay the cities bills. I’m sorry. But these are tuff financial times for everyone. Again…where is the proof that Mansoor knows how to budget a state? I have a zero track record to look at! Just a city that is in a financial black hole. Now that makes me feel secure voting for him.
Give us your black hole evidence?
Michelle, if you self educate in a county jail, I think you’ll run into a lot of trouble. I spoke with a number of people, including researchers, police officers and yes a former sheriff deputy. Most of them concluded that there is a level of racial discrimination in our jail system. The reasons are many, and might be worth discussing them in another essay. Workers at a jail system tend to understand crime as an ethnically-driven matter rather than understanding through economics and class analysis. Mansoor dislike for Latinos and other minorities, and even his dislike for his own Arab ethnicity might have job-related reasons. Your point of self educating is likely to be valid only if your environment is free from such social tendencies.
” Your point of self educating is likely to be valid only if your environment is free from such social tendencies.”
MQ Says:
Humberto, Hemberto, (nice name!)
The other day I was sitting in Chucky Cheese reading up on my Quick Books reveiw! If I can self educate myself in chucky cheese, I am sure that being a minority in jail in a cell (numerous hours a day) could do the same!
No one can stop you doing what you want to do unless you are weak minded!
Being Minority has it’s down falls because for some reason minorities think they are thick, but I am here to tell you that you are not! “THICK NO”, “LAZY, A POSSIBLITY”.
Mr. Mansoor is not an Alien (Mar’s type) he cannot control your mind!
@ Michelle Q:
thank you for calling in this past Wednesday…and you may have been unintentionally cut-off from having all of your comments/questions heard (technical issues).
With respect to self-education, especially that of doing so, in the jail. Humberto said “WORKERS] at a jail system tend to understand crime as an ethnically-driven matter rather than understanding through economics and class analysis.”
So the reference was to Workers and possibly to CM Mayor Mansoor, but you changed in your answer to refer to those jail prisoners.
But I think you are correct, someone in jail could use the time to educate themselves…and to ensure that, the system must also allow that.
I would love to debate Marsha at some point “on or off” the air! It is the only liberal who has had the guts to say she is a marxist. I actually do respect her for that!
Jail should not be a place to sit a dwell all day but a place to reform. It is the perfect student body; a captive audience!
Juvenile hall is a perfect example and a passion of mine to hopefully change!
And you are welcome: now do you believe I am both Irish and a woman who love politics!
Sorry, did not mean to call Marsha an It!!!
My bad! 🙂
@ Michelle Q:
I would be a Pacifist IF the world was a pacifist world; however, this is not the case. And so we must provide for a strong defense, but I think that a strong defense does not mean endlessly throwing money to a huge military build-up that might actually make us less safe, because it puts our whole society at risk. This is what President Ike Eisenhower warned about, and what Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is attempting to address.
I am a firm believer in the Constitution and the Constitution provides for Freedom of Speech and Religion, or no religion. And while the Marxists propose some things that are very positive (which can also coexist in a regulated and truly NON-SUBSIDIZED Free Enterprise system), I have a problem with Marxism because in my basic understanding of Marxism:
1) The Marxist promotes coming to power through revolution (war/violence). I am opposed to ANY group that would bypass the Constitution and our legal and political structures to obtain power, and to ANY group or individual that would incite violence or the denial of our Constitutional protections.
2) The Marxist would prohibit religion (“Opium that puts the masses to sleep”) – this should be something an individual chooses for himself or herself to believe or not believe; to have or not have faith – but either condition should NOT be imposed.
3) The Marxist would prohibit the individual family. Because the energy and “love” should be focused towards the state, and not for the immediate members.
4) The Marxist would prohibit private property, and in essence inheritance rights.
5) The Marxist would centralize ownership of the means of production in the state, and in essence prohibit entrepreneurship and kill innovation.
6) The Marxist would centralize the means of transportation and communication. This would hinder commerce and would also hinder Free Speech.
7) The Marxist proposes a cadre of a few select leaders, or inner circle or party, making the decisions for all…and of course, in this “dynasty” this cadre selects “THEIR” own in perpetuity.
The conditions for this UTOPIA (imaginary and non-existent place) are not yet real. So, we must operate and exist in the real world and make the best of it, with our fellow brothers and sisters and hopefully with a strong moral compass and strong ethical behavior.
SEPARATELY, I agree with you, this captive audience (jailed people) should be “forced” to make the best of their time and prepared to be productive members of society and to reduce significantly the recidivism rate.
ALSO, on the positive side, women are making strides in various areas (women now have higher college enrollment), but women still need to make inroads into the POLITICAL ARENA (more women need to be elected into public office) and more women need to be included and represented in Corporate America and in the sciences etc. No one race, ethnic or gender group has a monopoly on intelligence and intellect, and the conditions must be existent for MOST ALL to be able to achieve and contribute if they have the passion, basic intelligence, and the work ethic for it.
FINALLY, Michelle Quinn I am glad that you actually exist and are not some made up persona, or PAID “mouth-piece” sitting in front of a computer, and I actually welcome your comments and . . . now your voice…but it is those times when in my OPINION, you go off in what I think is the deep-end and engage in hasty generalizations or negative stereotypes which then are actually counterproductive to what WE are all trying to solve (although we may actually disagree in the HOW TO solve).
P.S. I worked in the UK several times (London; Reading I think about 100 miles west of London; and in Londonderry, Northern Ireland) and your accent reminded me of my times there…some people would call me berigan (closer to an Irish form of my name)
Francisco “Paco” Barragan
My opinions only and not those of any group.
Did you get my update about Ireland: They just went bankrupt!
“I would be a Pacifist IF the world was a pacifist world; however, this is not the case. And so we must provide for a strong defense, but I think that a strong defense does not mean endlessly throwing money to a huge military build-up that might actually make us less safe, because it puts our whole society at risk. This is what President Ike Eisenhower warned about, and what Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is attempting to address”
MQ says:
I thought this war was a complete waste of American lives (Please forgive me if I offend any military families who might have lost loved one’s. They died believing in what they were doing which in itself is a very noble cause!)
I believe that you cannot fight an enemy without a face: Vietnam, Northern Ireland two excellent examples; But you are right to be passive is a MASSIVE mistake and a strong military is a very strong deterrent for a lot of really crazy muslims how want nothing but to see the West destroyed and AMERICA/AMERICANS are the main target!
“The Marxist promotes coming to power through revolution [war/violence).
The Marxist would prohibit the individual family
The Marxist would prohibit private property, and in essence inheritance rights.
The Marxist would centralize the means of transportation and communication.”
MQ says:
And why are you a liberal?????
“and the conditions”
MQ says:
In Santa Ana Mr. F the conditions are there, what is lacking is accountability!
“What I think is the deep-end and engage in hasty generalizations or negative stereotypes which then are actually counterproductive to what WE are all trying to solve (although we may actually disagree in the HOW TO solve).”
MQ says:
What you call the “deep end” I call it “the truth”. What you call “stereotyping” I call an “observation”.
I would please like you to read “Man up” by Steve Perry and let me know your thoughts!
I am a mouth piece always have been! I wish I had of been born mild and meek…but I believe I am on a mission! I don’t really know where it is going to take me…But God knows and I will let him lead the way!
@ Michelle Q:
1) In some areas I am Conservative, and in others I am Progressive (Liberal). It depends on the issue…and I am guided primarily by our US Constitution, our American Values, and the supremacy of individual rights in balance with the duties and obligations owed to the community at large.
For example, I oppose any notions of disregarding the Constitution or dismantling in particular the 1st, 5th, 14th, 17th, amendments, or attempts to dismantle our system of checks and balances, to meet a narrow ideology.
2) I am also opposed to any false notion of racial, ethnic or religious supremacy, and the attempts to impose this.
3) I am a strong believer in education as a great equalizer, and I have great respect for teacher and educators in general. I believe in intensive Bilingual education to help TRANSITION students to English proficiency. (a year is ideal for kids under 10; around two is acceptable for some students over 10; but for 3 year or more of bilingual education, I am highly suspect of 3 or more years of bilingual education – as I think this does more harm than good). And after students have learned proficiency, I would ENCOURAGE but NOT impose learning of a second or third language.
So without having read Steve Perry’s (Man Up), or Michelle Rhee Chancellor of DC schools, I would AGREE with their attempts at REFORMING severely low performing school, as some that we have in Santa Ana. The Focus needs to be on the students and holding them accountable, but also realizing some of the obstacles that they face in them concentrating in their education (Challenges: economic; language; violence; gangs; drugs; “absent” parents who are working multiple jobs; lack of proper space to study; or just sheer lack of motivation because of the poor performance by SOME but NOT ALL educators.)
4) Coming both from the EFFECTIVENESS and EFFICIENCY of the Business Environment, and the Military (US Marines & CA Army National Guard), where you define the objective and achieve the mission, I am very suspect of poor programs or poorly performing elected officials.
Not achieving the Mission or the objectives would be waste of energy and taxpayers money….such as is currently happening in our EDUCATION, the HOUSING CRISIS (or govt funding programs that are wasting funds ); our National ECONOMY; and our NATIONAL DEBT that everyone and in particular our elected officials are ignoring.
We need reforms in our Federal, State, County, and local city governments in addition to closely scrutinizing certain programs that may no longer serve their purpose or that are helping to maintain a bloated bureaucracy, again at a time of limited taxpayer resources.
I am also highly suspect of politically motivated reasons for attempting to pass certain rules or regulations.
5) Also having worked in several regulated manufacturing industries, chemical, pharmaceutical, biotech, construction materials, and in other with unique regulations, I appreciate the need for some effective and efficient regulations that PROTECT THE CONSUMER, and that actually PROTECT THE TAXPAYER from having to pay for “Negative Spillovers/Externalities” caused by industry.
P.S.: I am glad you have a passion for speaking up – we need more men and WOMEN speaking with an INDEPENDENT voice like you so comfortably and passionately do (I guess this might be the “fighting Irish” in you!) . . . One thing I ask, is that you just make sure that as you make certain statements or “observations” as you call them, that they are actually applicable TO ALL, if that is how you describe them or intend to apply them.
Also, I did not see your Ireland Bankruptcy, but just read up on it. (I worked for GENSIA-SICOR, a company where Don Panoz was the Chairman, he was also the former founder of Mylan labs, in which another prior employer had a JV with; and he was also the founder of Elan pharmaceuticals, the largest employer in Ireland, but which suffered setbacks in 2001-2002 because of some accounting irregularities.)
Related to this, I heard your radio questions, which were RIGHT ON, about what was the cause for the “Greek” etc, collapses? (I assume you were alluding to the fact that these were done in from excessive socialist/socialized spending)
Francisco “Paco” Barragan
Orange County, CA
Don’t know why I wrote that? Maybe “Anyway, get to reading”????
Costa Mesa has the world class South Coast Plaza Mall. Why aren’t the department stores paying enough taxes? Seems to me these stores are getting a huge break. There is no reason for the city of Costa Mesa, under Mansoor’s leadership, to be millions of dollars in debt.
look in to state and federal regulations, then you will see why they are in debt!
Try to run your own business in this state: workman’s comp ( scam) liability, federal and state payroll…you need to match what your employees make!
If you have a bunch of employee’s with wage’s you cannot match…were the F*&^ do you think you are going to be!
I swear, I really do not know why women do not rule this friggin world!
Nut Meg stop trying to be a man!
@ Michelle Quinn:
1) See my comments above, under the list of “Marxists don’ts” in respect to women; and
2) the Disrespect shown to Councilmember Deborah Gavello by Tustin Mayor Jerry Amante (I am sure you have a comment), and my comments there – follow the link below :
I left a wee message for Jerry!
We have a $16 million dollar deficit in the City of Costa Mesa. Mansoor ignoring his “conflict of interest” campaign donations voted in favor of the private developer for the Fairgrounds.The same developer that just threw the city under the bus and now is going to buy it on their own.Now we want to reward him for his great leadership ? When these are the results?
The best thing that would come out of Mansoor winning the election would be that he would no longer be Mayor of this city. The result would be him sucking more tax payer income for himself while doing nothing for the district that elected him.
I support Phu! We don’t need another politician in Sacramento…..we need a entrepenuer, community activist, and business leader. We’ve suffered enough under Mansoor.