Remember this unforgettable teaser, briefly released on Cinco De Mayo as a filmic RPG against Arizona’s SB 1070, posted on this blog, and then quickly snatched back by the studio? Well, here it is again, and you can go see the film tomorrow! It looks like one for the ages:
Original Video – More videos at TinyPic
Now I’m gonna just go ahead and steal this article/review from Moviefone’s Gary Sussman. My excuse? I can’t have seen the film yet!
Will “Machete” Ignite a Firestorm Over its Immigration Stance?
He can’t pretend he didn’t know a battle was coming. After all, he fired the first shot.
No, not Machete, the blade-wielding, vengeance-minded hero of the action thriller that opens Friday. Rather, the provocateur and co-writer/co-director of ‘Machete,’ Robert Rodriguez, who has infused his tongue-in-cheek exploitation film with an angry political polemic about immigration policy.
Rodriguez made a point of promoting the film a few months ago with a trailer that called out the state of Arizona for its controversial new immigration-policing law, stoking fears among anti-illegal immigration hardliners that the finished movie would be even more inflammatory than it is. It also prompted the state of Texas to consider withholding filmmaker tax incentives from Rodriguez, a move that could have a devastating impact on movie production in a state that has become a haven for independent filmmaking thanks largely to Rodriguez himself. And it could well stir up an anti-immigrant fervor that could hurt the film at the box office or even impact this fall’s Congressional elections. That’s a lot of backlash for one little movie full of laughably over-the-top violence and sexuality, but then, Rodriguez and his crew have hardwired outrage into ‘Machete,’ so they can’t be too surprised if it riles people.
‘Machete,’ of course, began as a mock trailer in ‘Grindhouse,’ Rodriguez’ 2007 collaboration with Quentin Tarantino, but anyone who saw that clip and goes to see the film expecting just a Friday night B-movie romp about a limb-lopping antihero is going to find Rodriguez’ bloody stew served up with a hefty helping of firebrand politics. (Warning: The next two paragraphs are full of spoilers.)
Machete (Danny Trejo) is an incorruptible Mexican cop who goes up against a druglord named Torrez (Steven Seagal), who kills Machete’s wife while he watches helplessly and leaves him for dead. Having escaped across the border, Machete is living as a day laborer in Austin when he’s recruited to assassinate John McLaughlin (Robert De Niro), a Texas state senator running for re-election on a promise to crack down on illegal immigration. Turns out the assassination plot is a false-flag operation, meant to boost McLaughlin’s re-election odds by making him a wounded martyr and Machete an immigrant patsy. The double-crossed Machete uncovers a conspiracy that ties together McLaughlin, a tycoon named Booth (Jeff Fahey), Von (the violent leader of a Minutemen-like militia, played by Don Johnson), and Torrez. Helping Machete are Luz (Michelle Rodriguez), who runs a network that helps illegal immigrants cross the border and find jobs, and Sartana (Jessica Alba), an immigration officer who decides to help her own people after she learns of the conspiracy.
The climax is an all-out war between Von’s militia and an army of illegal immigrants who’ll no longer sit idly and be exploited by criminals like Torrez, businessmen like Booth, or politicians like McLaughlin, much less killed by violent racists like Von.
The movie isn’t necessarily arguing for open borders or laxness in law enforcement; nor is it suggesting that current immigration policy is driven entirely by racism (though all the villains in the movie, even Mexican druglord Torrez, are played by white actors). Rather, ‘Machete’ is saying that powerful interests (business, politics, even organized crime) are depending on illegal immigration (as a source of cheap labor, or as a way to stoke the fears of voters) to boost profits or shore up political power, all the while cynically exploiting illegal immigration as an issue and illegal immigrants themselves as pawns. The carpetbagging senator likens illegal immigrants to terrorists and makes a campaign ad that compares them to maggots and parasites, but the real parasites in the film are the wealthy and powerful who prey on both immigrants fleeing to America and citizens who already live here.
Those subtleties aren’t apparent from the two-minute trailer, posted at Ain’t It Cool News in May, that begins with Trejo calling the clip a Cinco de Mayo message for Airzona. With that ad, the movie injected itself squarely into the immigration debate recently inflamed by the passage of Arizona’s new law that (depending on your point of view) either made it easier for police to crack down on illegal immigration or permitted racial profiling and cynically exploited the racial fears of Arizona voters.
Orange County Showtimes, Friday Sept. 3
Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (800) 326-3264
No Passes
Often, passes are not accepted during the first few weeks of a film’s theatrical release. This is a policy movie studios set with the theaters, and each theater has its own “No Passes” policy. Please contact the theater directly if you have more questions about whether your pass can be used at this time.
No Passes
Often, passes are not accepted during the first few weeks of a film’s theatrical release. This is a policy movie studios set with the theaters, and each theater has its own “No Passes” policy. Please contact the theater directly if you have more questions about whether your pass can be used at this time.
Late night showtimes play after midnight, meaning the following day — not the morning of your selected date
LATE NIGHT: 12:10am
No Passes
Often, passes are not accepted during the first few weeks of a film’s theatrical release. This is a policy movie studios set with the theaters, and each theater has its own “No Passes” policy. Please contact the theater directly if you have more questions about whether your pass can be used at this time.
No Passes
Often, passes are not accepted during the first few weeks of a film’s theatrical release. This is a policy movie studios set with the theaters, and each theater has its own “No Passes” policy. Please contact the theater directly if you have more questions about whether your pass can be used at this time.
Anaheim, CA 92802 (888) 262-4386
No Passes
Often, passes are not accepted during the first few weeks of a film’s theatrical release. This is a policy movie studios set with the theaters, and each theater has its own “No Passes” policy. Please contact the theater directly if you have more questions about whether your pass can be used at this time.
Late night showtimes play after midnight, meaning the following day — not the morning of your selected date
LATE NIGHT: 12:20am
Cerritos, CA 90701 (562) 403-1147
Anaheim Hills, CA 92807 (714) 970-6700
No Passes
Often, passes are not accepted during the first few weeks of a film’s theatrical release. This is a policy movie studios set with the theaters, and each theater has its own “No Passes” policy. Please contact the theater directly if you have more questions about whether your pass can be used at this time.
Cerritos, CA 90703 (800) 326-3264
No Passes
Often, passes are not accepted during the first few weeks of a film’s theatrical release. This is a policy movie studios set with the theaters, and each theater has its own “No Passes” policy. Please contact the theater directly if you have more questions about whether your pass can be used at this time.
No Passes
Often, passes are not accepted during the first few weeks of a film’s theatrical release. This is a policy movie studios set with the theaters, and each theater has its own “No Passes” policy. Please contact the theater directly if you have more questions about whether your pass can be used at this time.
Lakewood, CA 90712 (562) 531-9580
Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 (949) 588-9402
Late night showtimes play after midnight, meaning the following day — not the morning of your selected date
LATE NIGHT: 12:35am
Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949)582-4078
Laguna Niguel, CA 92656 (949)443-1968
San Clemente, CA 92673 (949) 661-7469
I have predicted this to happen many times here.
But, I do not believe that the Mexicans will scream “the border crossed us” after it is finished.
The Mexico will be annexed.
The second conquest…. English only or hot iron on the tongue — same as the Spanish was taught.
The Arizona is the New World Order catalysts.
I should add that I do predict a substantial Santa Ana gang violence increase after the showing…. are you happy now comrade Vern?
this will backfire like the Mexican flags at marches did. Vamanos damnificados
Ha Ha, I knew you two would love it! Which showing are ustedes going to?
I am confused about what is your point comrade Vern.
You seem to like everything what destroys USA as we know it…. why?
So why the hell are they here?…. if they are abused.
I know why I am here and I was abused too when I was in Italian and German refuge camps during my emigration.
As I said many times before: You need Pearl Harbor to wake up sleeping giant.
The Obama and Mexicans are doing god job in that.
Well… seriously? For one, unlike you, I don’t see Mexicans, or immigrants, or even undocumented immigrants for the time being, as something that destroys America, but rather enriches it.
And like the film evidently does, I see anti-immigrant politicians as manipulative hucksters and a pox on the earth.
And then on a fantasy level, we all love movies where the oppressed rise up and fight off the oppressors.
And knowing what I know of Rodriguez’ action-packed, wildly imaginative, stylish, hilarious and sexy film-making, and the charismatic performers he uses, I think it will help the cause of immigration reform or at least TOLERANCE. And be a barrel of fun to boot.
“immigrants for the time being, as something that destroys America, but rather enriches it.” (Vern)
I agree, Mexico needs to be annexed, that is the only way to guarantee their freedom and to allow our vast law endorsement machine to clear out the criminal enclaves that have taken over so much of a once peaceful county.
The question is? Should the USA just take Mexico or buy it from some European county?
Maybe if it would be a satire comrade Vern.
But it ain’t.
It is a typical Mexican hate movie.
What gets me that Mexicans are always blaming others for their stupidity.
Stan F:
Repeat after me: “Movies are Fiction…Movies are Fiction…Movies are Fiction!
“It is a typical MEXICAN hate MOVIE”
It is a typical STANLEY hate COMMENT.
(I seen this Stan Movie before…so predictable)
“What gets me that Mexicans are always blaming others for their stupidity”
Stan the Genius, has shown his “genius”, or is that Gene Ass, or ASS Gene…I guess I have to work on the spelling.
1) I guess Stanley has met or spoken to ALL Mexicans.
2) I guess Stanley has given everyone Mexican a Genius TEST…or wait I meant to say a TASTE of his “Genius”. (While we are on the subject of Stanley’s “Genius” – “The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. Albert Einstein.”
foraveragejoe a.k.a. comrade Vern,
“The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. Albert Einstein.”……. ditto.
So that you understand what he said, it means that stupidity is beyond the education it is for ever!
In contrast, the genius is limited by the time and its application.
i.e. A person who comes to US for better life and brings with him his cultural drawbacks like Mexicans and Muslims do — like this chick in Disneyland — is stupid without a limitation. Probably she is suffering from the good old fashion clitoridectomy.
I’m gonna watch this on Sunday!
“Maybe she is suffering from the good old fashion (sic) clitoridectomy. (sic) ”
Someone’s off his meds. What are you doing up at 3 am? Can’t sleep? Bad dreams of the old world you came from? Probably too much porn mixed with the excrementitious ruminations your troubled mind replays, like a movie.
It’s a movie Einstein. And good old fashioned lobotomy ain’t a bad idea.
Anti Maim, LOL! And no Stan, “for average joe” is not me. He just speaks, as Anti Maim does, for the average, non-bigoted, American.
“Repeat after me” is your mantra comrade Vern….. no one is using that except for a demagogue Vern.
At 3 am the Europe has 11 am and lot of economical changes are trickling down from China.
If you get up too you can invest your money better when the Wall Street opens 3 hours later or plan for the Monday….. loser.
FYI, monkey:
i will go see it in a mexican town like santa ana and see if i get stabbed or carjacked. i already know i will be spit on and told not to be in their colony
No, I have a feeling people will be feeling real good-humored and expansive at the end, and be laughing and smiling. If I know Rodriguez, it won’t have a hateful feeling, and there will be plenty of sympathetic white characters apart from the villains. You want me to go with you DWM? Which theater and when?
All lies. Come to our Labor Day event today at the Santa Ana Zoo. You will meet a lot of friendly people.
if you really believe that is what would happen to you, then you should go!
I’ll buy your ticket!!!
You sound like the same idiot always talking about “i was in SA & they told me to leave honkey” “I was on the west side of CM and i got stares and people said go home honkey”
You’re a fucking idiot.
As I commented a few months ago to the racist Crowley, using a fake name:
You’re right, liberals are do damn intolerant and bigoted! Why, just the other day I was just walking down the street wearing a shirt that said “Mexicans Are Descended from Indians and Buffalo” and they just looked down their noses at me like I was some kind of jerk. Where’s my freedom of speech, I ask you!?