Tonight’s Santa Ana City Council meeting blew up again as a few of the haters that Councilman David Benavides honored at the last meeting showed up to cry about the fact that the City Council ripped Benavides for doing that.
One of the speakers, Ann Menaldo, claimed tonight that she did not sign Lupe Moreno’s nomination papers, according to a friend of mine who was at the meeting. She lied. She did indeed sign the papers, when Moreno ran for the OC GOP Central Committee this year. Here is the form with her signature:
Click here to read the rest of this post.
Hey Art, I thought that The New Santa Ana blog wasn’t going to be about politics?
If you can’t keep your word about something as simple as that, how can you expect people to support you for SAUSD Board?
I never said that. The political posts are what keeps it going. We tried being bland out of the gate and it did not work. We have since close to quintupled our readership.
The people will support me because they want change and are tired of incumbents who do nothing to resolve the problems at the district.
How convenient that I publish two of the top blogs in the OC…I won’t have to pay to get the message out. But you can bet that we will have a large volunteer base and I will be walking the district with them.
I wonder what the fallout from David’s little “performance” will be? What endorsements will he lose?
He may get re-elected in November but he can kiss any chances of getting to Sacramento goodbye.
Surely Alvarez will redouble her efforts to find a candidate. We have until the 6th…
In the background you have Pulido laughing up a storm…another council member that will not be a threat to his Mayorship. Another biting the dust.
Was Benavides ever a threat to ascend to a higher post? I doubt it. As Sean put it, he is certainly done now.
Tom, naive? We know that Art is a political animal. Why would you think otherwise with his new blog? Plus readership Is high, why change?
Obviously not any more. Agree with Sean.
Art, I think that it’s YOU that embraces a hate group mentality, not the committee for that July 4th event. At least they were trying to do something good for the community, which I sure don’t see YOU stepping up to do. Sure, you “enlighten” citizens with your poison pen, but what else do you really do? When you begin stepping up to work as part of a team and do something positive for the community, then you might have something worthy to say. But I won’t hold my breath.
Were they? Really? What good could possibly come from bringing Mexican-hating Minuteman to our town? Have you even seen the video of the event?
As for doing positive things for the community, I have done quite a bit, thanks for asking. The free days at the Santa Ana Zoo are now on a Sunday, and not a Tuesday, thanks to my efforts. Several perverts were arrested at Santiago Park because of my efforts. The City of Santa Ana is now using Google Translator on their website, thanks to my efforts.
Need I go on? Clearly you have not been paying attention.
As for this poison pen, have you seen my New Santa Ana blog? No one in town does more to promote the good things going on in Santa Ana.
I am proud that we played a role in outing the Minutemen involved in this year’s 4th of July event. Thanks to our efforts we can now look forward to the City of Santa Ana taking over this event next year. The Minutemen will never again be given a chance to bring their hate to our town.
Art, if you really want to help the citizens of Santa Ana and the rest of Orange County, why don’t you help Vern’s efforts to oust the worst elected official in Orange County – the Corrupt Public Administrator and South Orange County Community College Trustee John Williams. See Vern’s post “Worst Public Administrator Ever”.
David may be the least popular councilmember but it will be next to impossible for someone to beat him. Of all the Council Wards, his is the toughest, roughest. Other than a small housing tract at the Southern tip of the Ward, the rest is a war zone. You can’t get anyone to move into that ward to run and there is no one living there with any name I.D. It’s good for someone to run against him to force him to debate but don’t look for any former politicos or wealthy business man or women to move down by Valley High to run for Santa Ana City Council. Aint’ gonna happen.
Yes, it is a tough Ward. But after tonight’s performance I know the rest of the Council is looking hard for another candidate.
Really? This guy Art has done nothing for Santa Ana, but embraced and invited hate? Really weak take. Read up and find out where the hate is coming from. Hint, trying reading info. from the Southern Poverty Law Center. Do you see Art’s name there?
“I never said that”
And I quote;
“This won’t be a political blog – or a website to throw tantrums and yell at each other”
-Art Pedroza, August 31, 2009
OK, he shouldn’t have said “I never said that.” He should have just said “I changed my mind.” Now don’t throw tantrums or yell, Tom.
LOL! What are you, a stalker? Good grief. Never say never I guess. The New Santa Ana blog has evolved into a lively site and it is doing quite well, thank you very much. But here is my advice. If it so offends you, why don’t you avoid it and read something else? You’re in control Tom. Read what you like and ditch what you don’t…