It all started in Costa Mesa last month: “Resolved, this is a Rule of Law City.” And it’s spreading like wildfire – Orange has just followed suit, and Cypress and Rancho Santa Margarita will be taking the matter up over the coming weeks. After all, what city doesn’t want to have the “rule of law?” It’s the biggest fad among OC Republican-dominated City Councils since 2008’s “In God We Trust” craze!
But, ever since I attended Costa Mesa Mayor (and assembly candidate) Allan Mansoor’s initial press conference announcing the idea, I wondered, what does it really mean? It’s obviously a carefully innocuous phrase that is hard for opponents to find fault with; it’s intended to contrast with the designation “sanctuary city” which a few more liberal pro-immigrant towns have embraced; and it cleverly implies the corollary “we don’t want ‘illegals’ here.” But does it really change any policies; does it make anything better or worse in any way?
Well, it did get Mayor Mansoor onto FOX News on May 24, where the starstruck mini-demagogue, notoriously inept when speaking without a script, labored mightily to explain the concept to a skeptical Greta Van Susteren. Greta asked basically the questions I would have: What is different? What does this accomplish? Did anybody ever really think Costa Mesa was a “sanctuary city” to begin with? And the best Mansoor could muster is that “This sets the tone.” Here, enjoy some chuckles, as the difficult-on-the-eyes former attorney questions the inarticulate unemployed former cop:
So, Do You Anti-Immigrant Voters Feel Like Chumps Yet?
It “sets the tone.” Like everything Mansoor-type politicians do, this is just another stunt, calculated to get you excited, whip up your support, make you think he’s doing something on your favorite issue. But it’s not going to lead to any fewer Mexicans in your town; it’s not going to make one single illegal’s life more uncomfortable if that’s what you want. And your town, your state, your country, is going to just keep getting more and more Latino and there’s nothing you or Allan Mansoor can do about it.
One thing it will probably accomplish is to help Allan raise more funds for his Assembly race – the Minutemen have always been his most successful fundraisers, and with the FOX News coverage he’s probably pulling in contributions from anti-immigrant forces across the nation. Whether stunts like this will actually get him more votes in his race against Phu Nguyen is another question, seeing how little immigrant-bashing did for the candidacies of Bill Hunt, Steve Poizner, and Tan Nguyen last week.
If voters of the 68th AD (Costa Mesa, Garden Grove, Fountain Valley, Westminster) are foolish enough to pick this guy as their Assemblyman this November, they will have the least effective representation they’ve ever had. I’m not just talking about his natural inabilities, but the fact that he’s already managed to alienate most of Sacramento with his immigrant-bashing stunts: Speaker Pérez will assign Assemblyman Mansoor a broom closet. (Whereas Phu would be an immediate celebrity.)
You may feel that voting for Mansoor in November would be “sending a message.” Well, as my friend Gericault has written here, wouldn’t you be better off buying a bumper sticker?
The Clownishness Goes Marching On.
The Orange Council’s chief demagogue John Dumitru says a main reason he introduced the resolution was because the “illegals” add to the town’s budget deficit – a claim so absurd and counterfactual that it inspired Duane Roberts to suggest Orange also name itself a “Ruled By Clowns City.” Quite an apt designation, and I would be happy to join a contingent to the next Orange meeting with that suggestion. But there are other OC towns lining up for that honor as well – either with Rule of Law resolutions or resolutions supporting Arizona’s draconian SB 1070. (Orange did a little of both.)
Let’s try to keep this straight: Rancho Santa Margarita last week declared its support for SB 1070, but stopped short of going full Rule-of-Law (as in Full Retard) – with Mayor Jerry Holloway concerned that “might be overkill.” They’ll be asking for citizen input on the “issue” at their June 23 meeting.
Cypress, at the urging of their porn-mustachio’d member Phil Luebbe, will be considering tonight – Monday June 14 – a resolution applauding the Arizona law. Yorba Linda got there first on June 1, with a resolution by Mayor John Anderson supporting the abomination. Councilman Jim Winder left that meeting in protest before the item came up, grumbling that it was political in nature, a waste of the city’s time, and “I can’t participate in this.”
I wish the best for sensible dissenters like Winder and Costa Mesa’s Katrina Foley. If this is anything like 2008’s “In God We Trust” stunt, the attack mailers are already getting printed for the Fall: “Why is Jim Winder against the Rule of Law?”
To its credit, the Villa Park council laughed off its wingnut member Deborah Pauly‘s resolution supporting the Arizona law, preferring to focus on Villa Park issues. (Pauly was already notorious for opining on her Facebook page, “Applauding this Health Care Bill is like applauding a mugging or a rape. Do you feel sodomized?”) Pauly showed up supporting Yorba Linda, proclaiming that she was ashamed of her own fellow councilmembers.
Well, as long as these obnoxious measures are causing no concrete harm, let’s just keep treating them with the contempt and ridicule they deserve, as council after OC council waste the citizens’ time pandering to an ever-shrinking demographic of cranky misanthropes and losers.
Good question Vern! It’s not like any cities are against the rule of law.
Sadly, cities like Costa Mesa, Cypress and Orange are ruled by hateful clowns…
This link is very informative and below is a small portion of the site.
General law cities derive their powers from and organize their governments according to acts of the legislature. The fundamental law of these cities is found in the state Government Code, which enumerates their powers and specifies their structure. Charter cities are formed when citizens specifically frame and adopt a charter or document to establish the organization and basic law of the city. The constitution guarantees to these charter cities a large measure of “home rule,” granting to them, independent of the legislature, direct control over local affairs. There are 83 charter cities in California.
I want to call his bluff……..As a resident of Costa Mexico lets really have this discussion……What does he want to do? Who does he want to send back? What is the “Tone of policy”…..Has he cowered away from this issue and if not let’s make him……
If he thinks he can throw a match on a pool of gasoline and expect to waltz into another government job…..being a rascist demagogue………lets rumble!!!!
I’m watching his city agenda like a hawk and I think …I need to start asking when he wants to bring this up…I’m ready.
Call his bluff!
You go ahead and watch his city agenda… What are YOU going to do about it. Call him a racist and a bigot.. PROVE IT!
You cannot! The fact he wants laws enforced and is willing to protect his own people instead of allowing Mexico’s poor to turn Costa Mesa into another crime hole like Santa Ana will make him very popular with the American voter!
So really you’re just another left wing politically correct nut without a leg to stand on!
So lets rubble!!!
I heard Allan Mansoor speak before he came out with the “Rule of Law” agenda and I have to agree with Vern…Allan needs to seriously brush up on his speaking skills. I didn’t know what the heck Allan was talking about until he was 20 minutes into his speech. Aside from that I like the guy, but he needs to define what his intentions are and what actions he is going to take now that Costa Mesa is a “Rule of Law” city.
Mexico is a toilet and part of me can’t blame those folks for wanting to come over here. My problem is with the cholo gang bangers, drug dealers, wannabes and other derelicts who do nothing, but commit crimes and give Hispanics a bad name. Those are the people I want deported.
“Mexico is a toilet and part of me can’t blame those folks for wanting to come over here.”
MQ says:
Mexico is a TOILET because of two reasons: Corrupt and incompetent government and uneducated citizens who would rather parade in the streets of a foreign country to demand a better life than do it in their own country!
I do blame the Mexican people for allowing their government to humiliate them by asking a foreign nation to take them!
Illegal Aliens using their American born children as some sort of bargaining chip know exactly what they are doing… poor does not equal stupid!
Mansoor was very clear on the video. In fact he explained what a rule of law city means within the first ten seconds. There was no stumbling anywhere. What video did you watch you f^^^^in misanthrope loser!! I am an anti illegal immigrant voter, don’t know any anti immigrant voters
i guess its dumb and stupid to have a rule of law city . but its ok to have a santury city that caters to illegals . that makes lots of sense . good for mansoor . good for all the other cities that want to FOLLOW THE LAW . unlike s.a and l.a .
I know you are intelligent and appreciate the extremely difficult task that is defending illegal immigration. You’ve got nothing – zero, zilch, nada – to support your lame (“Full Retard”?) attacks on Costa Mesa, Arizona, Orange etc. Having nothing, you resort to seriously impotent personal attacks. Lame.
Guess what, mi amigo, YOU and your ilk are the “ever-shrinking demographic of cranky misanthropes and losers.” Every single reputable national poll in recent history shows just how spectacularly out-of-touch you and Art are. The May 26, 2010 CNN poll pretty much says it all. 98% of Americans want NO MORE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to come to the US. 61% want those here DEPORTED. 82% OPPSOSE Arizona boycotts. Those are just a few examples.
No worries – we all know that most people reading this blog are your fellow Kool-Aid drinkers, and everyone else knows you are stuck defending an indefensible ideology.
You’re right, nobody wants illegal immigration. These millions of good people who come up here to fill our cheap labor needs and generally pay into our system while getting nothing or nearly nothing in return – they need to have an easier pathway to being LEGAL.
You pick the polls you like, but polls also show that 70 to 80% of Americans agree with what I just said. There’s no contradiction there – I would answer the question the same way – “Should there be more illegal immigration?” “NO!”
If guys like Mansoor and Arpaio managed to do what they and their supporters seem to wish they could do – simply get rid of all the undocumented workers we have here, and not proceed with comprehensive reform (amnesty if you will) – our economy would fall apart, along with our Social Security and Medicare systems.
But you and all the other above hostile commenters ignore my main point, which is that “Rule of Law”, “support Arizona” and all this other stuff is meaningless gestures that don’t really accomplish anything good or bad. Except get Allan lot of donations for his assembly run, from people like you. So he can maybe get to Sacramento and write anti-immigrant bills that might get a few Republican votes he can e-mail you about.
How do you know they are good people?
What about the kidnapping, rape, murder’s that are caused everyday by illegal immigrants. What about the fact that thousands are in jail?
The fact that there are a lot of really, really bad people flowing into this country from South of the border and that are government is actually encouraging it with all the federal entitlements is what angers people… You bet I am pissed off that every public pre-school in mosts areas have given illegal immigrants free child-care while an American family bust their ball to try to afford it!
Yes, there needs to be a better system for companies to hire workers if they need them. But in no way does the American Taxpayer want to pay for the education, healthcare, of illegal immigrants and their children….Thats just stupid!
Take away the entitlements and I bet you a million dollars you would see a mass exodus from this country of illegal immigrants from South of the border.
There are not enough jobs to sustain the poor of another nation. The people of this country know that and have had enough of paying for Mexico’s poor!
You can go on and on about this. The bottom line is: We (citizens and legal residents) do not want to be invaded by the poor of another nation and pay for them to stay here…
This country is not a board and care for Mexico’s reject’s!
Mexico needs to stop asking nations to take their citizens, but instead ask for help to build their economy!
If it’s true that there are “thousands” of criminal illegal immigrants, can your cabbage brain grasp what that means out of MILLIONS of undocumented?
We all want to get rid of the criminals. Any honest law enforcement person will tell you that picking on the 999 good people makes it much harder to get the 1 dangerous one.
Not to mention – AGAIN – my major point which goes past all of you – that Mansoor’s Rule of Law stunt doesn’t EVEN DO THAT.
@ Michelle
It’s funny how people like you offer no real solutions to the illegal immigration problem. Just round up all the illegals and deport them…problem solved, right? I think not…that type of thinking is like putting a band-aid over a knife wound. You are just as bad as those folks who want open borders.
I agree that Mexico is also responsible for this mess, but America can’t control what another country does. Mexico isn’t going to do sh*t to help us out. Our limp government never did a damn thing to curb this problem and now that our state is broke, people are screaming for politicians to enforce the existing immigration laws.
I am not for amnesty nor do I support sanctuary cities. I want the government to step in and do its job, but we must first seal the border before anything can be done. All this rhterotic is nothing but a dog and pony show for politicians to get votes.
It’s funny how people like you offer no real solutions to the illegal immigration problem.
MQ says:
I have said over and over again that we need a guest worker program. Stop entitlements and demand Mexico get its head out of its ass and stating building an economy. The solution is a lot easier than people like you want to admit. Enforce immigration at the border as stringent as border patrol enforces immigration laws at International Airports!
You see, at the airports you actually get to meet an ICE officer!
“If it’s true that there are “thousands” of criminal illegal immigrants, can your cabbage brain grasp what that means out of MILLIONS of undocumented?”
MQ says:
Yes, there are way more criminals in this country than we could imagine!
And the fact is that Millions of people who are Illegal Aliens are without a doubt on some type of Welfare….
Santa Ana, is a micro-example of many, many cities who have had an influx of poor Mexican/central American people.
As for my CABBAGE brain, at least it’s not pickled!
You cannot round up millions of people, but you can take millions of people off welfare!
If they can do what other immigrants from the past did “strive on their own” then that makes them an asset to this country and not a burden!
Learn the language! Good spelling is optional!
Vern, you’re wrong – Costa Mesa, Arizona, etc. are the ONLY governments doing ANYTHING about illegal immigration. Those resolutions, etc. may actually force Obama’s hand. You should be applauding Mansoor, he just may get you your reform.
Instead of attacking the guy who has the power and who repeatedly fails to do anything to help the poor working class immigrants you allegedly champion, you get all exercised about Mansoor. If you and all the other apologists here really cared, you wouldn’t be writing about moronic bus rides to AZ, you’d be organizing marches on DC.
And there’s the rub, I sincerely don’t think you give a crap. I think you are just trying to tear down local Republicans because the real “Mexican-hater” is the biggest Democrat in the land and thus off-limits to the hysterical hypocrites here at the OJ.
Believe it or not – I’m not hostile. I am just sick and tired of the self-righteous BS.
You make some good points Rob. I’ve been very frustrated with the apparent lack of motion on comprehensive immigration reform in Washington, and I’ve been bugging the shit out of Loretta and DiFi about this. (I hadn’t really thought about bugging Obama, I never got the feeling he’d listen to me…)
Of course my idea of reform mainly consists of an easier pathway to citizenship for the millions of productive workers we’ve got coming from south of the border. I really doubt that’s the goal of people like Mansoor and Arpaio, who seem more interested in either getting rid of all the undocumented (or in Mansoor’s case, just making noise about getting rid of them) in order to appeal to people like Michelle Quinn, the Grate One and deadwhitemale, whom I DO consider Mexican-haters.
It would be nice to think the accidental result of all this saber rattling would be immigration reform in Washington. For a while I thought that might happen. My brother who’s stationed out in Arizona (Fort Huachaca) swears that’s the goal of SB 1070. But it’s like waiting for Godot with this Senate, on most meaningful issues. And the only concrete result of SB 1070 if it goes into effect when it’s supposed to (end of July) will be making Latino-looking people second-class citizens who need to constantly prove their status, and meanwhile devastating Arizona’s own economy.
I hope to have a report soon from my long frustrating dialogue with Loretta Sanchez on these issues.
I hear everything you say, but I think most of my points still stand. These “Rule of Law” resolutions accomplish nothing and are just an appeal to the meanest among us, for votes and dough.
Before the Rule of Law in Costa Mesa, persons taken to jail could be checked out bye ICE, afterwards they still can. Many other cities like Anahiem have similar polices.
Costa Mesa changed no laws or rules with this statement. But then again not every city has a mayor like Mansoor running for higher office.
You can be pro-reform, anti-immigration or for open borders. This Rule of Law BS changes nothing that affect your positions. But it did get the Mayor a spot of FOX news and personally I think he looked like the dumbass he is.
“As for my CABBAGE brain, at least it’s not pickled!”
So you are saying that your brain is made of cole slaw and not sauerkraut?
So much for this “Rule of Law” grandstanding by Allan “I’m Swedish, not Egyptian” Mansoor. What was Costa Mesa before this? The Epicenter of Anarchy?
I can’t speak for everyone here, but I definitely wouldn’t classify Art Pedroza as a “liberal.” @thegreatone: What does you playing ball (I’m assuming you are talking about football of the NFL variety and not futbol like the LA Galaxy) with Mexicans have to do with the immigration issue? The “I had such and such minority group as teammates so I must not be a racist” explanation is about as old as the veer offense. Ineffective and obsolete.
If my brain was made of cole slaw, you would not be asking me a question unless you hear your food talking to you!
I would not be surprised if you did, liberals are usually a little schizoid:P
g f i guess you dont know me . it was baseball / and softball ..the bald headed writer said i was a mexican hater . so i must hate all mexicans . i was posting i had many mexican teammates when i played . i am also a latino . but unlike far left vern and pedroza who dont want to follow the law . I DO . I HAVE SAID IT BEFORE . i dont have any problem with anyone coming here . just do it the right .. i was trying to prove how wrong far . far left vern is .
Really Great One? So you support making it easier for immigrants to come here? What are your ideas for making it easier to enter here legally?
I don’t throw around “Mexican hater” as much as some of my colleagues do, but I’ve been reading for months or years the comments of the Grate One, Quinn, deadwhitemale, and the ever-shifting prick sometimes known as “GoLightly” – and those people, the shoe definitely fits.
Left wing whack jobs throw out words all the time like: hater, bigot, Mexican hater, racist to get what they want, which is “social Justice” The fact that myself and TGO have come from social justice hell, we could not care less about you throwing any words directed as us… YOU are just after all “a liberal nut” and YOUR kind is the reason why Muslims in London were allowed to throw out racial, hateful slurs at the British Soldiers coming back from the middle east.
Shout out to the British lads throwing the pork sausages at the Muslim traitors “GOOD FOR YOU”.
I hate to say this, but if she is the future example of the Americans “we are so F%$^&*(”
So sticks and stones Vern:)
Have you and Vern broke up again? I enjoy your love hate routine. It cranks up our hits and readership
But then again, for most of us “with age comes wisdom”.
A few knock’s in life and life experience is good for developing common sense!
What happen to YOU Vern?
well we have been hearing vern for months now . and we know he hates people who want to follow the law but of course we have heard him toss out mexican haters , not as much as pedroza . but he sure loves to put people down as stupid if you dont agree with him.. since he is so much better than us , and by those actions we sure know the shoe fits him .
He can’t stand me one minute, but then when he eats his lucky charms he get’s all warm and fuzzy inside!
Larry is coming from the panicky damage-control frame of mind, if he thinks I really like Michelle ever, at all, he’s deluded. Other commenters argue with her for a while and give up because she never listens or learns anything. I’ve stopped arguing with her a long time ago, except for the occasional insult when she really goes overboard.
And of course Michelle IS deluded, and in very bad ways. My warmth and fuzziness comes naturally and has nothing to do with you OR Lucky Charms.
Michelle, a lot of us have been talking, and you just comment too much. Your comments are too repetitive, too negative and hateful, and never funny even though you obviously think they are. You also refuse to learn anything from any discussions here. A lot of people have been complaining to me that this blog is overwhelmed with your hateful comments, and it drives people away.
I’ve been considering a few solutions that I’m going to be discussing with Art and others:
1. Declare a week-long vacation, or jubilee, where Quinn’s comments are not approved.
2. Limit Quinn to two comments per day – so that she at least really has to think about what she’s going to say, and maybe even spell it right.
3. What I’m leaning toward – BOTH. A week without Quinn, and then a two-comment daily maximum.
What do readers think?
Brother Vern. The only damage control I may engage in might be my own. Even then I will live with my posts and comments.
As to MQ. At times I find comments that are longer than the original post that are taken off the Internet and do not reflect the readers own words.
As we have multiple authors covering a broad spectrum of issues setting a limit may curtail valid arguments. Hopefuly the abusers will not wear out their free access by ignoring your thoughts.
My only request is to
“Larry is coming from the panicky damage-control frame of mind, if he thinks I really like Michelle ever, at all, he’s deluded. Other commenters argue with her for a while and give up because she never listens or learns anything. I’ve stopped arguing with her a long time ago, except for the occasional insult when she really goes overboard.”
MQ says:
OH I am heart broken Vern-NOT!
YOU may not like me, but you love to try to indoctrinate me with your left wing propaganda… Like a fish you cannot catch “I am not biting”.
“Michelle, a lot of us have been talking, and you just comment too much. Your comments are too repetitive, too negative and hateful, and never funny even though you obviously think they are. You also refuse to learn anything from any discussions here.”
MQ says:
I am glad I am so controversial, with the left wing… My comments reflect the bull crap that you write, if I am repetitive it is because your propaganda is repetitive!
I have very much enjoyed taking on the left wing and the underserved and the needy!
I know the left cannot take the truth, so as to avoid hurting you’re fragile feelings any longer, I will no longer post… Unlike the activists for the hispanic cause… I get the fact that I am an Alien on the blog and I need to depart!
Cheers all MQ over and out!
HA! How long does everyone think this will last?
It goes to the credit of the blog that she was allowed SO much blathering—One must decide when enough is enough. Lively debate, fine. But that woman is an IDIOT.
Paula Was Here.
I’m disappointed. You surely know that name calling is not acceptable.
with vern, michell he does not like your comments so he is going to ban you . and as far as her comments going long and overboard . have you seen the good doctor lomellis post that go on for 10 pages . well that dont count because he agrees with you of course . HECK DONT CALL THIS SITE THE ORANGE JUICE. CALL IT THE FAR LEFT TIMES . OR STRICKLY ON THE FAR LEFT . OTHER THOUGHTS AND COMMENTS ARE NOT WELCOMED BEACUSE WE DONT AGREE WITH THEM . is what your saying . =the great liberal open mindness at work right in front of our eyes .
Great One.
I added a comment regarding the length of additions by MQ. The same yard stick should apply to any of our readers, including Dr. L. And as you surely know I am not a progressive or liberal member of this family
There is a distinction when we, the authors, may include extended reports from various sources to start the dialogue. In many case I will add the full story or source link for all to read if they choose to.
My recommendation to readers adding pages of text would be to provide your Readers Digest summary and add the link. It’s OK to post a few paragraphs but be considerate of our other readers.
These are my thoughts and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the editor or Juice founder.
MQ, are you speaking from experience when it comes to having a one on one conversation with food or with actual schizophrenia? Given some of your real nutter statements on this thread, it wouldn’t surprise me that you actually believe that you are having a real deep conversation with the Lucky Charms mascot when dining on a bowl of cereal.
I am the furthest thing from a “liberal.” It looks like anyone who disagrees with your monolithic views gets painted with that broad brush anyway. So I guess both liberals and conservatives use that proverbial brush with equal force.
1) Mexican is not a race ~ it is a nationality. 2) Hispanic is not a race ~ it is a cultural reference to people ‘from’ Hispania (Roman name for the Iberian Peninsula – today Portugal & Spain). Hispanics dominate the lands south of the U.S. due to the Spanish Empire sending their Conquistadors (mercenaries) to the New World to take whatever the indigenous peoples had and send it back to Hispania. The Hispanics accelerated the downfall of the indigenous cultures by: taking their stuff (needed to survive), interfering with local politics (divide & conquer strategy), and spreading disease. 3) Illegal alien is not a race ~ it is status level in a system of rule of law – in which they have chosen to place themselves at the bottom through their lack of repect for rule of law. Instead of choosing to put their effort towards fixing their problems in their countries, illegal aliens choose to abandon their countries for the sake of earning more money for themselves. This is a very short-term win for a greedy individual, but it is a long-term loss for their country (which needs them much more than the U.S. or Canada).
* Which country NEEDS workers? U.S. unemployment rate is about 9.7%; Mexico unemployment rate is about 5.2% (source: OECD). ~ One caveat, people that have given-up on looking for work are not counted as unemployed; therefore the real unemployment rate is higher. A good research study to investigate is Manpower’s 2010 Talent Shortage Survey.
! Cherokee man says you are all illegal aliens