News Release
(For Immediate Release)
(Orange County, Calif. May 13, 2010) Diane Lenning, a candidate for California Superintendent of Public Instruction, denied today that she has endorsed Alexandria Coronado in her bid for re-election to the Orange County Board of Education. This denial was in response to a News Release issued by David L. Boyd who is opposing Coronado in the June election.
Boyd’s campaign based the News Release on information on Coronado’s website and Facebook page. Boyd commented “We assumed that the endorsement information on Coronado’s website was true. I regret any damage to Diane’s campaign as a result of Coronado’s false claim. I believe that Diane would make an excellent Superintendent. We’re now in the process of attempting to determine if any other of her so-called endorsements are bogus.”
Coronado gained national attention last year when she said that gays should not be protected by civil rights laws. In the past she has said that she is “appalled and disgusted” by who she labels “homosexuals.”
Lenning distanced herself from Coronado’s anti-gay comments. She remarked “I would not have made such hurtful remarks. “Safe schools” is a very high priority of my campaign. California schools are number one in the nation for “bullying.” It is time to assure ALL kids learn in a safe and appropriate learning environment, with a climate allowing all our students to engage in a rigorous academic, vocational, and arts program.”
Boyd concluded “Teachers see the discrimination and bullying that anyone gay, or anyone even perceived to be gay, suffer. As a Board member I’ll work to insure that all students are protected and their civil rights respected.”
David L. Boyd (714) 850-4800 (Extension 313)
Chmielewski gets to this four days later...
How could any voter cast a ballot for this woman? Gay bashing is enough, but now she’s caught lying about her endorsements? She’s a political pariah and anyone who endorsed her or whose name she hijacked claiming an endorsement, will have it come back to haunt them in future elections.
I wasn’t sure who I was going to vote for until I found this site. Now I know without a doubt that I am to vote for Alexandria Coronado. Thank You!
Well you just go ahead and gobble a rod while you’re at it then, sugar.
Alexandria is not a gay basher. Nor does she hate gays.
She is a well respected woman with traditional values that she upholds
especially her family values.