No good judge would allow two attorneys to argue against one. It’s called bullying. Not civil. And she ain’t OJ.
I’m not a Larry fan. The public record reflects that. Go listen to the last Irvine city council meeting. I…
She is a crackpot. The Irvine DEI committee is a joke. Go listen to their meetings and her speak. And…
Larry, like you, is part of the Agran is a Visionary Genius Party. He stopped being a Democrat when he…
There are two other candidates. I read their statements and this is who I will support. Kuo is awful --…
She should have tried the facial challenge to the ordinance that I mentioned.
I wouldn't mind having his Agranista commentary here is he played it straight, as I requested. But he won't, because…
Cite me some general rule to that effect that that's a no-no. You can do what the court agrees to…
I think you know. We used to refer to him as the "morbidly obese hate-vessel," back in the Epting days,…
GLBT rights Archive
Pride Month, Trump Ties, China Treason… So Many Reasons to Vote Against Michelle Steel!
Posted on June 4, 2024 | No CommentsAnd come meet Derek Tran Sunday! -
LGBTQ rights, OC Pride, Grand Marshal Duron and Masterpiece Cakeshop!
Posted on June 12, 2018 | 13 CommentsDonovan examines recent SCOTUS decisions and other events impacting gay rights. -
Weekend Open Thread: Anaheim Raises its Rainbow Pride Flag High!
Posted on June 10, 2017 | 16 Comments. . . Quietly, yesterday morning, this went up on City Hall’s reflective front wall: And this placement of the flag, first suggested by Mark Daniels and Councilman Faessel, is […] -
Complex Anaheim, May 2017 Edition: Wincome Furniture, Rainbow Flagblocking.
Posted on May 25, 2017 | 8 Comments. . . Couple weeks ago, all I knew was Yesenia needed help, around the corner at St Anthony’s, “moving furniture for the neighborhood.” And so, of course, Donna and […] -
Weekend Open Thread: Prince in Laguna’s Boom Boom Room
Posted on April 22, 2016 | 8 Comments. . . The passing, or transition as somebody put it, of Prince brought memories of the Boom Boom Room. The people dancing at the funky synthesised music at this […] -
BAOUT! Garden Grove Mayor Bao Nguyen Comes Out as Gay at Reception for Ambassador to Vietnam
Posted on July 13, 2015 | 26 Comments. . . Garden Grove Mayor Bao Nguyen, who is expected to run for the 46th Congressional district for Congress being vacated by Loretta Sanchez, chose the occasion of the […] -
Transgender People Deserve Dignity and Respect
Posted on July 4, 2015 | 12 Comments. . . Since the lesbian, bisexual and gay male community has largely been mainstreamed into American society and is no longer a viable wedge issue for social-conservative groups, they […] -
Memorial Day Weekend Open Thread: Disney at 60, St.-to-Be Oscar Romero, Gay Irish Marriage, a Dreamer Graduates!
Posted on May 23, 2015 | 10 Comments. . . The Orange Juice Blog wishes all its readers a THOUGHTFUL Memorial Day, and drive safely out there! This is your three-day Weekend Open Thread, in which you’re […] -
Weekend Open Thread: Your Google History, and a Lesson in What Not to NOT Say to a Bigot
Posted on May 8, 2015 | 30 Comments. . . Hey, this looks great! And terrifying. Great and terrifying! I’m not sure that I should do this, because then the government might have easier access to my search […] -
Young Kim, OC GOP, and their Gay-Bashing Habit: “I Just Cain’t Quit Yew…”
Posted on October 22, 2014 | 18 Comments. . . Joe Shaw diagnoses me with outrage fatigue. If that’s what it is, I think I’ve had it for a while, a few years. I walk into my […] -
Orly Taitz: An Examination
Posted on March 31, 2014 | 42 Comments. . . The biggest surprise, interviewing Attorney General candidate and famed Rancho Santa Margarita “birther queen” Orly Taitz at her dentist office Friday, was that she spoke passionately and […] -
Viet Rainbow of OC invites you all to this year’s Tet Parade Feb 1!
Posted on January 14, 2014 | No Comments. This just came over the Lavendar Transom – the one we reserve for our Fabulous friends of the Viet Rainbow of Orange County: Dear Supporters: Viet Rainbow of Orange […] -
Viet Bigotry Melts to Manageable Size, LGBT to March in Tet Parade!
Posted on January 4, 2014 | 10 CommentsI’ll have more details as the night and tomorrow go by, but I wanted to break the news here first since I’ve written a lot about it since last year […] -
Anti-Transgender Student Referendum Petition Looks Likely to FAIL for 2014!
Posted on November 23, 2013 | 8 CommentsFrom yesterday’s edition of Scott Lay’s Around the Capitol: As the referendum against AB 1266 proceeds to random sample, proponents would need 92.1% validity to qualify the measure for the November 2014 […]
My original report was spot on.