Is Supervisor Janet Nguyen backing Democrat Joe Dovinh for the 68th A.D.?

I had heard that Supervisor Janet Nguyen was supporting Democrat Joe Dovinh for the 68th Assembly District, but now we have proof.  I passed by the Lee’s Sandwiches in Stanton, which is owned by her husband, Garden Grove Planning Commissioner Tom Bonikowski, and her Chief of Staff, Andrew Do (who is also a Garden Grove Councilman) today, and lo and behold there was a Dovinh for Assembly sign on their lawn!  (See the picture above).

Dovinh is living with Garden Grove Councilwoman Dina Nguyen, according to the Bolsavik blog.  Dina is allied with Assemblyman Van Tran, who is supposed to be at odds with Janet Nguyen.

Janet is NOT supporting her fellow Republican, Orange County Board of Education Trustee Long Pham, who is running for the 68th Assembly District as well, in the Republican primary.

I am not sure why Dovinh would want to be associated with either Janet Nguyen or her husband’s restaurant.  Click here to see the horrible record of health violations racked up by this Lee’s Sandwiches.

It should be noted that Janet and Andrew are both running for the Republican Party of Orange County’s Central Committee, in the 68th Assembly District, yet they cannot bring themselves to support Pham.

Not very appetizing…

Ironically, Janet got totally punked last night by the OC GOP Central Committee, when only eight Central Committee members voted to endorse her candidate, carpetbagger Harry Sidhu, for the 4th Supervisorial District.  Instead, the OC GOP overwhelmingly endorsed Fullerton Councilman Shawn Nelson.

About Zorro

Yes, Zorro is gay. Zorro is gay in San Francisco, black in South Africa, an Asian in Europe, a Chicano in San Ysidro, an anarchist in Spain, a Palestinian in Israel, a Mayan Indian in the streets of San Cristobal, a Jew in Germany, a Gypsy in Poland, a Mohawk in Quebec, a pacifist in Bosnia, a single woman on the Metro at 10pm, a peasant without land, a gang member in Santa Ana, an unemployed worker, an unhappy student and, of course, a good government advocate in Anaheim. Zorro is all the exploited, marginalized, oppressed minorities resisting and saying `Enough'. He or she is every minority who is now beginning to speak and every majority that must shut up and listen. He or she is every untolerated group searching for a way to speak. Everything that makes power and the good consciences of those in power uncomfortable -- this is Zorro.