Quang Pham Enrolled in NRCC’s Young Guns Program
For Immediate Release
March 3, 2010
Contact: Joe Giardiello (805) 907-5333
GARDEN GROVE, Calif. – Quang Pham, Republican candidate for California’s 47th Congressional District, announced today that he has been enrolled in the National Republican Congressional Committee’s (NRCC) Young Guns program.
Founded in the 2007-2008 election cycle by Congressmen Eric Cantor (R-VA), Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Paul Ryan (R-WI), the Young Guns Program began as a Member driven organization of House Republicans dedicated to electing open seat and challenger candidates nationwide.
“I am excited and honored that Republican leaders have recognized our campaign’s progress,” said Quang Pham. “The program will promote healthy competition and we look forward to honing our execution to defeat Loretta Sanchez next November.”
A resident of Orange County since 1990, Quang Pham is an independent businessowner, decorated Marine Corps pilot and combat veteran, author, and community leader running for Congress in California’s 47th District.
For more information, please visit: www.PhamForCongress.com.
I’ve met Quang several times and he does not impress me. The world will soon see that this “young gun” is shooting blanks!
Van is the top gun,
Actually, Van Tran had to turn in the gun that disgraced ex-Sheriff Mike Carona gave him. Now he has no gun. Maybe someone can get him a slingshot?
What a goofy foto! I thought the picture of Michael Dukakis in the tank was more impressive!
Van is the top gun,
So you Trannies are now denigrating our U.S. servicemen? Won’t that cost your chickenhawk candidate Tran votes?
Pham is looking for a way to to get P.R. to sell books. Van Tran has my vote!
Pham seeks fame,
Didn’t Tran’s wife get arrested for fraud? Maybe Tran can write a book about that?
Van Tran beware of Quang Pham’s jet blasts!
“So you Trannies are now denigrating our U.S. servicemen?”
Those who committed the massacre that took place in the hamlets of Mỹ Lai were Servicemen too!
These colors don’t run,
A lot of U.S. Servicemen died needlessly in Vietnam, protecting a country you folks couldn’t even hang on to after we left. We never should have been there in the first place.
What is done is done. I think you can be proud that Viet Americans have become so successful here in the U.S. Too bad corrupt pigs like Van Tran make you all look bad! Guys like him are the reason Vietnam fell in the first place…
Most REAL Marines I know would not Pimp themselves for Political purpose. (In fact, I believe it may be illegal for him to use photos of himself in uniform for political purposes) Pham is a classic case of Affirmative Action run amuck that sadly has even reached the United States Marine Corps. Too many GOOD men and women who wore that Marine Corp Uniform have died to allow one Rogue Marine to use his uniform as a prop.
OMG! The picture speaks a thousand words: Quang Pham is about as much a Republican as he was a jet jockey!!!
Pham was a Rotorhead in the Corps; that means he flew a helicopter – a CH-46 troop transport helicopter to be exact. Anyone who knows anything about the pilot selection process in the Marines and Navy knows the least qualified pilots get sent to fly transport helicopters.
Not to besmirch Quang Pham’s service to our Country, but try to pose as something he’s not (a real Republican and a F18 Fighter Pilot) is fraudulent and shows we cannot trust him to carry our banner forward against Loretta Sanchez. Heck, he even agrees with her decision to repeal “Don’t ask, don’t tell,” which flies directly in contrast to the Commandant of the Marine Crops professional opinion on the matter.
Van is Top Gun,
You should be ashamed of yourself. To smear someone who flew combat missions in Iraq and Somalia is disgusting. Maybe if any of the other candidates in the race had served their country they could talk about having paid their dues. Until they have been under fire, like Q, their words are meaningless.
It’s worse than most people think. Tran’s family member was busted for committing medical insurance fraud. That’s one the reasons health care costs have skyrocketed. Someone should tell the Trannies health care reform begins at home. Not that we would ever use the issue, but you can bet the Democrats will if he was the nominee.
Following his honorable service as a Marine, Q went on to found a multi-million dollar business that actually created jobs and helps control health care costs. Do you really consider that affirmative action?
“Truth” detector,
You’re saying someone who flies troops into combat and extracts them, under fire, is not in harms way? Maybe you should learn a little more about the pilot selection process. And while you’re at it learn about the aircraft the Marines fly. They do not have any “F-18s.” In fact, there is no such thing.
Van is the Ice Man overconfident, illequipped and baggage laden. Perhaps if he wanted to follow in his old bosses footsteps he should have avoided wasting taxpayer dollars and picking fights on multiple fronts with half the community.
Just like Congressman Duncan Hunter, any former member of the military may include photos from their prior military career in their campaign.
This was Quang’s life of leadership and service in the Marine Corps for many years. Any candidate should be able to display photos of their past lives whether they were a successful businessman or a successful author or just a lawyer.
Voters should be aware of Quang’s character as a pilot during Desert Storm, including evacuating wounded Marines from the front line under hostile fire, for which he was decorated.
Quang looks pretty good in a uniform! Some of you may want to support Van Tran (I have no idea why he’s kind of a part of the problem up there in Sacramento) but your distasteful rude commentary about him speaks ill only of you and whomever it is you support. At least Quang Pham doesnt go around disrespecting himself as some of you do. My support is going to Quang.
Were Tran to jump in that cockpit, I bet he would try to fly it himself it would make sense given his ego. He would probably give the thumbs up even as the jet careens of the side of the Carrier deck into murky waters.
Hmmm, could this be a metaphor for Van Tran’s hasty attempt to run for congress…guard your tax dollars folks because Van Tran wants to spend them on a new luxury home overlooking the Potomac!
“Anyone who knows anything about the pilot selection process in the Marines and Navy knows the least qualified pilots get sent to fly transport helicopters.”
To “Joe” and the Pham Spin Machine:
Truth Detector is right on target and standing next to a fixed wing aircraft can’t turn Pham into a jet pilot. He might have taken this photo at a static display at some Blue Angel’s exhibition for all we know!
The Ft. Hood massacre happened because people were afraid to shine the light on the affirmative action policies in the military today. I’d like to see more documentation of Pham’s military record before we buy his book or declare him a war hero based on the testimony of his Political Campaign manager.
Interesting campaign tactic. I wonder who in the Tran campaign thinks it’s a winning issue to attack someone’s military service. Keep it up. I guess those who have not served cannot truly understand. You are despicable and now I know I’m on the right side.
Oh, and by the way. You display your ignorance of the military when you assume there was anything resembling affirmative action in the military in the late 80s and early 90s. From personal experience I know it did not exist.
“You display your ignorance of the military when you assume there was anything resembling affirmative action in the military in the late 80s and early 90s.”
Sure Joe…Keep telling yourself that!
Sorry Tim. Those are the facts. I was there. You claim you were but no one has ever been able to confirm that.
For those curious who Pham would hire to represent him. Here is a sample of what appears to be his work.
Thanks for proving my point. Affirmative action surely infects the military today as your article points out, but it did not in the 80s and 90s. Check this out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tailhook_Association
Are you saying U-Haul does not suck? Then you have never used them.
#14 Mike McGill said, “Voters should be aware of Quang’s character as a pilot during Desert Storm, including evacuating wounded Marines from the front line under hostile fire, for which he was decorated.”
How can you evacuate wounded Marines in a FA18 jet?! ROFLMAO!!!
The first part of your post was a sad attempt to further hide the big lie in the picture: Quang Pham was a CH46 Helicopter pilot; he never flew fighter jets. To try and deceive the public in this way is disgraceful.
#12 Joe Giardiello, Marines have been flying F-18s for 3 decades now. You obviously know nothing about the Marine Corps, unless you were trying to be cutesy about not saying FA18 instead. Regardless, another sad attempt to try to cover for your client.
For supposed former military men, you two have no honor and you prove you will stoop to whatever level to make excuses and try to throw up smoke and mirrors instead of saying “We messed up, sorry.” Honorable military men don’t have to lie about their service or try to be something their not.
Semper Lie