Quang Pham Enrolled in NRCC’s Young Guns Program

Quang Pham Enrolled in NRCC’s Young Guns Program

For Immediate Release  
March 3, 2010                                                           
Contact: Joe Giardiello (805) 907-5333

GARDEN GROVE, Calif. – Quang Pham, Republican candidate for California’s 47th Congressional District, announced today that he has been enrolled in the National Republican Congressional Committee’s (NRCC) Young Guns program.

Founded in the 2007-2008 election cycle by Congressmen Eric Cantor (R-VA), Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Paul Ryan (R-WI), the Young Guns Program began as a Member driven organization of House Republicans dedicated to electing open seat and challenger candidates nationwide.  

“I am excited and honored that Republican leaders have recognized our campaign’s progress,” said Quang Pham. “The program will promote healthy competition and we look forward to honing our execution to defeat Loretta Sanchez next November.”

A resident of Orange County since 1990, Quang Pham is an independent businessowner, decorated Marine Corps pilot and combat veteran, author, and community leader running for Congress in California’s 47th District.


For more information, please visit: www.PhamForCongress.com.

About Art Pedroza