Senator Harry Reid losing to Republican opponents according to a new poll

Harry Reid Sucks

“If the election were held today, the top Senate Democrat, Harry Reid, would lose to either real estate businessman Danny Tarkanian (R) or former state GOP chairwoman Sue Lowden, a Mason-Dixon poll conducted for the Las Vegas Review-Journal found,” according to The Hill.

Wake up Democrats.  You are losing this nation.  President Obama has inexplicably focused on health care while our economy continues to tank.  His recovery plans are not working.  And he is doing nothing to reverse DOMA, or to promote another amnesty.

Think about it.  Federal approval of gay marriage would be a huge boost to the economy!  And giving the undocumented a chance to become citizens would do the same thing.  They would likely have to pay a fine of some sort, and then they would be able to open bank accounts, buy cars and houses, etc.  And pay taxes.

Obama has also failed to bring our troops home.  He has failed in almost every way and now it looks like Reid will pay the price for that failure.

Here in Orange County, the Democrats are without a clue.  They are actually bringing hated House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to speak at their Truman Awards Dinner.

The Democrats could finish off the GOP forever with a few swift moves.  Instead, they appear to be insistent on handing control of Congress back to the Republicans in the upcoming mid-term elections.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.