Jerbal openly shills for Democrat Tom Daly while dissing Lou Correa

Pity poor Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham.  Apparently his masters at Red County have locked him up in a cage and he can’t come out and play anymore.  However, that isn’t stopping him from taking shots at those of us who aren’t lining up to back John Lewis’ pet Democrat, Tom Daly for Supervisor Chris Norby’s seat.

Jerbal wrote a post today that elicited a prompt response from LIbertarian blogger Steven Greenhut, over at the O.C. Register’s Orange Punch blog.  Jerbal decided to wag his finger at those who backed Lou Correa, a Democrat, for the State Senate.

Jerbal wrote, “Although Sen. Lou Correa, despite a liberal voting record amassed during his time in the Assembly and state Senate, he has managed to acquire an admiring cheering section among OC libertarian/conservatives. It’s a curious affinity considering these self-appointed ideology cops are quick to criticize the real or perceived impurities in other people’s conservatism.”

And Greenhut replied:

Although Sen. Lou Correa, despite a liberal voting record amassed during his time in the Assembly and state Senate, he has managed to acquire an admiring cheering section among OC libertarian/conservatives. It’s a curious affinity considering these self-appointed ideology cops are quick to criticize the real or perceived impurities in other people’s conservatism.”

Translation: How dare Republicans who supported Correa in his Senate race criticize Lewis and Red County for its support (overt or tacit) of Daly. Speaking for myself (and I’m guessing that I’m one of those folks thrown into that bunch by GOP Ideology Cop Jubal): I like Lou because a) he is a nice guy; b) he is not Lynn Daucher! I harbor no illusions about his awful political ideology.

I would never have supported Correa over a stellar conservative/libertarian such as Nelson. But he was a better choice than the very liberal Republican Lynn Daucher, an eminent-domain supporter, and someone who was hosting a fund-raiser for one of the nation’s most prominent abortion activists while the principle-lacking Dick Ackerman was insisting that she offered the best hope for the Republican Party in central Orange County. Lou needed to win to send a message to the GOP. Agree with me or not, that’s a far different proposition than supporting a liberal Democrat in a race where there is serious conservative running.

Greenhut is right.  And for the record, Correa is one of the best Democrats in that he does take on his own party members.  He is a fighter and he stands up for his constituents.  Compare that to the sorry record of Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido!

But it makes NO sense for Jerbal and his pals to support Daly over Nelson.  That is just plain nuts!  It doesn’t matter how Jerbal spins it – backing Daly is ridiculous, particularly for the red-faced mob…

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.